Rebecca Duckworth lives near Ely, England. Her first encounter with the 4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice was in in 1987 as she took this training through its original title, Communion With God! Now it is 2023 and I have visited their home in the UK and they visited ours when we were in Buffalo, New York. We are thrilled to have her teamed up with Margaret Cornell and teaching the 4 Keys in the United Kingdom!
Rebecca received her Master's from Cambridge University. She has been trained and participated as a certified teacher of our 4 Keys message as well as a Spirit Life Circle leader. She has created a wonderful video testimony of how God transformed her heart through a powerful vision. I believe you will be inspired as she shares her story below. Enjoy! Here is a free introduction to the 4 keys to hearing God's voice:
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How to Hear God's Voice!Related Blogs:
How to Hear God’s Voice
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