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daily word - need and fear

Dale Cresap's picture

Are your fears in conflict with your needs? You need to grow and be transformed. This will take you into places you have not been before, so there is an element of the unknown in moving forward. If your fears hold you back from doing this you will remain in a stunted condition. Growth takes place gradually, so it may not be obvious in a momentary observation, but becomes clear over time. In like manner the deadly effects of fear may not be obvious in the moment, but they are real and cumulative just the same. If you understand this set your fears aside and move in faith toward the unknown future I have prepared for you.

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daily word - favor for all?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you asked me for my favor and blessing in your life? Can you see how you have received these things in abundance? Do you think that this gives you an unfair advantage over everyone else? You don’t need to feel guilty about this. I bestow favor and blessing over everyone else too. For I send sun and rain on just and on the unjust alike. I open my hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing. Take a minute to think about that. So what advantage do you have? Blessed are those who walk in the light, and see and know that the blessings they have are from me, and walk in humility and gratitude for them.  

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daily word - learning

Dale Cresap's picture

How confident are you in discerning someone’s educational background by their manner of speech and topics of conversation? Yet you have encountered people with academic credentials who are dull and narrow-minded, and also those without credentials who have put forth the effort to inform themselves and maintain an attitude of engagement and inquisitive curiosity. The learned men of the day marveled at my disciples who proclaimed my Kingdom with eloquent boldness, because they were unlearned men, and they took note that they had been with me. Education is more readily available now than it was then, but my presence is available to all, and will give you transformative insights that no school can offer.

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daily word - corrected vision?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you have corrected vision? There are several methods available to accomplish this today, including glasses and contact lenses. These are designed to be comfortable and those who use them wear them all day without much thought. It is only when you take them off that you are aware that your normal vision is not clear. If you wear someone else’s glasses, with the wrong lenses for you, it will make your vision worse instead of better. The lenses you look through will affect the way you see the world, and this is true in the spiritual as well as the physical world. Are you wearing the right spiritual glasses for you? Do they make your vision better or worse?

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daily word - balanced love

Dale Cresap's picture

What is the greatest commandment? Isn’t it to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength? Is it possible to do all these things at once? Do you find that most people have greater ability in one area than another, such as a greater emphasis on head or heart? Do you expect to find intellectual rigor and intense warmth in the same person? Yet this commandment implies that it is possible. Do you see yourself as stronger in one of these areas than the other? They are all valuable, and can work together in balance in my transformative work in your life. Be open to my leading you in this direction.

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daily word - holier than thou?

Dale Cresap's picture

As you move on in your spiritual development, do you become more accepting of those at lower levels, or less? Do you prefer to associate with those at the same level of development as yourself? This is understandable human nature, but your progress should not become a reason for division between you and your brother. ‘Holier than thou’ is understood as an expression of spiritual arrogance by believer an unbeliever alike. Let your spiritual advancement be seen in your humility. Your progress gives you a greater rather than lesser burden of grace toward your younger brothers.

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daily word - different sins?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you find it hard to forgive those who sin in different ways than you do? The theological view of sin is that any of any type is too much, but do you see so much going on around you that you pick and choose and create a hierarchy? Some people are bound in habits and addictions that hold no appeal for others. Count yourself fortunate if you are one of the latter, but do you have other issues of your own? Consider the prayer that I used as a bad example, of the man who prayed thus with himself, that he was not a sinner like other men. Look at those who sin in different ways than you do and think of things you have in common.

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daily word - visible light?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you take doctrine seriously? Will the people you meet want to become Christians because your doctrine is correct or because they see something in you that they want? If they are in darkness then you can’t expect them to care about doctrine even if you think it is important. But if your doctrines and beliefs are  true it should have a visible effect in your life. Others can see this even if they can’t see the underlying cause, and this will show through even though you have faults and problems. So I instruct you to let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify me.

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daily word - testing?

Dale Cresap's picture

Did you enjoy the tests you took in school? Even if you are no longer in school can you see that the concept of tests still applies to your life? Christians often refer to them as trials. Is this something you fear and dread, and avoid when you can, as an examination that you never seem to pass? Yet good students and teachers alike know that tests are not just an examination to find out what you know, but a learning experience in themselves. In like manner mature Christians know that their tests are not just to find out what they are made of, but to change and improve it. Even if you feel you are not passing your tests they are equipping you to pass future tests.

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daily word - fiction?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you like to read fiction or non-fiction? There are valid arguments for both choices, but what is you objective from choosing either? Are you looking for truth to take home with you? I promised that you would know the truth if you continued in my word and that knowing the truth would make you free. Always look for transferrable truth that speaks to you. Would non-fiction seem to have an advantage here? Yet you can find truth in fiction and it is not always present in non-fiction. Anything that doesn’t challenge or expand your current views is not causing you to grow, but you have my promise that if you seek the truth you will find it.

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