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daily word - popular demand?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you have a job to do in my Kingdom? This doesn’t necessarily mean that you have a title and office in a church. I have a job for everyone. Are you waiting for popular demand to recruit you into this position? Who wouldn’t prefer this method of calling? You know that self-promotion is wrong, but don’t expect to wait until a groundswell of public opinion recruits you to serve me. In that case would you be serving me or them? You can only serve one master. The prophets of old were faithful in serving me even though answering my call made them unpopular.

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daily word - true or false?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you seen people who live their lives and present themselves in a way that seems false and inauthentic? Sometimes this is called wearing a mask. Do you assume that people who do this are scheming and deceptive? This may be too harsh a judgment. They may be so alienated from their true self that they do it unintentionally and unaware. It is more gracious to others not to impute evil intent to them if you don’t have to. What should you learn from this?

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daily word - accountable?

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you in a position of accountability? Do you see this as a control structure imposed from without, by some authority figure you are accountable to? That is one expression of this concept, but it should start before that at an individual level, being accountable to yourself. Are you honest with yourself? Can you see yourself clearly enough to know what your weaknesses are, and know which of these are beyond your ability to deal with yourself, and seek the help you need to overcome them? Does it seem too easy to think of accountability as starting internally?

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daily word - inside/out?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see yourself as an insider or an outsider? How do you see me? Structures of power emerge in any culture, and these can be political, religious, financial, and others. Those who belong to the structures and reap the benefits thereof are insiders. Have you noticed that insiders will fiercely defend the organizations they gain from? But they are unable to address structural problems and injustices in the system. I was an outsider to the religious establishment of my own generation, and that is where my opposition came from. Are you an insider in the religious organization of your time?

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daily word - prisoners of war?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see certain people as your enemies? You encounter those who are openly opposed to all that you believe in. There are several ways to view this situation. One is to think of them as your enemies. In this case you should love them as I commanded you to love your enemies. Another way to view this is that you have one adversary who is not flesh and blood and that these people are his captives. Do you see yourself in a battle against evil? In this case the prisoners of war held by your enemy are normally friendly forces.

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daily word - being right

Dale Cresap's picture

How important is it to you to be right? How do you describe your faith? Would you say it is a relationship with me? So is it more important to be correct or to be connected? Do you see truth as a series of abstract propositional assertions, or do you see it as a living person? My revelation has been progressive and some who were commended in the Bible as heroes of faith held doctrinal positions you would not affirm today. I accepted them in spite of this because of the way they pressed in with what they knew and would not be denied. I will do the same for you.

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daily word - smart?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you find that intelligence is highly rated in your culture? Everyone wants to be smart, and you have seen those who are not pretend that they are. Do you realize that there is something more important than intelligence? Asking the right questions is more important than being clever. You won’t get the right answers by asking the wrong questions no matter how smart you are. What if you pursue the right questions but have limited cognitive ability? Do not be discouraged. You have my promise that if you seek you will find.

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daily word - blessed mourning?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you recall my statement that those who mourn are blessed? Does this seem obvious to you? Have you ever mourned and considered it to be a blessed experience? You have the promise that you will be comforted, and you do not grieve as those who have no hope, but does that help in the moment of mourning? The promise is written in future tense to those who shall be comforted, but have you found that you have to wait for this?

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daily word - encounter

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see the benefits of having a direct encounter with me? In the beginning, before there was an organized church, this was the only way to experience me. Do you assume that this is no longer available since there is now a church? But this is not a valid assumption. Is it the longing of your heart to encounter me yourself? Have you found that this is not something you can arrange or stage yourself? You are in my hands but I am not in yours. Do not be discouraged.

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