Unleashing Healing Power Through Spirit-Born Emotions PowerPoint Download
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For far too long, emotions have been viewed as soulish and to be ignored or even discarded. I forgot that Jesus, moved by compassion, healed (Matt. 14:14). The emotion of compassion was an integral part of His healing ministry, being the carrier wave upon which healing power flowed.
Gone are the days of emotions of gloom, despair, despondency and fear (1 Jn. 4:18) which are carrier waves for the power of the kingdom of darkness. These are replaced by Kingdom Emotions of compassion, joy and peace (Rom. 14:17) which carry God's amazing blessings into my life.
To help me own the revelation that Kingdom Emotions are the carrier wave of Kingdom Power, I have created 200+ PowerPoint slides around this topic. These serve as an excellent way to review the key points of the 300-page book Unleashing Healing Power Through Spirit-Born Emotions. By scrolling down through these PowerPoints daily for a couple of weeks, I re-enforce the truth that Kingdom Power rides on the waves of Kingdom Emotions. This life-changing message needs to be meditated upon (Ps.119:15) until it is a part of the fabric of my life!
Review, review, review! I used my devotional time for a couple of weeks to simply review these PowerPoints repeatedly until I was experiencing Kingdom emotions throughout the day.
You see, having Kingdom Emotions during worship and prayer times is fine, but the reality is, I need to maintain them throughout the day or I am what the Bible calls double-minded (Ja. 1:7,8;4:8 literally "two spirited"), and I get nothing from the Lord! Wow, really, nothing? Are you kidding? OK then, this is serious. I really need my beliefs, emotions and speech to align and stay in alignment all day long so I can receive the provisions God has prepared for me!
It's time to restore Kingdom Emotions to the Church so Kingdom Power can be released to us and to the world which we touch. Let me set aside the emotions of the kingdom of darkness. Really! Do I want satan's spirit of fear, abandonment and discouragement which draws satan's reality into my life? It's time to NOT be two-spirited!
Text of Nine of the PowerPoint Slides Follows...
Emotions are more than soulish
They exist in our spirits!
Ezekiel says, “I went embittered in the rage of my spirit,
and the hand of the LORD was strong on me”
(Ezek. 3:14 NASB).”
Observations concerning emotions
(from the above Scripture)
KEY Insight!
Emotions are guided by the pictures I choose to look at
Negative pictures = negative emotions (Ps. 73:1-3)
Godly pictures = positive emotions (Ps. 73:16-28)
Key Insight
I can ENLARGE the channel of emotion and thus the flow of the Spirit by
gazing longer and more steadfastly at the pictures God gives me (2 Cor. 3:18)!
Any valid picture
MUST include Jesus in it
(Heb. 12:1-2 and Acts 2:25; Ps. 16:8)
God’s thoughts (truth)
when aligned with God’s emotion of love,
release God’s power (Gal. 5:6)
Align the following three
And the Spirit's power is released
Transformed by the pictures I ponder
- 10 million bits of information per second come in through the eyes
- 100,000 bits of information per second come in through the ears
- I am consciously aware of 50 bits per second
- Memorize: 2 Cor. 3:17,18;4:18; Matt. 13:34
FEEL TODAY the emotions of God's promise fulfilled
by seeing it already done!
As I behold a picture of God’s vision of my future reality (Gen. 15:5,6),
I am living in the future moment now. My emotions are excited with gratitude,
and I am in the state where God’s miraculous grace releases His divine provisions.
Items Available for Unleashing Healing Power Through Spirit-Born Emotions
- Explore the Book - 300+ pages
- Explore the CD Package - book and 2 sets of CDs
- Explore the DVD Package - book, 1 set of DVDs, and 1 set of CDs
- Explore the downloadable training module - contains all the above plus more!

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