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Your Winning Team card

Your Winning Team card

By Mark and Patti Virkler

In the multitude of counselors there is wisdom, safety and success. This 5.5 X 8.5 inch card is a simple reminder to look to several people God has provided you who together comprise the five heart motivations which underlie the five-fold team God speaks about in Ephesians 4:7-11 - apostle, prophet, pastor, teacher and evangelist. 

Incorporating counsel from several individuals who together can express these five varied heart motivations lets you make wise, mature decisions (Eph. 4: 11-15).

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Incorporate counsel from five varied heart motivations

Write a testimonial

In the multitude of counselors there is wisdom, safety and success. This 5.5 X 8.5 inch card is a simple reminder to look to several people God has provided you who together comprise the five heart motivations which underlie the five-fold team God speaks about in Ephesians 4:7-11 - apostle, prophet, pastor, teacher and evangelist. 

Incorporating counsel from several individuals who together can express these five varied heart motivations lets you make wise, mature decisions (Eph. 4: 11-15).

Five Main Underlying Heart Motivations

  1. Apostles - Heart for the whole organization. Is everything in place and running smoothly?
  2. Prophets - Heart for inspirational creativity. Is the timing, message and item right?
  3. Evangelist - Heart to convert people to seeing the value of the offer so they make a wise decision.
  4. Pastors - Heart to love, care and comfort people and meet their needs.
  5. Teachers - Heart to clearly present truth so people can take meaningful steps forward.

These cards provide the following information for each of the above five ministries:

Heart passion, main gifts, their basic emotional makeup, their goals, the standards they use to judge others and what influences them. By knowing these traits about each of your counselors, you can function together with less friction and greater harmony.

Endorsement by C. Peter Wagner, Founder of Global Harvest Ministries

"This is not only brilliant, but it is extremely useful. There is nothing else like it. This could end up being a standard tool for the whole apostolic movement ion years to come." 

This is a card you can have on your desk or in your Bible for a constant reminder so you never make a messed up decision again! Get God's full perspective by listening to well-rounded, spiritual advice. You can write the names on the card of several individuals whom God has given to you as advisors, which when combined with your heart motivation express the five heart motivations listed above.

Now, your decisions will be much more fully developed and informed as they have been built upon the combining reflections coming through five different lenses!

Lord, let me prosper by making wise, godly decisions.

This card is a quick review of one of the key ideas in the books Gifted to Succeed and How to Build a Winning Team.

Discount: Share this principle with the others! Purchase ten or more cards for $1.50 each.

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Naturally Supernatural PowerPoint Download

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