Dale Cresap's blog

Daily Journaling Devotionals

Heavenly Gems in Daily Bites: CWG Ministries Life-Engaging Blogs

Dale Cresap is a Certified CWG Facilitator posting daily devotional blogs of two-way journaling. (What is two-way journaling?) Enjoy and be encouraged!

daily word - 2 kingdoms

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When I was asked about my Kingdom, in the context of something to fight for, I said that my Kingdom is not of this world. There are not many governments called kingdoms anymore, but every country has a government that serves the same purpose. So you have dual citizenship. My rules for you include following the rules of your government, in so far as you are able, and blessed are those for whom this does not present a conflict. So you have a foot in both worlds, so to speak, and allegiance in two realms.

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daily word - diet

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Are you on a diet? This term is usually used to refer to a program for weight loss, but the more general use of the term refers to anything you eat. Is there a still more general use of the term? Could it include the things you watch and read and listen to? What about your other activities and the company you keep? Could the term diet be applied to anything that has an influence on you? In terms of diet I said that it was not what entered a man that defiled him, but that which proceeded from him. The intake in question referred to food only.

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daily word - solitary?

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Some governments have rules against cruel and unusual punishment, but still put prisoners in solitary confinement. I said that it is not good for the man to be alone, and this is universal, and still applies. Yet a far greater number choose solitary confinement for themselves, or accept it without seeking community. Contact with other people is essential for well-being. How particular are you about whom you will associate with? Don’t be so fussy that you isolate yourself. While you are on your search for your community of like-minded people engage with the people you meet on the way.

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daily word - worth it?

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Have you ever heard someone justify an extravagant purchase by saying, ‘I’m worth it’? This is faulty reasoning. Your worth is inestimable because you bear my very image and likeness. Don’t bring it down to the world of commerce in material goods. Haven’t I chosen the poor to be rich in faith? But anyone who attaches their worth to an inanimate object is poor no matter how much money they have. If you understand your true worth it will bring you to a place of contentment.

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daily word - restore

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I said that if your brother offends you, you need to go to your brother. Have you found that this is a very difficult thing to do? This can result in a hard conversation, but your brother may have offended you unawares, and it might be easily resolved. Even if it is not you have put the issue in the open. What is the easy thing to do? Cut off all contact without a word or a trace? Easier still to spread the word and enlist support from any third parties who will hear you, to vindicate and justify yourself. Have either or both of these things ever been done to you? Don’t do them yourself.

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daily word - full time?

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Do you make a strong distinction between full time spiritual employment and secular work? I don’t. some people serve full time in church ministry, but others? They may describe their work as a job or a career or a profession, but all these terms imply secular work, and in church circles it is implied if not stated that this is inferior to full time ministry. But you can conduct yourself as a Christ follower in whatever job you currently hold. You can live by my principles and use whatever opportunities present themselves to let your light shine before men that they may glorify me.

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daily word - become as children

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I said that unless you are converted and become as little children you would not enter the Kingdom of God. Yet you have already been a child. So this statement implies that you have lost something you once had that is essential to life. What could it be? Have noticed that children have a sense of wonder and live in a world of enchantment? They get over this in due course. So it is appropriate to ask if this is true or not, and if it is a valid and useful way to see the world. Do you live in a world I created? Every time you open your eyes do you see something I made with divine intention?

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daily word - The Word

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When your fellow believers refer to the ‘Word’, what do you think they are talking about? The Bible? Or the Word that was made flesh and dwelt among you? It is possible for one word to refer to more than one Word, but since these are different things it is important to distinguish which is which. What distinctions do you make? Which came first? Which will endure forever? Do you see them both as living and powerful? Which one gives life to the other? Do you regard a living author as greater than the works he produces?

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daily word - judge?

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Would you rather be judged by your achievements or by your faults? How do you judge others? it is easier to judge by faults, for once committed they provide a basis for judgment, condemnation, and rejection that cannot be erased. Achievements take longer to accumulate, and a more lengthy and attentive observation. What about the person who has little or none of either? Is this the mark of a worthy life, to have done nothing either good nor bad? You know that forgiveness is available for your faults, and for the faults of others as well. What is the remedy for lack of accomplishment?

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daily word - come as you are

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Have you ever taken communion? Are you familiar with the passage about examining yourself that you may not partake in an unworthy manner? This was not meant to be a worthiness contest, or to turn people away from my table. The intent is that you would examine yourself and still come. You encounter enough judgment and condemnation already. I do not mean to add to your burden. If you need healing, and know that you cannot heal yourself, then come to the place where healing is freely given. Come acknowledging your need for restoration. I invited you because I want you at my table. 

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