Sue Caley Shares Her Experience of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit

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Multiple fillings with the Holy Spirit brought me alive

I had been a Christian for about six years and was feeling that my heart towards Jesus had grown cold, my prayer life was practically non-existent, my walk with the Lord was superficial, and I kept thinking that there must be more than this. I kept sending up prayers to God asking Him to fill me with the Holy Spirit. At the same time I was scared as I didn't know what would happen. The Toronto blessing happened and God poured out His Spirit on certain places in England where I live. I met in my home with a youth worker. She prayed for me and the Holy Spirit filled me.

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Michelle and Marlene Share Their Testimonies of Holy Spirit Baptism

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Simple for me and hard for Mom - by Michelle Simons

I became a Christian in the 80’s when people in our area (Ottawa, Ontario) were just beginning to talk more seriously about the Holy Spirit. My mother (who had a Catholic background) and I, age 16, were attending a small Anglican church. One of the landmark books that everyone was reading was Holy Spirt and You by Dennis and Rita Bennett.

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Margaret and Roma Share Their Testimonies of Being Baptized in the Holy Spirit

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Margaret Cornell - A blanket came over me – it was the Holy Spirit

I had been seeking God for a number of months and one night Jesus appeared to me in my bedroom. Recognizing that He was truly the son of God I fell at his feet and surrendered my life to him.The next day I knew something radical had happened in my life; I felt full of love and joy and peace. I didn't know it but I had been born again.

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Kevin Winters Shares His Experience of Being Baptized in the Holy Spirit - Everything Changed

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At the time I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit I was in terrible place. I had broken up with my girlfriend and the turmoil hit an all-time high. I was consumed with grief, so I took that grief to God in prayer.

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Barbara and Abigail Share Their Testimonies of Being Baptized in the Holy Spirit

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Childlike abandonment releases tongues and creates a passion for the Bible - Barbara Becker 

Being raised in a United Presbyterian parsonage, I was raised to believe that all that supernatural stuff was for the past. Now that we had Jesus and the church, it had passed away. I was a bit of a loner and liked to spend many idle hours as a child pretending to teach Sunday school, singing hymns, and praying by just making up words. As I grew older, I no longer continued what I viewed as childish play.

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Twenty Stories of How People Received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit

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I wanted real life stories of how people received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the gift of speaking in tongues, so I sent out an email asking for people to share their testimonies with me. Below are 20 such stories I received back. My guess is that if we did a survey of 2000, what we have below would be fairly typical of the 2000. So what do we learn from their true life stories?

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Muslims Coming to Christ Through Visions of Jesus

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Biblically speaking, vision and seeing in the Spirit are to be part of our evangelistic work. Not only did Jesus see vision all the time (Jn. 5:19,20,30), but look at the prominence of vision in the missionary work of the book of Acts. The scriptural evidence is overwhelming. Below is a listing of verses from Acts followed by testimonies on the web showing Jesus is still appearing in visions today, converting Muslims. We need to expect the voice and vision of God will be key in our evangelistic outreaches today. Evangelism is to be supernatural!

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