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Jesus Heals the Lies - Journaling by Mike Bastien

Mark Virkler's picture

As Mike worked through the training on Hearing God's Voice, the Lord's words and visions that came through two-way journaling eradicated three big lies he had believed all his life.

Jesus, I sit before you this morning, so excited about this journey and yet scared at what I might face or what may come out of my heart. I am so tired of this cycle and living so small. I want to live big. I want to walk with you and know you so intimately that I will wake up a new man. I will look at the years past and be unbelievably thrilled at the newness of life, the bouncing freedom that I now walk in. This is what I see. This is what I envision for the rest of my life. As you spoke to me years ago, that my life consists of 5 chapters... and that my life will end in grace.


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daily word - my friends

Dale Cresap's picture

How do you describe your faith? Have you found that every Christian tradition describes it as a relationship with me? This is true, but can you find the word ‘relationship’ in the Bible? The same concept is there as friendship, and this is a better term because it means a positive relationship that is mutual and intentional. I established this when I told my followers that I called them no longer servants but friends. They called me Lord and they were right so this friendship is not the typical one of complete symmetry but it is still the only concept that works.

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daily word - solitude?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think all your spiritual experiences will occur in church? Your fellowship with your fellow believers is a rich and essential part of your faith. Yet there are other experiences that contribute as well. Do you recall my wilderness experience? Do you recall that I was led there by the Spirit? This was not a rejection of human fellowship but it was important for me to spend some time alone. There may be some times when this is necessary  for you too. In some faith traditions this is a common practice.

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daily word - aroma?

Dale Cresap's picture

You live in a world of scented products, even those which are sold as unscented. Smell is a primal sense that affects you whether you are aware of it or not, and people react strongly to certain smells. Good hygiene minimizes the scent of a person, and it can also be artificially imparted by perfume. There is a spiritual parallel here and you know people that have a pleasant spiritual aroma and those who do not. If you need a shower you can obtain one easily, but your spiritual aroma is more difficult to change.

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daily word - love commission

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the Great Commission? I commanded my followers to preach the good news of the gospel message to every creature. You refer to this work as evangelism. What aspect of it do you think is most important? Do you place the most emphasis on apologetics? On having your doctrine correct? How important do you think this is to those you encounter? Is that their primary concern? The people you meet are lost in darkness and starved for love. This is something you can give them right now, and will draw them to me.

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daily word - guard liberty

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you heard of elections referred to as one man, one vote, one time? The implication is that a people who had obtained enough liberty to hold a free election voted to elect someone who would take that liberty away. Does it amaze you that people would discard something so hard to obtain? My word teaches you to stand fast in the liberty in which I have made you free, be not entangled again in the yoke of bondage. People choose their bondages freely which is similar to voting for a tyrant, and neither one makes any sense.

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daily word - secure identity?

Dale Cresap's picture

How strong is your identity? Have you noticed people who must prove themselves right in all their choices, starting with their church and political opinions, and even down to their tastes and preferences? This may seem like a strong identity, but if you craft it for yourself it will inevitably be weak, and therefore need a strong defense. Have you encountered other people who don’t feel the need to prove themselves right? Don’t they seem to be more secure and stable in their identity? If you know that you are held in the palm of my hand you can relax.

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daily word - pure words

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you care about the purity of the food you eat? Are you as diligent about the purity of the things you say? For you use the same mouth for both purposes. My word says that the same fountain does not bring forth both fresh and bitter water. This was said in reference to a mouth that brings forth both blessing and cursing. In reference to dietary laws I said that it is not what goes into a man that defiles him, for that passes through him, but it is what comes out of his mouth that defiles him. You can consider this principle in a positive light.

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I See the Beauty in the Beast - My TOUCH Heals and Transforms

Mark Virkler's picture

As I turned from being focused on theology to being focused on story, I soon recognized that the heart of the story is God touching our lives. In the Garden of Eden, He touched by walking with Adam and Eve in the Garden in the cool of the day. When Jesus taught, He touched by laying on hands and healing as He ministered in the streets. In revivalist healing crusades, it is the touch of the Holy Spirit that draws the soul to Christ and heals and transforms the body. So it is time for me to add to any theologically-focused teaching the opportunity for people to encounter Jesus directly by being touched by Him.

Is that not what the Toronto blessing is all about – being touched by the Holy Spirit? Is this not what Kathryn Kuhlman's and Oral Robert's healing services were all about? Is the same not true concerning John Wimber's, Bill Johnson's, Billy Graham's and Reinhard Bonnke's meetings, along with so many others which I could mention?

It is time we change our focus from studies about God to encounters with God! We do this by walking and living by the Spirit (Galatians 5:25). This provides continuous ongoing encounter with our Heavenly Father. Not thinking about Him, but encountering Him. Remember, this is the COMMANDED LIFESTYLE, to live and walk by the Spirit. This is the way we are to live. This is the heavenly design. All else is a dead work (Hebrews 6:1,2).

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daily word - swear not

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever made a declaration about something you would never do? Did you think of this as an oath or a vow? These things can be made inwardly even if they are not spoken aloud. Do you have confidence in your perfect control of your future actions? Peter swore that he would never deny me, and shortly thereafter denied me with an oath repeatedly. It is better not to make an oath or vow, as I taught my followers, swear not at all. This frees you from making promises that you can’t keep, and opens the door to a broader future lived in the awareness of continual dependence on me.

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