No Longer Thirsty Since I Received the Gift of Speaking In Tongues Testimony by Anna Gibson

Mark Virkler's picture

At the age of 6, my dad introduced me to a prayer that if I prayed it, he claimed I would then be a Christian. I wanted Jesus in my heart. I constantly lived to please Him, but after this prayer, I expected to be perfect. No more spankings, no more corners. But instead, I felt worse. I struggled more everyday and I didn't understand. My parents didn't explain.

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Heart Prayers: Seven Elements Which Compose The Language of Our Hearts

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Questions: How do I write a message on my heart? What is the language of MY heart? How do I engage in “heart prayers” rather than prayers from my head? People tell me all the time that they have been in counseling for months or years to process their hurts and are still in pain! Or they have been praying for a miracle of healing, and it is still delayed. As I ask them what they have done, and listen to their story, I am able to help them see: They have NOT been using the language of the heart to heal their hearts. They have been using the language of their minds, analytical reason, and that is why they are still stuck!

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I Want to Speak in Tongues Fluently

Mark Virkler's picture

Question: You mentioned in your story about receiving tongues that it took some time to get it down right and a year before you spoke in tongues in front of anyone. My question is, "How long did it take before you felt fluent? Did you stumble over yourself for a while and how long? Did you keep thinking you were repeating the same thing over again? And because of these things all going on in your head, how long did it take before you felt you were not making it up?"

Thank you!
Hungry and Searching

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