February Special: Overflow of the Spirit Training Package & Free Video Event
Learn How to Release All the Gifts of the Spirit in Every Area of Life!

Romancing the King of Kings

Mark Virkler's picture

Romance is at the heart of the universe. It is the key to our existence. As Christians, we are engaged to Jesus, ruling with Him now, and soon to become His bride (Rev. 21:9; 3:21). So let's learn the principles of romance!

Just as our earthly romance with our spouse is composed of acts of endearment, so is our romance with the Lord Jesus Christ. We covered the ingredients of a good marriage in this blog, now let's apply them to our romance with the King of Kings. These concepts are from the Four Gifts of Love® Online Institute and their website is highly recommended.

Comparing Our Earthly and Heavenly Romance

  Earthly Romance Heavenly Romance Heavenly Romance Journaling
1 Affection Worship Do I come before You in worship?
2 Sexual Fulfillment Spiritual union Am I aware of Your union with me?
3 Intimate Conversation Sharing intimately Am I sharing the intimate things with You?
4 Relational Companionship Abiding in Christ Do I welcome Your presence in my fun times?
5 Honesty and Openness Honesty and openness Am I always honest and open with You?
6 Physical Attractiveness Care of my body/temple Am I caring properly for my body?
7 Financial Support Tithes and offerings Am I giving tithes and offerings?
8 Domestic Support Care for neighbors Am I supporting those in need?
9 Family Commitment Committed to His family Am I committed to Your body here on earth?
10 Adoration Adoration Am I adoring You?

Four Gifts of Love®

  Earthly Romance Heavenly Romance Journaling Question

The Gift of Care is a willingness and effort to do what you can to make the other happy.

Is my lifestyle making You happy? Is there anything You would like to see adjusted?

The Gift of Protection is a willingness and effort to do what you can to avoid making the other unhappy—to avoid being a source of unhappiness.

Am I being careful to not make You unhappy? Is there any area I could improve?

The Gift of Honesty is a willingness and effort to do what you can to make everything about you transparent to the other.

Am I being fully transparent with You? Is there any area I am hiding from You?

The Gift of Time is a willingness and effort to give daily time to provide the most meaningful acts of care for the other.

Is there anything You would have me do to show how fully I care for You?

Avoid the Love Busters which are repeated behaviors causing unhappiness

  Love Busters Heavenly Romance Journaling

Selfish Demands: Attempts to command your spouse to do things that would benefit you at the expense of others.

Do I demand things of You which would benefit me at the expense of others?

Disrespectful Judgments: Attempts to “straighten out” others' attitudes, beliefs, and behavior by trying to impose on him or her your way of thinking through lecture, ridicule, threats, or other forceful means.

Do I challenge You and Your ways and Your love and care for me?

Angry Outbursts: Deliberate attempts to hurt others because of anger, usually in the form of verbal or physical attack.

When I get angry, do I say things that are hurtful to You?

Annoying Habits: Repeated habits that unintentionally cause your spouse to be unhappy. These habits include personal mannerisms such as the way you eat, clean up (or don’t!), and talk.

Are there things I do unintentionally which make You unhappy?

Independent Behavior: Behavior conceived and executed without much consideration of your spouse's feelings. These behaviors are usually scheduled and require thought to complete.

Do I do things on my own without checking to ensure I have Your peace in my heart first?

Dishonesty: Failure to reveal to your spouse the correct information about your thoughts, feelings, habits, likes/dislikes, personal history, daily activities, and plans for the future.

Do I fail to share with You my thoughts, feelings, likes/dislikes, and plans for the future?

The Love Bank

Make deposits into your Divine Lover's love bank every day!

A list of the above journaling questions can be downloaded here.

Enhancing Communication Skills Series

  1. Enhancing Communication Skills
  2. Twelve Strategies of Compassionate Communication Within the 4 Keys
  3. Create and Sustain Romantic Love to Last a Lifetime
  4. Romancing the King of Kings
  5. Face to Face with Jesus, Our Perfect Model for Intimate Communication

Related Resources: 

How to Hear God's Voice!   

Related Blogs: 

How to Hear God’s Voice   Prayer Approaches   
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Through the Bible IV - Poetry and Wisdom Literature - Video Download

Through the Bible 4: Poetry and Wisdom Literature Video Download

by Dr. Andrew Hardy | 11 Video Downloads

Dr. Andrew Hardy guides you through the Poetry and Wisdom books of the Bible in 11 sessions. This is part four of our Through the Bible series, which provides you an overview of the entire Bible.

Price: $14.95
Through the Bible V  Major Prophets Video Download

Through the Bible 5: Major Prophets Video Download

by Dr. Andrew Hardy | 10 Sessions

Dr. Andrew Hardy takes you through the Major Prophets in 10 sessions. This is part five of our Through the Bible series, which provides an overview of the entire Bible.

Price: $14.95
Through the Bible 6: Life of Christ - Video Download

Through the Bible 6: Life of Christ Video Download

by Dr. Andrew Hardy | 10 Sessions

Dr. Andrew Hardy takes you through the Gospels, the Life of Christ, in 10 sessions. This is part six of our Through The Bible series,  which provide you an in-depth overview of the entire Bible. You may choose to begin with the Life of Christ, and work your way through the entire New Testament, and then follow this up by going through the Old Testament.

Why are there four Gospels describing Jesus' life? How are the three synoptic Gospels different from John? What does God want to say to me through the life of Jesus? Can I really imitate Christ and be like him? Yes, Jesus came to model the lifestyle God has empowered us to live!

Price: $14.95

Through the Bible 7: Acts and Epistles Video Download

by Dr. Andrew Hardy | 10 sessions

Dr. Andrew Hardy takes you through Acts and the General Epistles in 10 sessions. This is part seven of our Through the Bible series, which provides you an in-depth overview of the entire Bible. You may choose to begin with the Life of Christ, and work your way through the entire New Testament, and then follow this up by going through the Old Testament.

In the book of Acts you discover the vibrancy of the early Church. The Holy Spirit descended upon them in Pentecost and filled them and the room in which they were seated. Empowered by the Holy Ghost, they immediatey won 3000 to the Lord. Miracles followed, many were healed, and the world was transformed by these anointed disciples. 

In the General Epistles we learn of the struggles the early Church faced, and the amazing teaching the Apostle Paul provided to keep them on track. You receive a glimpse into the heart of Paul as he passionately encourages his readers to know who they are in Christ and ascend into the heavenlies, where they are seated with Him in heavenly places, ruling and reigning. These books take you into the depths of Scriptural truth as revealed by the Holy Spirit. Pray for God to give you revelation knowledge in your heart and mind as you meditate on His Word (Eph. 1:17,18).

Price: $14.95

Through the Bible 8: Epistles and Revelation Video Download

by Dr. Andrew Hardy | 10 Sessions

Dr. Andrew Hardy takes you through the General Epistles and the book of Revelation in 10 sessions. This is part eight of our Through The Bible series,  which provide you an in-depth overview of the entire Bible. You may choose to begin with the Life of Christ, and work your way through the entire New Testament, and then follow this up by going through the Old Testament.

This eighth series in the collection covers the following New Testament books: I Thessalonians, II Thessalonians, I Timothy, II Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, I Peter, II Peter, I John, II John, III John, Jude and Revelation.

Price: $14.95

Unique Gifts Make Winning Teams Digital Videos

The content of these videos is the same as the Unique Gifts Make Winning Teams DVD Set but in digital format. Receive your product immediately with no shipping costs!

Price: $39.95

Your Extraordinary Life Digital Video Downloads

Mark Virkler | 16 Digital Video Sessions

Can you imagine starting new believers off with the Holy Spirit! What if the first thing you were taught as a newborn Christian was how to connect easily and daily with the Holy Spirit Who was living inside you, anointing you, empowering you and transforming you?

Price: $39.95
4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice MP3 Download

4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice MP3s

by Mark Virkler | 10 Sessions

As seen on the Sid Roth "It's Supernatural" program, this audio download of the 10-hour course will draw you into a classroom experience with others who are learning to hear from God right alongside you. It follows along with the LEARN 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice notebook.

Price: $59.95

4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice MP3s - Abridged Edition

by Mark Virkler | 10 Sessions of MP3

A complete description is available by clicking here, where you will find information on the 60-minute version of this product. The main difference is that these 10 sessions are shorter, averaging 40 minutes each. You asked for it and it's finally available! The same core teaching now abridged, making the sessions easier to fit into your Sunday School class, home group meeting or lunch hour Bible study.

Price: $39.95

Counseled by God MP3 Download

by Mark Virkler | 13 Sessions

Just Released – 35th Anniversary Edition

The foremost training in the world helping you become emotionally whole by hearing the voice of the Wonderful Counselor! ?You will receive an impartation as you listen to the 13 sessions of Mark Virkler sharing life-transforming principles on how to restore your heart by receiving daily counsel directly from God.

Price: $59.95
