My Confession of Who I Am in Christ
I am loved! God loves me so much that even when I was a sinner, He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for me. The blood of Christ cleanses me and makes me just as if I had never sinned. God loves me in the midst of my imperfections and weakness. Therefore I come into agreement with my Father's view of myself, and I say, "I love myself, fully, totally, unconditionally; regardless of how well I perform. I am God's child. I am precious. I am precious enough that God sent Jesus to die on a cross for me! Amazing love! Amazing grace! I stand forgiven, cleansed, restored, healed and decked out in His beauty! I am amazing! I am beautiful. Thank you, Lord, for this wonderful grace that pours down upon me! I receive it. I say yes to it. I come into agreement with it. I am amazing. Thank you, Lord!"