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Results 1 - 7 of 7
How to Hear God's Voice ebook
by Mark and Patti Virkler | 317 Pages
We recommend that you order the newest revision of this book titled 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice. It includes 95% of the content of How to Hear God's Voice but is reorganized so it fits perfectly with the 10 DVDs on this subject by Mark Virkler. In addition, it gets you started using the four keys...

Meditation: How to Study the Bible in the Presence of God ebook
Click here for Kindle version.
This book is our more academic version of this topic, designed more for the theologian.

Sound Doctrine Through Revelation Knowledge e-book
by Dr. Gary Greig & Drs. Mark and Patti Virkler | 84 PagesSound doctrine. Correct theology. Sounds easy. Seems like if I would just apply my mind, I could establish sound doctrine and keep myself from heresy and error. And that is exactly what I did for many years, until God stopped me dead in my tracks, and got me to look up every verse in the Bible on doctrine and theology (15 in the NASB and 37 in the NKJV). Wow! Was I in for a...

Twenty Key Biblical Principles for Management eBook
by Mark and Patti Virkler | 111 PagesDoes the Bible contain principles which should be followed if you are managing a business, a church or a home? Do the most successful businesses, churches and homes follow these principles? The answer to both questions is, "Yes!" Do you know what these key principles are for successful management? If not, this book is for you. The book is designed with quick, easy...

Your Extraordinary Life PDF eBook
by Mark and Patti Virkler | 197 PagesCan you imagine starting new believers off with the Holy Spirit! What if the first thing you were taught as a newborn Christian was how to connect easily and daily with the Holy Spirit Who was living inside you, anointing you, empowering you and transforming you?
Repent, be baptized and ...

LEARN Prayers that Heal the Heart PDF eBook - Revised & Expanded 20th Anniversary Edition
by Mark and Patti Virkler | 30 PagesThis 30-page Life Enrichment And Review Notebook is designed to go along with the video/audio series and/or PowerPoint presentation. If receiving training in a group, we highly recommend that EVERY member of the group have their own copy.
The LEARN Prayers That...

Rivers of Grace Video Download
by Mark and Patti Virkler | 5 Video SessionsYou can be the parent God wants you to be: loving, encouraging, trusting and able to raise up your children in the way they should go, fulfilling their own unique destinies. Parenting was not intended to be a burden, and anyone who tells you differently has bought into a lie. You will learn to enjoy parenting as an exciting, joy-filled, divinely-ordained opportunity...