Dale Cresap's blog

Daily Journaling Devotionals

Heavenly Gems in Daily Bites: CWG Ministries Life-Engaging Blogs

Dale Cresap is a Certified CWG Facilitator posting daily devotional blogs of two-way journaling. (What is two-way journaling?) Enjoy and be encouraged!

daily word - who provides?

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Who puts food on your table? If you earn money to buy groceries then you can claim that you do. From another perspective you could say that I do. From yet another perspective you could say that farmers, field hands, truck drivers, produce workers and clerks do. These are all valid perspectives. Do you appreciate all of them, or do you only think of the first one? If so, it is easy to think that you are more self-sufficient than you really are. You may never meet the people involved in the process, but you are dependent on them. You may not send them thank-you notes, but you should have a profound sense of gratitude that they are on the job. I want you to appreciate all of these perspectives.

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daily word - wonderfully made

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Do you see yourself as living in a world of wonder and enchantment? Do you see science as the enemy of this view, trying to explain away the wonder and beauty of creation? It doesn’t have to be this way. The proper task of science is to understand the underlying mechanisms of the heavens and the earth. This task is not in fundamental conflict with an appreciation of and gratitude for its presence and beauty. In fact, the more you know about how it works the better position you are in to be amazed by it and grateful for it. No matter how much science can explain it can’t create a world that is, like you, fearfully and wonderfully made. Only I can do that.

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daily word - Humility

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Have you ever realized your own limitations, knowing what you wanted to do and realizing that your own shortcomings held you back? And that changing was not as easy as deciding to be different? Humility is not a meaningful concept for you until you get here. The apostle understood this when he said that the good that he would do he did not, and the evil he would not do he did. At this point he cried out for anyone who would deliver him from this situation. He knew where to turn and offered thanks for his deliverance. Do not be dismayed or discouraged to find that you are not complete and sufficient in yourself. This is the beginning of true understanding, and you also know where to turn.

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daily word - love enemies

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Do you love your neighbors and hate your enemies? This is the default human response, but my word teaches you to love your enemies. Who are your enemies? Those who hate you and persecute you and despitefully use you? How can you love them? By not returning or escalating their offensive behavior but by showing them thoughtful kindness and generosity. I use the illustrations of giving them food and drink, which are very basic yet concrete and necessary things. In doing this it says that you heap coals of fire on their heads. If you do this you may find that your ‘enemies’ are your neighbors after all.

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daily word - rewards?

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Do you expect to be rewarded in heaven for your good works? Is this a strong motivation for you?

My word does mention rewards in heaven, but this is more a matter of suffering patiently and doing good privately rather than good works as such. Would this be the ultimate form of delayed gratification? My transformative work in you is to make love the basis of your life. This changes your familiar transaction economy of service and payment to an economy of grace which is outpouring of love without thought of reward. So will you get a reward in heaven? If this is your primary motivation then you are not moving toward the economy of love.

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daily word - cheap talk?

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My word says that life and death are in the power of the tongue. It also asks what good it does to tell your brother who is hungry to be well and filled if you don’t do anything about it. There is a level at which talk is life-determining, and a level at which talk is cheap. Do you know anyone whose long term manner of life is inconsistent with their habitual patterns of speech, whether positive or negative? Yet glib pronouncements do not carry any weight if they are not backed by actions. Integrity in speech is consistency between actions and words. Let both of these be gracious and positive in your life.

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daily word - fixer-upper

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Have you heard of houses or cars described as fixer-uppers? This common term implies that the item is not in good condition and needs some work. Some people thrive on this effort and others would rather pay more for something in good condition. What about people? You don’t normally apply this term to people, but doesn’t your basic doctrine hold that all people are sinners in need of redemption? So everyone is a fixer-upper. Is this work that you are eager to volunteer for, or do you prefer those in good condition? I am glad if you share my heart for redemptive purpose, but remember who the redeemer is and be led by the Spirit in your work on redemption projects.

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daily word - back down?

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Do you agree with the premise that you should never back down or be silent if you are right? Is there ever a time to hold your peace if you are right? Joseph had dreams in which his brothers and even his father and mother bowed down to him. It turned out that he was right but he may have done better to keep them to himself. Mary was highly favored and chosen for a very special assignment, but she did well to keep these things to herself and ponder them in her heart. At the end of my life on earth I was offered the chance to defend myself against false accusations, but I turned down the opportunity. Have you ever considered that there are times to be silent even when you are right?


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daily word - lay down your life?

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Would you lay down your life for me? I said that no man had greater love than to lay down his life for his friends. Would you lay down your life for the least of these? Many people who claim to be eager to lay down their lives for me become very choosy about how far this offer will extend. My word says that possibly someone would be willing to die for a great and noble person, but I commended my love to you in dying for you while you were yet a sinner. So will you lay down your life for the least of these? My word says that when you do these things for the least of these you have done them unto me. This applies just as much in this case.

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daily word - unity and peace

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Do you believe in the importance of unity? Do you know the fastest way to get it? Uniting in opposition to a common enemy can happen immediately and is the default human response. You can see this in any political party. This is the glue that holds many organizations together, but it is not the Christian approach to unity. For the Bible tells you to seek unity in the bond of peace. It is more difficult to obtain unity on the basis of love rather than opposition, but this is what you are called to. This is the distinctive that should set your unity apart from others. Can you obtain unity without a common enemy?

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