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Gifts of Healings - Explored

Mark Virkler's picture

There Are Many Ways to Be Healed!

 “God has appointed in the church… miracles, then gifts of healings…”  (1 Cor. 12:28)

  • Greek is: τρ πστις ν τ ατ πνεματι, λλ δ χαρσματα αμτων ν τ ν πνεματι
  • Both are plural - χαρσματα & αμτων (charisms of healings)

I desire and prefer immediate miracles (see blog on Miracles – 7 Step Model). However, the Bible states that in addition to miracles, God has provided to us “gifts of healings” (both “gifts” and “healings” are plural in the Greek), which means there is a multiplicity of ways in which God can and will heal us in addition to providing an outright immediate miracle. God’s gifts are special enablements to perform various skills (i.e., Ex. 36:2-8; 1 Cor. 12:11; Col. 1:29; Gal. 2:8).

Two different Greek words for healing are used by Paul in Acts 28:8,9.

And it happened that the father of Publius was lying in bed afflicted with recurrent fever and dysentery; and Paul went in to see him and after he had prayed, he laid his hands on him and healedG2390 him (Iaomia – an instantaneous miracle). After this had happened, the rest of the people on the island who had diseases were coming to him and gettingG2323 curedG2323 (Therapeua – process healing).

“Gifts of Healings” Are Ways God Heals 

Click here for a free downloadable 15-page file which explores in some depth more than 20 ways we have discovered that God uses to restore health. These are ideal to examine and experiment with individually or in a group. There are several hyperlinks in the downloadable file which provide you with a great introduction to many different ways which God may choose to use as He restores health to your body, soul and spirit. 

Download this free 15-page file now on Gifts of Healings - Explored

Make this a three-month study with your small group as you incorporate lively discussion, experimentation and weekly prayer ministry times for one another. Let's see if we can't get everyone healthy!

Come Back and Share Your Testimony of Healing So Others May Be Encouraged!

As you apply these "Gifts of Healings" to your life and find your health renewed, won't you please come back to this blog and click on "Add New Comment" at the bottom to share your testimony of healing so the whole world can be blessed and encouraged? Spread the good news that God's "Gifts of Healings" are still operational and effective in the world today! Glorify God with your testimony of His healing power at work in your life. This will encourage others to step out in faith and receive their healing. Make your story count. Enliven faith in others. Celebrate Jesus! 

Set free to be who I am by Cindi

I will be 67 on Jan 15. My hobby & passion since my 20s has been nutrition & health. But I never felt confident that some of what I've been interested in was OK cause there's so much New Age thought and when you go shopping you see a lot of different looking and thinking people, so I was uncertain if I was in areas a Christian should not be. Your health series has set me free to be who I am, a Christian who has studied & loved the alternate stuff that's not drugs and allopathic with a desire to help people feel better. Thank you so much.

How I got from here to there – by Uta Milewski


Pain… Lots of pain. In my back, in my hips, in my feet – daily pain. Sleepless nights. I was diagnosed with SI Joint Dysfunction. As if my body wasn’t dysfunctional enough already. I have dealt with COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease – chronic bronchitis) since 1982, the year I had Christopher, our first baby. Now this pain!


Could it get any worse? I guess so. One morning, when I sneezed, I ruptured a disk in my lower back. I thought I had pain before, but this was ridiculous. I had to have surgery. God, help me through this time! God, heal me, please! God, what can I do to get better? I work at a church that believes in supernatural healing. I have been healed of various things in the past. What could be blocking my healing?


I called Mark Virkler to see if he had any advice for me. He challenged me, “If God would supernaturally heal you, but you continue to do things that harm your body, what would be the good?”  He then referred me to Dr. Tom Insinna at Renaissance Chiropractic in East Aurora, NY. What was I doing to harm my body? I was about 40 pounds overweight, eating too much sugar and other carbs. I wasn’t getting regular Chiropractic care. I was sitting all day and all evening. I wasn’t exercising. As a teenager I had been constantly on the move, dancing, swimming, walking and hiking. Now I felt that I had excuses for not exercising. I had tried jogging, but my COPD wouldn’t let me. I had tried biking, but my back pain prevented that. I did walk around the block every now and then, but even that became difficult. One thing I really could do and did for a few months was STOTT Pilates at the Gym. STOTT Pilates is especially good for people with back pain. On my first appointment with Dr. Tom Insinna, I saw this scripture on the back of his sign:  “Thus says the Lord God to these bones: “Surely I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live” (Ezekiel 37:5). It was like a Rhema word to me, and it gave me hope. Dr. Tom set me up on a schedule to come three times a week for three months, then twice a week, once a week, and finally once a month. I really couldn’t afford the care so I prayed. God gave me the idea to have a little business on the side creating websites. It covered all my extra costs and then some. Dr. Tom wrote at the top of my chart: “Uta will dance.” He was confident that I could and would. I wasn’t so sure. The STOTT Pilates class at the Gym ended and I began to buy some DVDs of the same type and exercised at home, increasing the intensity with each DVD. Soon my core began to get stronger and with regular Chiropractic care, my pain level went down.


My husband, Bob, got me an awesome chair for my workplace, an ergonomic Aeon chair that I can sit in all day without pain.


I needed to lose weight. I did the Ideal Protein diet for 5 months and lost 45 pounds. I still wanted to exercise and kept looking for a pool somewhere near my home or work. I prayed that God would show me where I could swim. Swimming had always been a favorite sport, and the moist air helped my asthma. We received a mailer advertising the new YMCA - halfway between our house and my work – with two swimming pools. No way?!?!


I started attending the YMCA on January 14, 2013 – the day it opened. I knew I wanted to swim, but I also wanted to try some of the other things. The Expresso bike looked interesting. It’s an interactive virtual bike ride. We used the two recumbent bikes. Recumbent means you have back support, which I needed. Bob joined the YMCA, too, and we started riding the Expresso bike a couple of miles a day. The software lets you choose from many different trails and we very gradually kept upping our mileage. Then the rides became hillier, the distance longer, Bob faster and we enjoyed ourselves. We went to the Y Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays every week. When Bob didn’t want to go, I pushed and the other way around. One night, as I was getting ready to sleep, I had this spontaneous thought, “Check out breathing techniques.” It was usually my breathing that kept me from improving my time on the bike. The next morning I googled “breathing techniques” and came across the Buyteko Method of breathing for people with Asthma. I learned all I could from YouTube, books and websites and even found an App for my phone that helped me to change the way I breathe. Asthmatics chronically hyperventilate and I learned to breathe only through my nose and slower. I learned to relax better at night. Friends at the Y had encouraged us to come to the spinning class. We started in November and now do a full hour of vigorous cycling burning over 300 calories. And then I cool down by swimming for 20 minutes while Bob walks the track.


No pain. None. None in my back, none in my hips, and none in my feet. My breathing is strong. I have reduced my COPD medication by 60%. I feel no shortness of breath while exercising. I can run, and yes “Uta can dance.” I continue to eat a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, nuts, sprouted grain bread and very low in meat, dairy, sugar and wheat. I’m not one to take a lot of supplements, but I do take a probiotic every day. I thank God now that he didn’t heal me supernaturally. He gave me wisdom in overcoming the pain, and He empowered me to take care of myself. He healed my victim mentality along the way and I feel stronger in body, soul and spirit than ever before. I’m 58 now, but I feel like I did before I got COPD at age 26. I feel like I’m 25.

Uta Milewski

Executive Assistant

Finance Manager


Go Deeper - Get Healthy!

Check out this entire blog series on Vibrant Health! - Miracles PLUS Gifts of Healings. Working through this series on health is ideal for both individuals and groups. The more we take responsibility for ourselves - spirit, soul and body - the healthier we become! Won't you join me in living to at least 100 in vibrant health?


Related Blogs: 

Gifts of Healings   
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Anonymous's picture

Even the most positive teachers of the Buteyko method for asthma say that with COPD, people will probably need to take steroids for the rest of their lives. Well, I've done it. I'm off all medication now. What has helped the most is vigorous exercise and not eating wheat or dairy.

I feel that God has empowered me so much through the past several years and I'm so thankful to Him and all who have helped me along the way.

Uta Milewski

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