Mark Virkler's Key Blogs Trusted Information

Mark Virkler's picture

A Free Bible School At Your Fingertips: Below is a hyperlinked index to key articles Dr. Virkler has written over the years. Share with your friends these free, practical, biblical, trusted, training resources which guide you into mature Christian spirituality and health. 

Prayer Approaches Meeting Your Every Need

  1. Spirit-Led Prayer Organizer – 60 Prayer Approaches to Meet Your Specific Needs
  2. Five Devotionals with Music, Voice Over and Meditations, Leading You Into Interaction with the Spirit
  3. A Healing Prayer With Music in The Background
  4. Make devotional times living encounters with the Living God

Easily Learn How to Hear God’s Voice

  1. How You Can Hear God's Voice and Experience His Love!
  2. The #1 Tool in the World for Introducing People to Hearing God's Voice Is... 
  3. Discover How Over One Million People Learned to Recognize God’s Voice
  4. Skilled Journalers Willing to Confirm Your Journaling
  5. Free 4 Keys to hearing God's voice wallpaper
  6. Testimonies of Lives Transformed by Hearing God's Voice
  7. Tent Time – A Fun Way to Teach Children How to Hear God's Voice - Free Downloads
  8. Children's training on hearing God's voice – scroll all the way down
  9. Children's curriculum on Holy Spirit empowerment
  10. Don't Let Satan Steal God's Voice from You!
  11. Why Do I Receive "False Positives" in My Journaling?
  12. How Am I to Respond When Reason Challenges Faith?

Spread Revival by Saturating the World with Communion with God - Make a Difference! 

  1. Join Our Team And Mission – Spread Revival by Saturating the World with Communion with God
  2. Help Build God's Kingdom by Re-posting CWG Blogs and Linking to CWG's Website
  3. Now to EASILY Host a Spiritually Transforming Home Group Using Our DVDs And Workbooks!  
  4. Dear Pastor – An Open Letter From Mark Virkler Introducing You to Communion With God Ministries
  5. Books on Hearing God's Voice and Two-Way Journaling Written by Our Spiritual Children

Experience Salvations and ALL Its Benefits!

  1. Experience Salvation and Promote This Salvation Website
  2. Experience The Power of the Cross,12 Exchanges Which Took Place Between You and Christ!
  3. Speak LIFE Over Yourself – "My Confession of Who I Am in Christ"
  4. Advance in the Spirit by Having Precise Definitions of Spiritual Realities Which You Are Pursuing

Vibrant Health – Spirit, Soul and Body

  1. My Philosophy on Health Care, and Why I Have Adopted it
  2. A Checklist to Restore & Maintain Health – Includes Key Health Websites
  3. It Only Takes 10 Days for Good Nutrition to Improve Your Health!
  4. What Is My Daily Health Routine?
  5. Victory Over Cancer
  6. Blue Zones – Where a Higher Percentage of People Live Beyond Age 100
  7. Miracles of Healing – 7 Step Model
  8. Healing Scriptures for Meditation
  9. 21 Days of Prayer for Digestive Healing
  10. How You Can Remove Emotional Roots to Diseases by Clearing Cellular Memories 
  11. Write Messages on Your Heart by Using the Language of the Heart
  12. Discover How You Can Take Charge of Your Health Today (A health website)
  13. Links to 100+ Blogs on Healing, Miracles and Health
  14. Roar at the Infirmity And Receive Your Miracle
  15. Healed of 35 Years of PTSD Through Inner Healing and Deliverance Prayer
  16. After 40 Years of Migraines, I Had None! by Kathy Privitera
  17. Perfect Peace When Your Imagination Is…
  18. Leaky Gut Syndrome Affecting Up to 80% of the Population

 Miscellaneous – Inspiration, Education, Revelation

  1. Leading Worshipers into the Throne Room
  2. Where Can I Get Some Great Soaking Music?
  3. Release Divine Creativity – King David Journaled Out the Design for Solomon's Temple!
  4. Maintain Awesome Relationships by Honoring the N.T. "One Another" Commands
  5. Why Doesn’t the Church Offer Courses on Dreams, Deliverance or Miracles?
  6. Awesome Synergy as a Prophet & Teacher Minister Deliverance Together
  7. Angels: God's Servants, My Friends (A 13-part series written by Charity Virkler Kayembe)
  8. How to Meditate on Scripture and Receive Revelation Knowledge!
  9. Make Wise Decisions by Using The "Leader's Paradigm" 
  10. 10 Einstein Quotes Linked to Biblical Principles
  11. Quantum Principles & the Spiritual Dimension
  12. Is There Anything Better Than the Standard Devotional Time We Have All Been Taught?
  13. What's More Important Than Bible Study?

Revelation-Based Learning – Our Other Life Transforming Websites

  1. Christian Leadership University – Earn your degree with courses shipped to your door
  2. Christian Leadership University School of the Spirit – Electronic downloadable training modules
  3. Experience Salvation and Promote This Salvation Website
  4. Discover How You Can Take Charge of Your Health Today
  5. License and Ordination


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Anonymous's picture


What role does trust play in the issue of a problem with authority and could lack of trust be mistaken for a problem with authority? Is it a problem with submission? What truly is a problem with authority or lack of submission? What is the cause and how does one get to the bottom of the problem to eliminate the issue?

Mark Virkler's picture

Pro 21:1 The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, Like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes.
I trust in God to work through the people I have as spiritual advisers.
And my 3 spiritual advisers meet the 6 requirements we lay out in our book on 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice.
They are not all from one locality. I use the internet and phone to connect to them. Of course the primary one is my spouse, and my children are also often used.

You can sure journal about wounds in your heart so that God can heal them.

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Results 21 - 30 of 485


Conversation Starters with God 2

Just the Questions! By Gloria Gierach | 120 Pages | Retail $14.99

What better way to converse with God than to have great questions that improve that communication? 375 relationship-building questions between you and God.

Price: $14.99

Conversation Starters with God Journal

By Gloria Gierach | 406 Pages | Retail $24.99

What better way to converse with God than to have great questions that improve that communication?   Each page of this workbook has a powerful question on the top followed by a blank page to journal out your dialogue with God.

Price: $24.99
Corporate Communion with God

Corporate Communion with God

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 35 Pages

Bring the principles of how to hear God's voice to your prayer meetings with the ideas recommended in this guide. As your prayer group encounters the spirit world, there are no limits to where God may wish to take you. He may fill your hearts with visions and burdens of needs half-way around the world. He may take you into the heavenlies to reveal the activity of spiritual forces surrounding you. He may reveal to you a vision of His future purposes and draw you into calling them forth. The possibilities are as limitless and varied as is the Spirit of God.

Price: $4.95

Decoding Deception Workbook

by Mark Virkler

This 40-page workbook provides you copies of 113 PowerPoint utilized in the Decoding Deception training. Spaces for you to take notes are available next to each PowerPoint. If receiving training in a group, we highly recommend that EVERY member of the group have their own copy. It offers you the following four benefits:

Price: $5.95
Eden's Health Plan - Go Natural!

Eden's Health Plan - Go Natural!

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 289 Pages

Discover how you can take charge of your own health — keeping yourself young, energetic, attractive, and free of degenerative diseases! Discover the biblical injunctions on diet and health, and the amazing correlations between them and modern scientific research.

Price: $19.95

EFT for Christians: 52 Tapping Devotions

by Sherrie Rice Smith, R.N. (Retired)

"The amazing versatility of God’s gift of EFT stands out in this fourth installment in the EFT for Christians series. Sherrie Rice Smith’s latest book EFT for Christians – 52 Tapping Devotions helps believers incorporate Emotional Freedom Techniques into their everyday lives. In these weekly devotionals Sherrie clearly demonstrates how to connect Scripture and tapping in a practical way. Don’t just read this book; apply the principles and release God’s healing power in your life today."

Price: $15.00
EFT for Christians

Emotional Freedom Techniques - EFT for Christians: Tapping Into God's Peace and Joy

by Charity Virkler Kayembe and Sherrie Rice Smith | 208 Pages | Published 2016

Scripture tells us that we comfort others with the comfort we ourselves have received (2 Corinthians 1:3–5). To the degree that we are healed and comforted, we can offer those same gifts much more freely to others

Price: $15.99

End-Times Prophecy

by Timothy Paul Jones, PhD | 364 p. | c2011

This is an outstanding book, which clearly and simply lays out four differing views of end time prophecy, providing scriptural support for each, showing the unique approaches each view takes, and encouraging you to understand and not judge those who disagree with you. Finally we can honor and love all people (1 Pet. 2:17) as we consider various views of interpreting end time prophecy. What a gift to the body of Christ. Thank you, Timothy Paul Jones!!!

Price: $19.95
Experiencing God Together

Experiencing God Together

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 105 Pages

This book explains how to turn small group meetings into times of dynamic sharing of revelation concerning the real life issues we face daily. It addresses how to get everyone involved, how to limit the naturally talkative, and how to keep things on track.

Price: $12.95
Flow of Life

Flow of Life

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 102 Pages

This book guides you in doing original research in any area in which you are seeking the supernatural release of divine power through your life. For example, one sample project recorded in this book is entitled, "Healing a Chronic Illness Through Receiving and Acting Upon a Word of Knowledge." 

Price: $12.95
