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Daily Word - Vine Ripe

Dale Cresap's picture

What is one of the most valuable traits in produce? Stores are eager to claim that their tomatoes and other vegetables and fruits are vine ripened. Gardeners will tout the same quality in the things they grow. Do you recall my statement to my followers that I am the vine and they are the branches, and I told them to abide in the vine. You may think of your maturing in the faith as being similar to ripening. You are not your own redemption project, but mine. You will not complete the good work I have begun in you, but I will. If you abide in me then you too will be vine ripened.

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Inner Healing Prayer Heals The Painful Scenes In Your Heart and Mind

Mark Virkler's picture

Inner healing is one of the most powerful prayer approaches we use. It is inviting Jesus into the scene of a painful memory, looking and then seeing Him appear on the screen inside our mind. We invite Him to move freely, tune to flow and watch the flowing pictures (vision) and receive flowing thoughts (His voice).

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Daily Word - Watch your Step

Dale Cresap's picture

Has anyone ever told you to ‘watch where you’re going’? This is an early and deeply embedded lesson, and avoiding collisions, especially while driving, is important. But this advice can work against you too. If your only focus is on getting to your destination, then you miss most of the opportunities of the journey. I taught my disciples while I was in the way with them. Do you see the importance of this as more than just getting to another place? It got them to another place in a spiritual sense that you couldn’t walk to. I have things to teach you during your journey as well. Stop and smell the roses.

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Daily Word - In School?

Dale Cresap's picture

How long did you go to school? The accepted wisdom is that education precedes life and performance, but when is it over? At about age 20? Some people stay in school beyond this, and there are mature people who return to school, but these are rare. Should you go back to school at 50 to learn things you need to know at 50 that you weren’t ready to learn at 20? But where is there a structured way to do this? In the absence of that believers should see themselves as sojourners for whom education is a permanent endeavor. If you are willing to enroll in the University of the Holy Spirit you will find that class is always in session.

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daily word - excellence

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you pursue excellence? Every area of human endeavor has those who excel, who put in the discipline and effort to be the best, whether it is athletic, artistic, intellectual, commercial or many more. You have admired displays of excellence in performance or competition and rightly observe that it took a great commitment of time to achieve at this level, but the time will pass whether you pursue excellence or not. Do you think there is such a thing as spiritual excellence? There isn’t a competition or awards banquet in this category, at least not in this world. Do you still consider spiritual excellence to be worth a lifetime of discipline and effort?

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Daily word - suffering and misery

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think of suffering and misery as the same thing? Suffering comes to all, but not all are miserable. And some people are miserable with very little suffering. I tell you to count it all joy when you encounter trials and afflictions, knowing that there is eternal value in these things. Misery is a choice, and lacking a transcendent perspective makes it easier to choose. If you can look past your unpleasant circumstances and see those things which are above, then you can have joy even in your suffering and this will be a testimony to the Kingdom of light to those around you who are in darkness.

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Daily Word - Junk Thoughts?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever eaten junk food? This is a commonly used term for food that contains calories but not much nourishment. There is an entire industry based on providing this and it is readily available. It is appealing and most people eat some although a steady diet of it is not beneficial for you. Have you ever had any junk thoughts? These too are readily available, and you have unlimited opportunities for them, but a steady diet of these is not recommended either. Thoughts can be without redemptive purpose in the same way that food can contain calories but not provide nourishment. So I invite you to think on those things that are pure and lovely. Keep me in all your thoughts.

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Daily Word - Weep

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the shortest verse in the Bible? It says that I wept. Do you find a profound truth in these two words? Do you also weep? What is it that moves you to tears?  One person will weep at the performance of a beautiful piece of music and the person next to them will be unmoved. Is the first one expressing weakness or the second one expressing indifference? You have a strong cultural bias against shedding tears, especially for men. Does this work for you or against you? Don’t let your cultural bias prevent you from experiencing and expressing the full range of human responses.

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Daily Word - Truth Telling?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you always tell the truth? Is there ever a time when you should not tell the truth? Everyone who gossips will claim that they are telling the truth. Would that that were true. But even if it is, that is no excuse for speaking the truth without love. Can you tell the truth and do so in a way that is full of redemptive purpose? Only a fool utters all his mind and you know things that are true that you should not speak. It is the glory kings to search out a matter. People want to investigate and get to the bottom of things. But it is the glory of God to conceal a matter. Which of these is the greater glory?

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daily word - truth and freedom

Dale Cresap's picture

I spoke to people about freedom and promised that those who continued in my word would know the truth and be free. My audience claimed that they had always been free. Can you lack freedom and not know it? Apparently so. Do you know people who claim to be free, who still follow predictable patterns based on habits, addictions, mindsets, or other forms of programming that interfere with real unforced choices? If such conditions existed in you are you sure you would be aware of it? My promise is still true. Note that it implies that truth and freedom are not a one-time thing, but require continuation with me.

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