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Results 171 - 180 of 221Pages

Health Mastery Through MRT eBook
by Mark and Patti Virkler | 82 PagesWouldn't it be great if there were a way for my body to tell me exactly what it needs and desires, without having to take expensive or invasive tests? Wouldn't it be amazing if I could perform these tests as often as I wanted, right in my own home (or anywhere I wanted), with no costly instruments necessary?
Wouldn't it be wonderful if I could...

Healthier Today Than Yesterday eBook
Mark and Patti Virkler | 103 PagesI am healthier at age 60 than I was at age 40! That excites me. I want to share with you what I have learned in the last 18 years since I wrote the book Go Natural. I researched and wrote that first book on health when I was 40 years old because my body was beginning to break down. The truths I learned then improved...

Hearing God's Voice for Healing e-book
Mark and Patti Virkler | 281 Pages | Retail: $23.99Explore the many methods Jesus used to heal. Recognize the significance of the fact that more than half the time, the word used for these healings was the Greek word for "therapeutic," which means "cure". Become aware of 28 therapeutic cures which are either mentioned in the Bible or, if not specifically mentioned, are compatible with biblical principles.

How Do You Know? eBook
by Mark and Patti Virkler | 180 PagesHow do you know? What is the process you use to discover truth? I did not ask that question during the first 25 years of my life. I used various methods for discovering truth such as: if my parents said so, then it was so. If my teacher said it was so, then it was so. If my pastor said it was so, then it was so. If my theology said it was so, then it was so....

How to Build a Winning Team eBook
by Mark and Patti Virkler | 105 PagesCan I succeed like others have? What do I need to do? How do I go about it? What if I don't have the gifts necessary to do something great? The wonderful truth revealed in Scripture is that God uses ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary feats, especially when they say, "Yes, Lord" to the destiny He has prepared for them!
Only one gift...

How to Receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit eBook
by Mark and Patti Virkler | 44 Pages | Published 2002This brief booklet walks a person through the main obstacles to speaking in tongues, and shows how each one can be successfully overcome. It is down-to-earth, practical and biblical, and in it Mark Virkler shares the struggles he went through before he was able to speak in tongues. Some were theological issues and some simply practical issues, like the fact that if I am...

How to Walk by the Spirit eBook
by Mark and Patti Virkler | 136 PagesAre you like many western Christians who have been taught little about how to sense their spirits? Do you have trouble even defining what spirit sensations feel like within you, much less recognizing them? This training was birthed from Mark’s passion to live out of his spirit, and thus release the anointing of God. The problem he faced was lack of clear biblical definition...

Intimacy with the Holy Spirit eBook
by Mark and Patti Virkler | 223 PagesThis book leads you in meditating on and journaling about several hundred verses that discuss the Holy Spirit. You will grow in intimacy with the indwelling Holy Spirit, and the anointing within you will increase! You will exclaim as the disciples did on the Emmaus Road: “Did not our heart burn within us…while He opened to us the Scriptures?” (Luke 24:32)! In addition to...

Lamad Faculty Handbook eBook
by Mark and Patti Virkler | 78 pages
This book presents lamad (revelation-based learning) standards for teachers and curriculum writers. Lamad is a Hebrew word found in the Old Testament and it is translated "to teach" or "to learn." It is a kind of learning that involves the Holy Spirit granting divine...

Naturally Supernatural eBook
by Mark and Patti Virkler | 161 PagesA step-by-step guide on “abiding in Christ” or how to let go and let God live naturally and powerfully out through you. Disarmingly simple. Mind-blowingly powerful.
Jesus Calls Us to Abide in Him (Jn. 15), So Let's Learn How!
The Great Mystery of the New Testament is that we no longer live, but that it is Christ in us Who lives His life...