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daily word - dogma?

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you dogmatic? Do you know people who are? Have you found that people who are dogmatic over theology or ideology or politics tend to be angry and depressed? If it is important to you to defend the faith in this way then then that is the price to pay, but is it necessary? Consider the example of my own life. Would you say that I was dogmatic? Think of healing on the Sabbath, keeping company with sinners, accepting outsiders. Didn’t I put people ahead of doctrine, and accept those who acted in faith and love even if I could have emphasized errors in their beliefs?

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daily word - tribe?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you belong to a tribe? This term has a connotation of primitive simplicity, but the basic human need for belonging to a group has always existed and is just as strong today. Don’t you seek out the regular company of those who are like-minded to you? Church is one version of this. How many congregations cut across the lines of income, cultural background, and political ideology? What was my tribe? Didn’t I depart from the structure in which I was raised and speak directly to the common people? Can you see that I put a special emphasis on the outsider, the weak and powerless?

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Which Focus: Rapture Me Out of This Hellhole or Anoint Me to Disciple All Nations?

Mark Virkler's picture

Our nation and world are reeling in deception and darkness. Lies are all around us: corrupt elections, corrupt politicians, corrupt news media, corrupt public education, a corrupt CDC, corrupt Supreme Court and governors, corrupt pastors who preach an unanointed church with no power to transform society and a powerful satan who will destroy society. Other atrocities include child sex trafficking, sexual perversion, drugs, hopelessness and pandemic fear. So is this the end? Should I despair? Absolutely NOT!!!

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Miracles Occur When COMPLETELY Aligned with Rhema and Vision from God

Mark Virkler's picture

How miracles occur – Faith which casts mountains into the sea and brings forth a child at 100 years of age is conceived by a rhema and vision from God, which when incubated through pondering, speaking and acting, births a miracle in the fullness of time.

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daily word - time

Dale Cresap's picture

How do you perceive the passage of time? Have you heard that time flies when you are having fun? Have you found this to be true? Have you found that a lack of engagement causes time to drag on? Time is the most precious gift you have because it is the stuff life is made of and you want to use it wisely rather than having it be a burden to you. Don’t kill time, put it to good use. When you do so it will seem to disappear quickly, but this just means you have fully spent it well.

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daily word - change your mind

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever changed your mind? Do you see the ambiguity in this question? It could mean that you have used your existing mind to reach a different opinion on some question, but it could also mean that you have acquired a new mind, which is a much more substantial change. My word refers to putting on the mind of Christ, and to being transformed by the renewing of your mind. These are big changes. Have you experienced them? How would you know? Do you live with a conscious awareness that your view of reality has undergone a radical shift and there is no going back?

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daily word - new friends?

Dale Cresap's picture

If you have a passionate desire for a change in life direction and your friends all advise against it, should you deny your passion or get new friends? You should not lightly disregard wise counsel, for there is safety in a consensus, but not all people are capable of giving wise counsel, and the final choice is yours. Do you live with the assumption that the same friends will always be a part of your life? But if your life changes direction then it is appropriate to change the company you keep.

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God’s Love Is the Source of True Life by Don Paprocky

Mark Virkler's picture

God’s infinite love for us is the source of true living, and without it we are living an incomplete life – really only just existing. That is why pursuing God‘s love with all of our heart is the most worthy endeavor, because then we will find life to the fullest - the abundant life Jesus came for us to have. Through communion with God, we can fill our deepest need to be perfectly loved through intimacy with our Creator, who knows our deepest secrets, yet is still forever crazy about us!

Psalm 63:3 says, “Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you.”

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daily word - home-made honor

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you prefer things that are mass produced and sold in stores, or things that are home-made? There are valid arguments for both. Do you receive an adequate amount of honor? Are you recognized and appreciated for the things you do? Does anyone think they get too much of this? Yet it comes with a price. Those who admire you hold influence over you, for you will seek to please them, and they will affect your direction. But honor is something you can create for yourself, by your own character and conduct, whether or not anyone else approves or even notices.

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