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daily word - strangers?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever been a stranger in a strange land? Have you visited a country where the language and customs and culture were different? How do people feel when they visit your church? For in some churches there is a sense of alternate reality that only applies in that location and to those who belong. Even if you can move seamlessly between church culture and the culture at large those who are only familiar with one will feel out of place in the other. Who should assume the burden of bridging the gap and making feel welcome? Obviously this falls on those within.

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daily word - gifts

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you like getting gifts in the mail? But isn’t it better to spend time in person with the people who would send you gifts, even if they arrive in person without bringing a gift other than their own presence? This would indicate that you are more relational than materialistic. What about gifts from me? Do you see the sun and the rain as gifts from me, that I send on the just and on the unjust alike? This could be extended to all provision. In continuing the parallel to gifts and presence above, do you see a difference between my gifts and presence?

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New Book by Dr. Raynold Milfort - Anointed Discipleship

Mark Virkler's picture

I have waited for this book to be written for many years. One statement I love in this book, which also expresses the main theme of the book, is that "to fulfill the Lord’s commission to disciple nations, people have to see wonders, miracles, deliverance, healings and even experience the resurrection of the dead through the power of the Holy Spirit.”

This is the form of ministry and evangelism Jesus practiced. Jesus ministered a compassionate, loving, healing touch to all He encountered. The Church today must do the same. This book will help you minister and evangelize in the same manner as Jesus.

Dr. Raynold Milfort has received his doctorate from Christian Leadership University. I was proud to write the above endorsement for his book, Anointed Discipleship. THIS is what will fulfill the Great Commission.

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daily word - moderate faith

Dale Cresap's picture

When you hear of someone who is moderate in his faith, what do you think? Do you consider this to be the description of someone who is weak in faith and lax in behavior and observance, in contrast to a fervent and flaming zealot? But the Bible commends moderation. Can you be moderate in your temperament and demeanor and still be devout in your belief and practice? Perhaps this is a good thing, especially if you contrast it with extremism. Can you be extreme in your demonstration of love for the least of these, and moderate in your own appetites, habits, and conduct?

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daily word - care for all?

Dale Cresap's picture

You are familiar with the general commandments for all believers to love everyone and to declare the good news of the Kingdom to every creature. Which of these do you find to be more difficult? Do you find it hard to care about people, particularly when they don’t care about you? At least you understand what I expect. I mentioned those who have their reward, who get something in exchange for what they give. This is the transaction model that is so familiar to those who live in a world of commerce.

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daily word - follow me

Dale Cresap's picture

What did I ask of those who responded to my message? All I asked is that they follow me, and this is still true. Yet I told the rich young ruler to sell all that he had and give the money to the poor, and then to follow me. Was I placing a burden on him that I didn’t expect of others? I could see that his possessions were an existing burden that he could not bear and follow me at the same time. So following me may require a realignment of your perspective and values, and of your situation. This requirement was not general, but specific for him.

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I Really Want to be Part of a Small Group that Is ANOINTED and LIFE-GIVING!

Mark Virkler's picture

When I began pastoring in the late 1970’s, we created small groups which met weekly for sharing, Bible study, prayer for personal needs, and fellowship. Everyone completed the assigned study during the week, and came to the meetings prepared to share what God had revealed to them during their meditation upon Scripture. We worked our way “Through the Bible” with a 2-year program. Years later, people have commented that this was the place they received their grounding in Scripture.

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daily word - scapegoat?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you remember the story of the scapegoat from the Old Testament? The sins of the people were pronounced upon a goat and it was driven away. You may point out that this practice has been done away with in the Christian faith, according to your understanding of redemption and atonement theology, but the word has still entered common vocabulary. Do you think this is no longer practiced? What about churches that pronounce all the evils of society upon atheists, Muslims, gays, or even those of different political opinions and ‘drive them away’ as those who are completely outside their group?

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daily word - time or money?

Dale Cresap's picture

Which is more important to you, time or money? When you go to church do they ever have a stewardship program for time? Yet I regard your time more highly than your money. Money can be abstract and applied at a distance, even for good causes, but time is immediate and present. When you give of your time it is more personal than giving of your money, and it is an equalizer for which there are no rich or poor. How you spend your money is an expression of your character, but so is the way you spend your time. I alluded to this when I told my disciples that their time was always ready.

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daily word - joyful

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you joyful? Is this obvious to people around you? Children don’t have to be taught to express their joy. You can read it on their faces quite easily. In many cultures and churches the same expressions are discouraged in adults. Do you belong to one of these? Does this suppression enhance or diminish your life? Do you find the expression of joy by other people to be uplifting or embarrassing? Your response to this may make you self-conscious about expressing it yourself. Self-consciousness and suppression do not serve you well. Find a way that you can make a joyful noise to me!

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