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daily word - safe?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you heard that the safest place in the world is in my will? If you are to accept this proposition, you may have to rethink your definition of safety. Consider how many people have paid the ultimate price and lost their lives because they were obedient to me. You remember them and honor them as martyrs. How strong is your desire to live a life of destiny, full of meaning and purpose? Is this greater than your fear of death? For there are values even higher than safety, and you will die whether you lead a meaningful life or not.

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T. D. Jakes Explains Racial Issues in a Way I've Never Heard Them

Mark Virkler's picture

For many of us, it is time to listen to a Spirit-led leader in the black community express his thoughts about the racial tension that has erupted around us. We need to hear what the concerns are so we can be active participants in promoting a solution. It is impossible for us to be part of the solution if we have not first listened.

He who gives an answer before he hears, it is folly and shame to him. (Prov. 18:13 NASB)

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daily word - what do you see?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you know believers who can see the devil in everything? The can see evil influence in politics and popular culture, in art and fashion and science and education. Could they be right? You do have an adversary who walks about seeking whom he may devour. Can you see me in everything? There is a doctrinal and theological basis for believing that every time you open your eyes you see something I made, and my presence is in every person. Do you recall the servant whose eyes were opened to see that those who were for us were more than those who were against us? This is still true.

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daily word - prepare the way

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the idea of advance publicity? Big events are typically preceded by a marketing campaign to generate interest. I had one of my own. Do you recall the mission of John the Baptist? He came before me to prepare the way for me. I could hardly have picked a more unlikely character. John was the consummate outsider, in location, in manner of dress, and in diet. Yet I said that there was none greater born among women, and that was a strong statement coming from me. Do you think this was a one-time task? It was not.

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daily word - good value

Dale Cresap's picture

Does quality matter to you? Do you expect to have to pay more for goods of higher quality? Have you noticed that some books are full of transcendent truth, and others are much less so? Yet they all cost about the same. So if value is quality relative to cost, you can choose higher value without having to pay a higher cost. The best of all that has been recorded in human history is available to you for a modest amount. The same argument applies to music and many other areas of life.

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daily word - first impression?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you find it easy to judge people by their appearance? Are you quick to form judgments about people you encounter that you have never met before? But what can you know on the basis of a first glance? The only things you can really know are those things that are inherent in every person. They are made in my image. They have an inner longing to find their identity, to find authenticity and self-transcendence. They want to belong, and to have a sense of meaning and purpose in their lives.

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daily word - hired help?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you hire skilled workers to do things for you that you don’t have the skills to do yourself? This could include anything from mechanics to construction workers to medical practitioners. Do you support your pastor? Do you see this the same way, hiring an expert to do something for you that you aren’t able to do for yourself? They watch for your souls, but this is not an appropriate metaphor. You should pay your pastor, but not to hire him to be spiritual in your stead. No one else can live your spiritual life for you, including your pastor. That is your privilege alone to fulfill.

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In My Passion to Live by the Spirit, I Looked Up ALL 1400 Verses on Heart and Spirit

Mark Virkler's picture

When I want to master a topic, I begin by looking up everything God has said about that subject in the Bible. I pray over these Scriptures, asking for revelation, and then journal out the insights God is giving me. I recommend this approach to all. This way, you are not receiving information that has been passed down for hundreds of years. You are not getting man’s ideas. You are receiving directly from God as you meditate on His Word under the illumination of the Holy Spirit.

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daily word - trust people?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever heard anyone say, I will only trust in God and believe in God; I will never trust or believe in people? Does this sound more righteous, or self-righteous, or bitter to you? There is a sense in which it is appropriate to trust and believe in me alone; people will disappoint you. Yet you cannot fulfill my destiny for you if you remain in suspicious isolation. You cannot form the human connections you need to be a part of my body or to engage in a cause greater than yourself if you refuse to trust people. You are well aware of the risks of believing in and trusting people.

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daily word - spiritual rigor

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you appreciate and follow a path of rigor in intellectual things? This would include rules for evidence, unbiased and free investigation, and letting conclusions flow from facts and reasoning rather than starting from conclusions and trying to force fit facts. Do you follow a path of rigor in spiritual things? This would include the same rules listed above if you are to live a reasonable faith. Does it include anything else? The conclusions you reach in your spiritual search have implications for the way you should live your life.

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