Dale Cresap's blog

Daily Journaling Devotionals

Heavenly Gems in Daily Bites: CWG Ministries Life-Engaging Blogs

Dale Cresap is a Certified CWG Facilitator posting daily devotional blogs of two-way journaling. (What is two-way journaling?) Enjoy and be encouraged!

daily word - spiritual exercises?

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Athletes do exercises for physical conditioning for their craft. Students do exercises for their lessons. These are methods of learning and preparation and skill development. In these cases they are usually highly structured and focused. Do you think that your spiritual life would benefit from exercises? Different faith traditions approach this question from different perspectives and practices. Some are highly freestyle, and some have none at all. The cause and effect relationship of effort and benefit may not be as obvious for spiritual exercises as it is for calisthenics and academic study, but is this something you can neglect or leave to chance?

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daily word - questions?

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Are you full of questions about your faith? You should be, for your faith pertains to a mystery that is worthy of investigation, reflection, and pondering. I am not threatened by your questions and you should not equate them with doubt. I tell you to hold the mystery of your faith with a clear conscience. You may think of this as how you live with questions. Some questions are better than others. You know that questions can be accusatory in nature since you have asked and been asked questions of this type. Present your questions to me honestly in faith and you will find the process of pondering the questions to be transformative.

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daily word - doing right?

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Do you always do the right thing? Have you ever done the right thing for the wrong reason? Is it possible to do the wrong thing for the right reason? The motivation for your actions does matter. Paul noted that some preached Christ out of division and strife, but was still pleased that the gospel message was going forth. But how much better to do it out of love? The wrong motives will not lead to the right actions consistently and in the long run, and it is the transformation of your being that I am looking for more than superficial compliance. The same action taken with the motivation of love is a better action.

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daily word - winning

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My commandments for you include turning the other cheek, and not resisting evil. Do you find this hard to do? Do you understand why it is important? Consider the alternatives. The temptation is to respond in kind to insults, injuries, and provocations. This creates an escalating cycle of anger and violence. It takes two to play this game, but you can refuse to play. You can choose to act according to your internal compass rather than react to external provocations, and break the cycle of anger and violence. In the eyes of some people this will make you a loser, but in my eyes it makes you a winner.

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daily word - listen

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Are you an evangelist? My Great Commission was given to all who follow me. Have you received instruction in evangelical work? Did it include listening? Most approaches to sharing my message have the believer do all the talking. Yet in the Biblical example of the woman at the well I listened to what she had to say, so there was a back and forth dialogue. You may not agree with someone’s perspective on eternal truth, but it won’t hurt you to listen to their story. Do you understand that you are asking them to be accept the transformation of the very foundation of their lives? Would you do that for someone who wouldn’t listen to you?

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daily word - examine yourself

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My word says that a man should examine himself before he takes communion. Do you view this as a grim review of sins? Don’t assume that this is the only appropriate thing to consider. You could think of my goodness and mercy and how often they are active in your life every day. You could think of the times when you were aware of my closeness as well as the times when you were not. You could marvel at the vastness of my creation and also my attention to the tiniest details. When you break bread with your friends don’t you want it to be a joyful celebration? I feel the same way.

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daily word - abased or abounding?

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Paul knew both how to be abased and how to abound. Do you? If everyone is in one condition or the other would it follow logically that everyone would know how to behave in their own circumstances even if they did not know how to act in unfamiliar circumstances? Yet many do not know how to do either. Having an improper understanding of true wealth will cause the poor to resent their condition and the wealthy to trust in uncertain riches and make an idol of them. Money is the focus in either case. If your focus is on me you can trust me with your needs and not lose sight of me when I meet them. Then you too can be abased and abound, judging all things.

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daily word - fish and water

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What do fish know about water? You would expect them to be knowledgeable since they live immersed in it, but they have no other conditions to use as a comparison. Are you aware that you are immersed in my goodness, favor, and blessing? This is true of you and everyone else you meet. I make the sun to shine and the rain to fall on the just and the unjust alike. In me you live and move and have your being. This is your permanent and continuous condition so you have nothing else to compare it to, but not everyone is aware of this. Blessed are those who know I am with them always.

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daily word - questions?

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Do you expect answers for your questions? I have answers for everything. Then why do you still have questions? Are you used to the query/response method of getting answers, such as a student in school or a top official wanting information of a subordinate? I do not promise to reply as if I were a witness under cross-examination. Yet I will still answer your questions. I reserve the right to weave the answers into your life experiences. Do you see how this method is better? Acquiring information can leave you unchanged, but matters of eternal truth require your transformation to comprehend them. It can be helpful for you to ponder unanswered questions.

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daily word - for certain?

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How great is your need for certainty? There is a sense of comfort associated with things that are fixed and unchanging but some things are inherently uncertain. Have you ever had your certainties shaken by your life experiences? This is distressing, but it is part of your growth process to release them. My word says that all things that can be shaken will be, so that only that which is unshakable will remain. You will find that you don’t need a lot of certainties if you have the right ones. Don’t be surprised if you find out that only I am unshakable, and that that is enough.

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