Mark Virkler's blog

What Makes Christian Leadership University Unique - Students Speak Out

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Pastor Ernie Jones – Master of Divinity Student with CLU

My comparison of CLU’s curriculum to courses I have taken from four other online colleges:

  • CLU has the most clear and easily followed course instructions I have seen. 
  • CLU training is streamlined and to the point with excellent personal application.
  • Instructor feedback has been immediate.

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Will You Help Restore America?

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What Is the Future of America?

I believe all of us are alarmed at the degradation that is happening to our nation. I believe God wants us to be positive influencers for change at this crucial hour. I know God has spoken to me about making a difference and being a leader, not only spiritually but also politically.

Restoring America Spiritually

So how can I be a leader politically? One way is to provide some clear teaching and thinking on God and government and our Constitution. So with that in mind we have several blogs we are offering you.

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Would You Help Us Document the Fact that God Is Speaking Prophetically Today?

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Andrew Hardy, a British scholar and professor of CLU’s graduate students, is completing a writing project validating the voice of God TODAY. He needs some concrete documented examples of the following, which you can send directly to Dr. Hardy (, and please send a copy to me also (

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Lord, How Do You See Me?

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The two-way journaling below was shared in a seminar where Mark Virkler was teaching "How to Hear God's Voice" at Catch the Fire in Toronto on 1/4/12.

Judith Clarke asked the Lord, "How do you see me?"

I think the world of you. I see you made like Me with a compassionate heart and a tenderness that speaks of Me. I see you perfect.

I told Him, "Jesus, I can't see this!"

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Spiritual Intimacy - God’s Idea, God’s Passion, Gods Reformation

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You Are Called to Experience the Lifestyle of the Garden of Eden! We stand at the threshold of a new reformation. It involves the fulfillment of God's passion, which is an intimate love relationship with you. God has sought to restore this lifestyle experienced by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden ever since it was lost through sin entering into the world. Now you can participate in ushering in this reformation of spiritual intimacy to the Church and the world.

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You Can See Visions! They Are a Pathway to God

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Jesus saw visions all the time. He only did what He saw His Father doing (Jn. 5:19, 20; 8:38). I want to imitate Jesus. But before I could live that way, I needed first to learn how to become a seer. Daniel simply said, “I looked,” and he saw (Dan. 7:2, 9, 13)!  However, for many years, I didn’t look and so I didn’t see.

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MSG Caused My Headaches - by Josh and Charla Virkler

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Josh has always struggled with headaches. He took headache medicine every day or two, for years and years. He tried everything he could think of. He went to the chiropractor, the homeopath, he tried cutting sugar from his diet...everything anyone suggested, he figured was worth a try. But nothing helped.

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