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daily word - show mercy

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you find it easier to judge in the abstract than it is to judge people you know? If you hear a reliable account about the conduct of some stranger is it easy to conclude  they are guilty? What about people you know? Does your familiarity with them and their situation make you hesitant to offer judgment, since you know of their difficulties and extenuating circumstances? King David was eager to stand in judgment of a stranger until he realized that he was  the man. Are you familiar with how merciful, accepting, and forgiving I am? I know everyone better than they know themselves.

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daily word - vote with your feet

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you vote? You are fortunate if you live in a country where you have a voice in selecting your leaders, but even with regular election cycles this occurs at infrequent intervals. You ‘vote’ every day with the money you spend, but you vote with your feet constantly. Presence matters, and you can’t do the right thing if you are in the wrong place. Life presents you with a continual sequence of opportunities to choose your location. The importance of making good choices in this regard is implied in my invitation to follow me. I will provide the guidance if you are willing to go.

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daily word - love your enemies

Dale Cresap's picture

I told you to love your enemies. Do you find this to be the most difficult commandment of all? Even if you can get past your natural aversion at doing this, how do you go about it? You could pray for them; a prayer of loving and blessing and favor rather than judgment. For those who hurt you is your first response to hurt them back or to try to understand their situation? Is there anything you can do that is more concrete and visible? I address this question by teaching you to turn the other cheek, and to be kind to those who despitefully use you.

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Understanding and Responding to Racial Tension

Mark Virkler's picture

I have ministered in black churches, and attended a church that was predominantly black, and I have a black son-in-law. We have black faculty and students in our university. I have never experienced a problem in any of these relationships, so it has been hard for me to understand the level of intensity we see sweeping our nation.

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daily word - time value

Dale Cresap's picture

How do you value your time? Most people are keenly aware of their pay scale while they work at a job, whether it is in an hourly wage or some other means of compensation. Yet if someone has a hobby such as woodworking, they tend to describe their projects in terms of cost of materials and say that it doesn’t include the value of their time. So if they are doing something they love it isn’t enough of a burden for them to make the value of their time a part of the equation. Doesn’t everyone have the same number of hours in a day and the same basic needs to fulfill?

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daily word - comfort?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you have a comfort zone? Is it big enough for your life or would your life be better if your comfort zone was larger? How can you enlarge it? Do you avoid anything that makes you uncomfortable? That is an understandable reaction, but it works against your growth and enlargement. If you never push yourself to try something you are uncomfortable with you will never enlarge your comfort zone to be big enough for your life. Can you see that if being comfortable all the time is your top value it leads to a diminished life?

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Vibrant Immune Systems in the Midst of Coronavirus + What Really Are the Numbers?

Mark Virkler's picture

May I provide you with a lot of exciting statistics about the coronavirus? Click here for an EXCELLENT review of the data with a decidedly reassuring spin which I REALLY encourage you to read. It WILL calm your heart. It is a full article, written by a retired Data & Analytics Leader who managed modeling teams at the highest level for He also has a passion for medicine, and has built FDA programs. His research and conclusions should remove all fear.

In the chart below you will see that the death rate in the USA from Covid-19 is plunging, and is currently down 72% off its peak.

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daily word - privilege?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you resent it when you see the advantages that other people have? Do you think that they resent yours? Are you aware of the ways in which you are privileged? It is easier to see advantages when they belong to other people, and to think of your own as normal. Another way to express this is taking them for granted. But your advantages are gifts from me. Does this put you in a position to be ungrateful for your blessings? Ask me to open your eyes and reveal them to you. Blessed are those who know that they have obtained my favor, for they shall live lives of gratitude.

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daily word - choose your battles

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you push back against everything you consider to be false, or do you pick your battles? There is an understandable impulse to respond to every false expression, but you may encounter too many to refute. Consider the example of my own life. I faced false accusations that I challenged, such as the time that I was accused of being demon possessed. But when I was on trial for my life I remained silent in the face of false witnesses. Statements by those who are wrong do not compel you to answer. You can choose a receptive time to speak the truth, and be proactive rather than reactive.

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daily word - my table

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the passage of scripture that is normally read at the time of communion, so let a man examine himself, lest he partake in an unworthy manner? Have you ever abstained from communion on this basis? This was not my intent. The call to examine yourself is not an occasion for judgment and condemnation, but of review and reckoning. Note that the passage does not call you to abstain, but to examine. If you find issues to resolve do so on the spot. It is beneficial if this process brings you to an awareness of the magnitude of my grace in your life.

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