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daily word - content?

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you content? My word teaches you to be content with what you have. Someday you may have more, but contentment is always now, in the moment. It is never looking forward and saying, I will be, when or if. It is also never looking around for comparison to what others have, for there will always be those with more. A wise king in Proverbs asked me for the food convenient for him, for either too much or too little would be less than the optimal best. Have you seen situations in your own life where more would make things worse instead of better? Ask me for this discernment to facilitate your contentment.

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daily word - lemonade

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you like lemonade? Lemons are sour. But lemonade without lemons is just sugar water. This is just one example of the many combinations of sweet and sour from the culinary world that people find appealing. What about real life? Do you expect life to be always comfortable and pleasant? But you find that life includes strenuous and trying experiences as well. My word does not regard these as abnormal. They too are part of my benevolent plan for your life. Just as lemons and sugar combine to make a refreshing drink, so the blessings and favor I bestow on you combine with your difficulties and trials to transform you into my likeness.

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daily word - gravity

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you thankful for gravity? You may not have given the matter much thought. What child has not dreamed of floating above the earth? And those who have just fallen and injured themselves are probably not grateful for the universal and inescapable effects of gravity. Yet it is gravity that holds the earth’s atmosphere and water, so without it all life would quickly cease. It is a force you have to deal with and may have occasional unpleasant consequences, but like all of my creation it is overwhelmingly good. So be thankful for the air you breathe, gravity that retains the atmosphere and keeps you from being adrift, and my presence with you which is as real as these.

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daily word - mercenary or transcendent?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you like to receive gifts? Do you like to give them as well? It is more blessed to give than to receive. In both cases do you think that no money should change hands? I have given you skills and abilities you may use to serve others. You may be paid for the performance of these things as you earn your living, or you may not. You may think of it as a gift either way. Do you look at your job as a way of giving a gift to those you serve, wait on, or provide for? If you do so it shifts your perspective of your work from mercenary necessity to transcendent service, even as I taught my disciples to serve rather than be served.

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daily word - your work

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the story of Mary and Martha? Does your mind automatically conclude that Mary is good and Martha is bad? That is incorrect. Martha was serving me, after all. It isn’t like she was idle or causing trouble. And it wasn’t for this that I gently chided her. It was when she tried to enlist my assistance to compel her sister to help her. Good works are still good and commendable. You have your own assignments, and others have theirs. No man (or woman) can serve two masters, so other people cannot serve me and you. Be content to do the work I have given you, which is not too much for you, and let others do theirs.

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daily word - clear vision

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see the world the way it is? Everyone likes to think that their perception of reality is correct. Yet you can see in other people a distortion of their view of reality. Is it possible that this same disconnect applies to you and you are unaware of it? Could you see the world the way you are rather than the way it is? Be open to this possibility. I told a story about someone with a log in his eye that he needed to remove before he could assist his brother in removing the speck from his eye. If you continue in my word you shall know the truth and have clear vision to see the world as it really is, and be free.

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daily word - hospitality

Dale Cresap's picture

I was a stranger and you took me in. When you have done it unto the least of these you have done it unto me. Do you practice hospitality? Some have entertained angels unawares. Do you realize that not all hospitality occurs in your home? How welcoming are you when you are in a group of familiar friends and someone new comes along. Put yourself in their place. You have been an outsider yourself in unfamiliar situations. You have a choice to make a newcomer feel welcome and at ease, or not. This too is an expression of hospitality. Do unto others as you would have done unto you.

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daily word - prayer budget?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you have a limited budget? Do you know anyone who doesn’t? The nature of money is that if you spend it on one thing you can’t spend it on another, so you have to make some choices with limited resources. Do you have a budget for prayer? Prayer is your means to access the resources of heaven, which are unlimited. They are available to whosoever will ask, and whatsoever you desire and ask for in  faith you shall receive. Would you spend your money differently if you had an unlimited amount? Be as diligent to spend your unlimited prayer budget.

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Daily Word - Truth?

Dale Cresap's picture

You are aware that you should not tell a lie. If you do not speak anything that is untrue, could there still be a problem? Can you live a lie without speaking one? Which of these is worse? If your manner of life is inconsistent with your beliefs and values what term would you use to describe it? If you keep secrets and no one inquires about them, is that honest or not? You are not required to tell everything to everyone. Only a fool utters all his mind. But I gave you a conscience  to direct you in the path of truth so you know when your actions are not what they should be.

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daily word - consumed?

Dale Cresap's picture

I said that unless a grain of wheat dies it abides alone, but if it dies it brings forth much fruit. I was referring to myself, but you can see that this is true of every seed. The growth of a seed is necessary for the multiplication of the plant, but the seed itself is consumed in the process. There was a unique role in this process for the redemption of humanity that only I could fulfill, but the same principle applies to my followers. And so I told them to lay down their lives and pick up their crosses and follow me. Paul understood this when he said that he died daily, and that death worked in him that life might come forth in you. Do you? Are you willing to be consumed in the process?

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