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49 Lies Complete Discounted Package – Religious Lies Jesus Told Me to Stop Believing
2 Books | 6 DVDs | 7 CDs | Save Over 10%This package is a $122.90 value, and includes 49 professionally recorded sessions on CD and DVD. Each session is 5-12 minutes long, which is my testimony of breaking free from each lie. I discuss what the lie is, its impact on my life, what Jesus spoke, my prayer of repentance and the new freedom I experienced which allows me to step into a new life in Christ.

Empowered by the Spirit Complete Package
by Mark and Patti Virkler | 2 booklets | 3 CD/DVD sets | Save 10%
You don't have to wait 20 years, like I did, to move in the supernatural power of God. Once you know WHAT to do, it is simply a matter of doing it. You take your newfound understanding of how to move in the Spirit and you walk out on the water in faith and discover the anointing of God rests upon you and flows through you. Let us teach you how!
Fulfill Your Financial Destiny Complete Discounted Package
by Mark and Patti Virkler | 1 book | 22 Sessions of both CDs & DVDsNewly recorded for 2023! Though the economic system (mammon) of this world is under a curse, we have received instructions for how to move out from that dominion and into the blessing of the Kingdom of God. God’s promises to His children have not changed with the whims of government or Wall Street, nor have His directions for how to walk in those promises....