Dale Cresap's blog

Daily Journaling Devotionals

Heavenly Gems in Daily Bites: CWG Ministries Life-Engaging Blogs

Dale Cresap is a Certified CWG Facilitator posting daily devotional blogs of two-way journaling. (What is two-way journaling?) Enjoy and be encouraged!

daily word - Son energy

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Have you heard that all energy on earth comes from the sun? This is true even after the sun sets, with stored energy from the sun available in food, and hydroelectric power, and many other forms. Do you know that you get your spiritual energy from the Son? It is fairly obvious that sun energy is available at night. Are you as aware that the spiritual energy that sustains you comes from me, even when you go through a dark night of your soul?

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daily word - your gift

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Do you like to receive gifts? Do you like to give them? Have you ever gotten a gift for yourself? Many people have, but this defeats the concept of a gift and it would be more accurate to call it a purchase. Do you know that you have received gifts from me? I have given you special abilities and talents with which you can bless others. Do you know that your gift is not for you? This is the most obvious in the case of those who turn their gifts inward for themselves, such as the provider or nurturer who only provides for or nurtures themselves.

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daily word - pay the price

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You know that grace is free. Do you conclude from that that there is no effort involved in the Christian life? Has that been your experience? You know that some things are free and hopefully appreciate them, but when you go to the market with your shopping list you expect to have to pay for what you get. Even in my Kingdom there are desirable things that come at a cost. My economy is not like your economy of commerce. You don’t have to pull out your wallet or peel bills off your bankroll for these things. But there is still a process you must go through to obtain them.

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daily word - beyond zeal

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Do you find the same qualities in new converts and mature believers? The zeal of a convert is legendary, and you rejoice to see the intensity of those new to the faith. Does it discourage you to see this decline with the passage of time? Everyone has a unique path to walk, but should you expect this zeal to be replaced with something else? What? What do you see in mature believers that you don’t see in new converts?

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daily word - do it anyhow

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Do you like to have unrestricted freedom of action? Do you have a preferred way that others would respond to your actions? Have you found that you don’t always get the results you want? Would you at least like recognition and approval for the things you do right? Your obedience to me may not gain you the approval of men. In fact, there are verses that suggest that you can expect the opposite. You can make the choice to follow your highest ideals and conduct yourself according to your conscience. You have no control over the way that others respond, but do it anyhow.

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daily word - point of view

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How interested are you in the stories of other people? You will find that they love things that hold no appeal for you. Yet it is still beneficial for you to encounter them and learn what gives meaning and purpose to their lives, even if it is different from what motivates you. They have a limited perspective, but then so do you. You can engage with them to understand them without trying to show them they are wrong.

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daily word - worship?

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What do you think of as worship? Does it only involve music? My own description of worship was that it should be done in spirit and in truth. Do you find that this statement raises as many questions as it answers? Did I ever command my disciples to worship me? What I did was to invite them to follow me. This would involve activities that you don’t normally think of as worship, such as healing the sick, providing for the poor, and declaring the good news of redemption to those who are lost in darkness. Do you understand that imitation is the most sincere compliment?

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daily word - my house?

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Do you think of your church as my house? Where is the house you would build for me? Heaven is my throne and earth is my footstool. It facilitates your assembling together to have a roof over your head, and lights and heat and a place to sit. But I don’t need any of those things. If thinking of your church as my house facilitates a sense of reverence for my presence, then that is a beneficial aspect. But this thinking can work against you if you think a building contains me, or make a strong distinction between the space inside a church and outside.

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daily word - ears to hear?

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Can you listen as well as you hear? This sounds like a silly question, but there can be a vast difference between these things. You have heard of people talking past one another, or over their heads, or in one ear and out the other. So you have many cultural metaphors that address this issue and my invitation for those who had ears to hear, that they should hear, makes the same point. Any message is received according to the manner of the one who hears it. What influences are present in your life that affect your ability to hear clearly? Do you have any biases or preconceptions?

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daily word -lesson?

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What is your lesson today? Students go to class expecting to have a lesson prepared for them. This is normal in a structured classroom environment. Do you stop learning when you graduate from school? Even if you are not in a structured academic setting you should still think in terms of constant learning. I sent the Holy Spirit to lead you into all truth, and this is an ongoing process. It works better when you know it is happening, and when you are alert and aware. If you aren’t sure you can always ask me what your lesson is for today.

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