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daily word - overcome

Dale Cresap's picture

The Bible commends the overcomers, so this concept is highly rated among believers. So what is to be overcome? Do you think of this as all the afflictions and hardships that come to you in life; things that you may attribute to your adversary? Do most of the obstacles and hindrances you face come from without or within? So let a man examine himself before he examines his surroundings. Isn’t it true that your own weakness, habits, and shortcomings are a bigger influence in your life than your external circumstances? If you can overcome your own internal issues than you are truly an overcomer.

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daily word - short life?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever heard it said that life is too short? This is usually said in the context of some activity or mindset, like being bitter or holding grudges. I have given you enough time to do all that I expect of you, but you need to stay focused on it to get it done in the allotted time. Some activities are of no value and others are detrimental to progress. I told my disciples that my time had not yet come, but theirs was always ready. Do you see your life as a sequence of choices? If you choose the best thing available to you every moment the cumulative effect will give you an abundant life.

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daily word- leader?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think of yourself as a leader? Assigned leadership positions are generally obvious in government, the military, commerce, and even in the church. But not all leadership is provided by those with titles and offices, and everyone provides leadership in some way even if they don’t have people reporting to them. As my servant you have areas of responsibility and you do well to take them seriously. A Centurion understood authority not because he had authority over others but because he was under authority himself. Everyone is under my authority, but I have delegated authority to you in the tasks I have assigned to you.

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daily word - stacked deck

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the concept of playing with a stacked deck? The assumption in a card game is that the cards are dealt in a random order. Arranging the cards in advance violates this principle. Can you extend this principle to life? Do you see the events of the universe and the circumstances that affect your life as basically random, or ordered by divine intent? As with the cards, it may be hard to say from a single hand or event. But if things consistently fall in your favor does it become harder to attribute them to random activity? I stack the deck for everyone. Blessed are those who know this.

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daily word - your cross

Dale Cresap's picture

Does it disturb you to read in my word that you are called to pick up your cross and carry it? I had my own to carry, and my cross was unique in relation to the one you are asked to carry, but as you may recall from the story, even I had help in carrying my cross. How much more will you receive all the assistance you need in this difficult task. The purpose of your cross is not to burden or oppress you. It is to remind you of your destiny for you too will be resurrected. And the assistance that you get in carrying your cross is to remind you that you are not independent or sufficient in yourself.

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Rivers of Living Water Flow Healing, Lifting and Nourishing Journaling by Mary Goebel

Mark Virkler's picture

If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water. But this He spoke concerning the Spirit (Jn. 7:37-39).

This blessing (of having rivers of living water flowing from our bellies) flows as one simply believes on Christ. The belief opens up the flow. Just as we eat food and that food is “dispersed” through nutritious rivers of blood, when we “eat” and partake of Christ, rivers of light flow out of us to heal, lift, and nourish. This river of life also heals those around us. The source is Jesus Christ.

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daily word - church?

Dale Cresap's picture

How do you evaluate your fellow believers? Is church attendance the primary standard? You are not to forsake the assembling of yourselves together, and my church is correctly referred to as my body. These things are made clear in the epistles. But other things are given more emphasis in the gospels. The message of loving your neighbor is emphasized throughout the Bible. Church attendance is highly regarded by those who attend church, but loving your neighbor is highly regarded by everyone. Church attendance is important. If you go there and learn to love your neighbor that is even more important.

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daily word- new thinking

Dale Cresap's picture

My disciples objected when I wanted to wash their feet. I told them that if we did it now they would understand it later. Have you ever done things intuitively that you didn’t understand conceptually until later? The paradigm of your age is rationalism, by which you figure everything out before you act. You have done this, but you have also seen how it doesn’t always work. Do you think yourself into a new way of living? Who has ever done this successfully? But if you follow me in obedience, even with regard to things you don’t yet understand, you can live yourself into a new way of thinking.

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Daily Word - "the System"

Dale Cresap's picture

The Bible uses the term ‘the world’ to mean several different things. It means the creation, that was declared to be good. But when the Bible tells you to be in the world but not of the world, it is referring to something else. The modern term that captures this concept of the world could as well be expressed as ‘the system’. Have you ever heard this term used to describe the activities you see around you and the way of thinking that gives rise to them? But you have the mind of Christ to have a new way of thinking so you can be in the world but not of the system, but rather of the Kingdom of God.

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