Through the Bible 1: Pentateuch MP3 Package

Through the Bible 1: Pentateuch MP3 Package

10 MP3 Sessions by Dr. Andrew Hardy | 1 eBook by Mark and Patti Virkler

Dr. Andrew Hardy takes you from Genesis through Deuteronomy in 10 sessions. This is part one of our Through the Bible series, which gives you an overview of the entire Bible. It contains MP3 downloads of Pentateuch as well as Through the Bible PDF e-workbook

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Our hearts are inflamed as Jesus opens Scriptures (Lk. 24:32)

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Dr. Andrew Hardy takes you from Genesis through Deuteronomy in 10 sessions. This is part one of our Through the Bible series, which gives you an overview of the entire Bible. It contains MP3 downloads of Pentateuch as well as Through the Bible PDF e-workbook

What Makes This MP3 Set So Effective and Life-Changing??

The MOST revelatory training series in the world teaching you about Pentateuch!
              Features How This Helps You

This offers a full training package: MP3 and e-workbook.

  • The 10-session teaching series takes you through Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.
  • Utilizing this training bundle allows you to easily facilitate this transforming experience with a group of your friends.
  • This training module lets YOU explore in depth the stories of the Old Testament.

We define Bible meditation. 

  • It involves so much more than western study.
  • It allows you to hear from God through the Holy Spirit as you pray over the Scriptures.

We define how we allow the Holy Spirit to speak into our hearts.

  • You will be taught the 4 keys to hearing God's voice.
  • We coach you in using these four keys, so you have a hearing heart!

Weekly assigned Scripture memorization and questions.

  • Hiding the Word in your heart grants you tremendous strength in the Lord.
  • Prayerfully searching out answers from the Bible lets you put down deep spiritual roots, as God reveals to you truths about His kingdom and a kingdom lifestyle.
Each week you are asked, "What is God saying to you?"
  • God speaks to you weekly through the Word by the Holy Spirit.
  • Lets your heart grow strong in the Lord.
You discover pattern lifestyles.
  • You find yourself in the people of Scripture, and you are challenged to learn from their mistakes and their successes.
  • You realize that their lives are patterns which you can adopt and live yourself!

DVDs promote a group experience.

  • You sit under the anointing of a British scholar, who is passionate to release to you insights received by the voice of God.
  • By being in a group, everyone learns faster through sharing of their questions, insights, revelations and praying for one another.

The MP3s correspond with the Through the Bible e-workbook. For maximum growth and internalization, we recommend utilizing the MP3 and video (great for review in your automobile), along with the Through the Bible workbookThrough the Bible Handbook of Answers, and Through the Bible Teacher's Guide.

How to Get the Most Out of This Teaching

For optimal results, draw together some friends into a home group or Sunday school class and watch the DVDs over a 10-week period. Discuss your answers to the questions asked in the workbook and share your revelations together! The DVDs bring an anointed trainer to your group, and your interpersonal sharing gives you instant feedback and confirmation that you truly are discovering sound biblical truth! An unbeatable combination.

MP3 Series Contains the Following Sessions
Session Title Length
1 Hearing God 23 Minutes
2 What Is the Pentateuch?  14 Minutes
3 Genesis of the Incarnational Messianic People  17 Minutes
4 Exodus 17 Minutes
5 Leviticus - Part 1  16 Minutes
6 Leviticus - Part 2 14 Minutes
7 Numbers - Part 1  16 Minutes
8 Numbers - Part 2 10 Minutes
9 Deuteronomy - Part 1  16 Minutes
10 Deuteronomy - Part 2 14 Minutes


About Dr. Andrew Hardy

Dr. Andrew Hardy, British scholar, provides cultural, historical and revelation insights in the eight DVD sets which are all part of this recommended package. He holds graduate and postgraduate degrees in Mission, Biblical Theology, Theology and Pastoral Psychology.

Rev Dr Andrew Hardy lives in the UK near Oxford in a village called Yarnton. His wife Jenny, his son Timothy and his daughter Elizabeth have lived there for fifteen years. He is currently Programme Director for Undergraduate Mission Studies at Springdale College.



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Through the Bible 8: Epistles and Revelation MP3s

by Dr. Andrew Hardy | 10 Sessions

Dr. Andrew Hardy takes you through the General Epistles and the book of Revelation in 10 sessions. This is part eight of our Through The Bible series,  which provide you an in-depth overview of the entire Bible. You may choose to begin with the Life of Christ, and work your way through the entire New Testament, and then follow this up by going through the Old Testament.

This eighth series in the collection covers the following New Testament books: I Thessalonians, II Thessalonians, I Timothy, II Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, I Peter, II Peter, I John, II John, III John, Jude and Revelation.

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Can you imagine starting new believers off with the Holy Spirit! What if the first thing you were taught as a newborn Christian was how to connect easily and daily with the Holy Spirit Who was living inside you, anointing you, empowering you and transforming you?

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4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice Teacher's Guide eBook

4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice Teacher's Guide eBook

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 62 Pages

If you are going to teach the 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice 10-12 week course yourself, without using the DVDs, then this teacher's guide will prove very helpful. It will give you clear focus for each weekly session.

Price: $9.95
4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice PowerPoint Download

4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice PowerPoint Download

by Mark Virkler | 258 Slides

If you are teaching the course 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice, then these 200 PowerPoint slides will make your classroom presentation powerful and attractive. If you are going to use the DVDs to teach this course, then the PowerPoint is already interwoven into the DVDs.

Price: $29.95
Donate toward leaders in developing nations

A Gift for Leaders in Developing Nations: One-time Donation

To the Ends of the Earth! Missions Outreach
Karen Tanner, Missions Coordinator

There are two ways we reach into the mission field of developing nations. One is through a free hidden website with copies of over 25 of Mark’s books and MP3 versions of our core classes and the other is sending courses to prisoners in Namibia, Africa. We offer a Bachelor’s Degree from Christian Leadership Seminary to those that complete 120 credits of coursework.

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A Gift for Prisoners: One-Time Donation

Many prisoners are hungry for God and word is spreading in prisons that they can contact this ministry for deeply discounted courses. You can help us provide materials to these prisoners by your generous gift. Our ministry sends books into correctional facilities below our cost, making no profit at all. You can make a one-time gift, or pledge $20 or more a month and “adopt a prisoner” as s/he works through book after book, maturing in the Lord.

Adopt A Language

Adopt a Language - Variable Price Donation

Choose the amount you can afford to go towards a translation of our books.

We are looking for people or groups to help us spread the message of Communion With God by sponsoring the translation of 47 sessions of Mark Virkler's teaching into one language for a tax-deductible gift of $3000. Our goal is the 11 key languages in India as well as another 50 other languages worldwide.

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A wise man sows good seed in good ground, expecting a harvest back from the Lord. If these books, CDs and seminars from Communion With God Ministries have blessed you, and you would like to sow into this ministry, saying “Thank you!” with a gift that will be used to help spread the message of Communion With God worldwide, there are many ways you can be involved. All gifts to CWG Ministries are tax deductible.

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