What Is Revelation-Based Learning?

A practical definition of Revelation-Based Learning

Revelation-based learning happens when one receives revelation, perception and illumination from the Holy Spirit and acts upon it.

When in a small group, a classroom or a church service, we would define revelation-based learning as cultivating an atmosphere where revelation and illumination from the Holy Spirit occurs which is received, honored and acted upon. We could say it is a group “touching God together and responding to His revelation.”

What does Revelation-Based Learning feel like?

It is flowing, spontaneous thoughts and pictures (coming from the Holy Spirit – Jn. 7:38, 39), rather than analytical thoughts and pictures (which we structure or paint in our minds ourselves). They are very life-giving and produce a sense of excitement, passion and joy over the revelations and insights being gained. The disciples said, “Were not our hearts burning within us while He was explaining the Scriptures to us?”(Lk. 24:32). That is the experience we are seeking.

God accompanies His revelation with an impartation of divine faith which grants us the capacity to believe that what God has revealed to us, can and will be accomplished. Romans 10:17 tells us that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word (“rhema” in the Greek, which means “spoken word”) of Christ. So God’s words spoken into our hearts inflame faith to live by.

How do we posture ourselves so we can experience Revelation-Based Learning?

Worship and unity are crucial. God is enthroned upon the praises of His people (Ps. 22:3) and the Holy Spirit flows where there is unity (Ps. 133).  Therefore classtime should begin by drawing participants into worship and unity. In addition, humility and reverence are key attitudes of a listening heart. Humility causes one to seek the face of God asking for divine wisdom and grace to face the challenges of life (James 1:5). Then as God speaks, reverence causes one to obey by saying, “Yes, Lord” (Jer. 7:23; James 1:23).

Once the above elements are in place, we quiet ourselves down, fixing our eyes on Jesus, ask for His wisdom and receive His thoughts, pictures and emotions (as spontaneous thoughts, pictures and emotions) which we record (Hab. 2:1-2; Heb. 12:1,2; Jn. 7:37-39, Rev. 1:9-11).

Since our entire curriculum is designed as revelation-based learning, we ask that everyone make hearing God’s voice the first skill they master. We encourage you to order our training module on Hearing God’s Voice. This way, you will experience maximum benefit as you work your way through the remainder of our revelation-based training materials.

 “Real-life, Biblically-grounded, Revelation-based Learning”

Learning is to be birthed from our real life needs, and be proven out in our real life experiences. We are to take our current life’s issues and struggles and discover similar life stories from the pages of Scripture. Then by examining the responses of those who have gone before us and praying over them (Eph. 1:17, 18), we gain insight as to what our life’s responses are to be. If they trusted God unto death, we trust God unto death. If they grumbled and were killed, we choose not to grumble. If they sought God for revelation and power, we seek God for revelation and power. We find our lives in the pages of Scripture and we take our cues as to how to act, by examining how they acted and by listening in our hearts to what the Holy Spirit is telling us to do.

Revelation-Based Learning offers the following unique emphases:

  1. We value the principle of hiding the Word in our hearts (Ps. 119:11) so highly that we ask learners to memorize a life-changing verse from the Bible every week.
  2. We value the principle of acting only according to the Father’s initiative (Jn. 5:30; 8:26; 14:10) so highly that we ask learners to hear from God personally every week, and to record what He is saying to them.
  3. We value the principle of writing for ourselves a copy of Scripture (Deut. 17:18, 19) so highly that we ask learners to write out Scriptures weekly.

Lamad Curriculum Opportunities

Going Deeper

For those desiring to explore revelation-based teaching in depth, please explore our category of training materials titled “Be a Spirit-Led Communicator” and you may also take our correspondence online college course “Experiencing God - Lamad Encounter Groups”.

A biblical word which captures the concept of “Revelation-Based Learning” is “Lamad.”

Listen here for the spoken word Lamad.

The Hebrew language uses one root (lamad) which is translated "to teach" and "to learn". In the Hebrew culture, the teacher has not taught unless the student has learned. All learning and teaching are ultimately to be found in a reverence for God. The goal of teaching is not the recitation of facts but the changing of lives. For the Hebrews, knowledge (yada) involves personal encounter and response to God's revelation. In the lamad method of learning, we are returning to the Hebraic concept of education, including this personal encounter and revelation. The gathering of Christians becomes a place of impassioned discussion and the sharing of real life experience. It is a place where we meet God and share in the life experiences of others. This becomes a place where we practice truth. The classroom is not separated from life but is actually part of our lives.

The Key Components to Revelation-Based Learning 

Learning is to be lifelong. It is impossible to cram education into the early years of our lives. Learning, transformation, assimilation, and creativity are lifelong matters, with extended periods of time being given to first one topic and then another, until one’s giftedness has been multiplied manifold (Matt. 25:20).

The Greeks emphasized "detached information," while the Hebrews stressed "personal encounter". It was important to the Hebrews that each learner personally encounter and be transformed by what was before them. Spiritual encounter and response to the revelation of God are the central dynamic of Scripture. The classroom is life. If we offer classes, we must make sure they are life encounters in which we practice truth.


Revelation based learning recognizes the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart, a good conscience, and a sincere faith (1 Tim. 1:5). You will notice that all of these are heart realities. The mind is made to serve the heart. All training is to be heart focused. Mankind has been forbidden to eat from the "tree of knowledge of good and evil". Instead, we are to eat from the "Tree of Life," Jesus Christ!


Personal encounter demands a teaching style of guided self-discovery, where the student is guided in his own uncovering of the truth. Revelation based learning encourages the flow of revelation within the hearts of the students. Discovery often happens best in a lively interchange within the classroom. Therefore, effective group interaction must be promoted and guided by the revelation based facilitator.


"Now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love" (1 Cor. 13:13). Certain things are central to life and eternity; others are not. Anger, fear, and doubt are temporary and will be swallowed up by the realities that abide forever: faith, hope, and love. Revelation-based curriculum constantly emphasizes the abiding realities, instilling them in the lives of its students.


Man is to live out of the river of God. This is accomplished by lifting up our eyes in worship to the King, becoming consumed by His presence. While we are in the Lord's presence, we acknowledge that we no longer live, but that Christ is our life, and the life we now live is by faith (Gal. 2:20). We live out of daily fellowship with the Holy Spirit, recognizing that everything done outside of divine flow is a dead work.




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