Overflow of the Spirit CDs

Overflow of the Spirit CDs

12 sessions | 7 hours | by Mark Virkler and Charity Kayembe

Mark and Charity have teamed up again to create a training series on how to easily manifest the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit. It took us several years to break through all the confusion, and present a clear, simple understanding of how to release the nine-fold manifestation of the Holy Spirit everywhere you go and with everyone you touch. It is not hard! It can’t be since these are gifts of the Holy Spirit, not things you have to work for.

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How to Release His Gifts in Every Area of Your Life

2-Minute Video Overview

Bill Johnson

"More than another book on the Holy Spirit; it is a textbook for the ages." - From the Foreword by Bill Johnson, Bethel Church

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Mark and Charity have teamed up again to create a training series on how to easily manifest the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit. It took us several years to break through all the confusion, and present a clear, simple understanding of how to release the nine-fold manifestation of the Holy Spirit everywhere you go and with everyone you touch. It is not hard! It can’t be since these are gifts of the Holy Spirit, not things you have to work for.

Most Spirit-filled Christians want to operate in the nine-fold manifestation of the Spirit as recorded in 1 Corinthians 12:7-11. However, there is little clear teaching as to how to actually do this. There are writers who naturally flow in them and they tell their stories, but there are few practical, step-by-step teachings explaining how you can become skilled in easily operating in all nine manifestation of the Spirit.

This is a “how-to” training . You will come away with a working vocabulary of each of the nine-fold manifestation of the Holy Spirit as well as the precise knowledge of how you can release each of them. It is 100% biblical, practical and lineal, carefully leading the Christian into an understanding of how to move comfortably and continuously in releasing the Spirit’s manifestation in any situation they find themselves in.

Scripture specifically states that Jesus operated in seven of the manifestation of the Spirit and Paul in eight of them, and I strongly suspect Paul operated in all nine. YOU can also, and it is easier than you ever dreamed possible! As a matter of fact, you probably ARE operating in many of them, but have simply not identified them yet.

The lifestyle of honoring the flow of the Holy Spirit Who lives within (Jn. 7:37-39) is much easier than the lifestyle of wrinkling my brow and trying to figure everything out. Christian spirituality is simple. We live like children (Matt. 18:3). We live in playfulness, faith, intuition and gratitude toward the God Who is with us, in us, and providing us with all things (Rom. 8:32). 

Learn how to position yourself to connect with the Holy Spirit’s river within continually, overflowing with His gifts in every area of your life!

Overflow of the Spirit CDs

These are ideal for repetition and review as you drive, work or exercise. Hearing Mark and Charity teach this series releases an impartation, revelation and spiritual understanding which, if internalized, will completely transform your life. Mark and Charity share their struggles and story in a humorous and down-to-earth way that relates to every listener. Every time you review this series the Holy Spirit reveals more to you. Do yourself a favor and listen to them over and over until the revelation is complete. Rushing on to another topic without internalizing this truth does not result in cultivating Christian spirituality.

CDs and DVDs Both Contain the Following Identical Sessions

  1. Living by the Spirit IS the Christian Lifestyle - Mark Virkler (28 min.)
  2. The Foundation: Intimacy with God - Mark Virkler (34 min.)
  3. Seeing Myself Clearly - Mark Virkler (24 min.)
  4. The Overflow of the Spirit - Mark Virkler (41 min.)
  5. Back to Eden: Restoring God’s Super to Our Natural - Charity Virkler Kayembe (41 min.)
  6. The Ninefold Manifestation - Mark Virkler (32 min.)
  7. Do I Only Get One Gift or Can I Have Them All? - Mark Virkler (32 min.)
  8. Every Gift of the Spirit in Everyday Life - Charity Virkler Kayembe (39 min.)
  9. Dream Gifts: How to Receive from Holy Spirit While You Sleep - Charity Virkler Kayembe (47 min.)
  10. “Heal the Sick…” - Mark Virkler (36 min.)
  11. Revelation Brings Life - Mark Virkler (38 min.)
  12. Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing - Mark Virkler (29 min.)

What others are saying about Overflow of the Spirit


Bill Johnson

"Overflow of the Spirit is a timely and much-appreciated work. Though there have been hundreds of books published over the years about the gifts of the Spirit, Mark takes a unique track combining theological perspective with fresh insight into the supernatural realm of the gifts of the Spirit. It is more than another book on the Holy Spirit; it is a textbook for the ages, perfectly designed for Bible colleges and seminaries, but written for all to examine and experience."

From the Foreword by Bill Johnson - Bethel Church, Redding, CA



Sid Roth

“Most believers don’t know how to release all the gifts of the Spirit resident in them. Finally, THE how-to book has arrived!”

Sid Roth - Host, It’s Supernatural



John Arnott

"In Overflow of the Spirit, Mark and his daughter Charity give a biblical impartation of what it means to be filled with the Holy Spirit, live out of the overflow, and do life from that filled up place. You are no longer on your own trying to live this Christian life, but walking in communion with God the Holy Spirit.”

John Arnott - Founder, Catch the Fire Church



Ron Burgio

“I have read many books on the gifts of the Spirit and this is certainly one of the best. Mark Virkler and Charity Virkler Kayembe offer fresh biblical truths to encourage and enhance every believer. The 70 references for who the Holy Spirit is and what He does in and for the believer are tremendous. I received a fresh, supernatural education and awareness of the gifts. The action exercises and testimonies are fantastic. My faith was increased by the process of revelation-based learning.”

Rev. Ronald V. Burgio, D.Min - Former President, Elim Fellowship



Joshua Mills

"More than just another book, this is a practical how-to manual when it comes to operating in the gifts of the Spirit. And they do believe that you CAN operate in all of the gifts of the Spirit!"

Joshua Mills - Founder, International Glory Ministries



James Goll

“In Overflow of the Spirit, Mark Virkler and Charity Virkler Kayembe weave together Scriptures, journaling with God, and the power of testimony in a relatable manner to provide examples of how to live and walk by the Spirit. They provide practical and easy steps for how to pursue an intimate relationship with God and release the gifts of the Spirit in your life today!”

James W. Goll - Founder, God Encounters Ministries



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Results 161 - 170 of 488


Contributing Strands Worksheet

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 8 Pages

An extremely easy-to-use prayer counseling worksheet to use yourself or for a counselor to use as he works with a client. It guides you through the seven prayers, ensuring that you are asking the right questions, covering all the key bases, and recording what the Lord is saying and revealing through vision. Download free here.

Price: $0.50
Overcoming Blocks and Hindrances to Hearing God's Voice Tract

Overcoming Blocks and Hindrances to Hearing God's Voice Tract (10-pack)

by Mark Virkler | 1 Page Tract | Bundles of 10

A one-page review of how to overcome some of the main stumbling blocks to hearing God's voice. Normally the four keys of stillness, vision, spontaneity and journaling will allow you to daily hear God's voice (plus, of course, submitting it to your spiritual advisors). However, if this is not working, then these are the most likely causes, and the things to do to overcome them.

(This tract is sold in bundles of 10 for $1.00.)

Price: $1.00
Prayers That Heal the Heart Cards

Prayers That Heal the Heart Cards (100 pack)

Wallet size cards for hand outs

Sometimes you just want to put something into someone's hand that will point them in the right direction. You know they are hurting, and you want to help. This Prayers that Heal the Heart wallet size card is perfect to leave for people to pick up, or to hand to people.

To receive up to 25 free, do not add to your cart! Just choose a quantity of "Free Gift #2" at checkout. To purchase more than 25, add to cart here.

Price: $5.00
You Can Hear God's Voice Tract

You Can Hear God's Voice Tract (10-pack)

by Mark Virkler | 1 Page Tract | Bundles of 10

A simple review of the four keys to hearing God's voice, on one single page, front and back. Easy to hand out to another to get them interested in hearing God's voice. Nice for your own personal review.  This tract can be downloaded freely, or purchased for 10 copies for $1.00.

Price: $1.00

7 Step Healing Model Cards (100 pack)

by Mark Virkler

Request up to 25 of the 7 Steps wallet cards FREE with every order you place! (Excluding download-only orders.) Just specify how many you would like when checking out in the shopping cart. 

To receive up to 25 free, do not add to your cart! Just choose a quantity of your "Free Gift" at checkout. To purchase more than 25, add to cart here.

Price: $5.00
Hear God Through Your Dreams cards

Hear God Through Your Dreams Cards (100-pack)

Wallet size cards for handouts

Request up to 25 of the dreams cards FREE with every order you place! (Excluding download-only orders.) Just specify how many you would like when checking out in the shopping cart. Spread the good news that God is still giving wise counsel through dreams at night, and His counsel is free!

To receive up to 25 free, do not add to your cart! Just choose a quantity of your "Free Gift" at checkout. To purchase more than 25, add to cart here.

Price: $5.00

LEARN From Oppression to Victory Ebook

Mark Virkler

This workbook provides you copies of 125 PowerPoint utilized in From Oppression to Victory training. If receiving training in a group, we highly recommend that EVERY member of the group have their own copy. It offers you the following four benefits:

Price: $5.95

LEARN How Do YOU Know?

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 40 pages

This Life Enrichment And Review Notebook follows the audio/video series exactly, allowing you to see the key points being made and fill in answers as you go along. Writing notes always deepens the learning experience. In addition you will be encouraged to write out key Scriptures and hear what the Lord wants to say to you personally through two-way journaling exercises.

Price: $5.95
LEARN Overflow of the Spirit Workbook Cover

LEARN Overflow of the Spirit

50 Pages | by Mark Virkler and Charity Kayembe

This 50-page LEARN Workbook is designed to be filled in while listening to the audio/video teaching on Overflow of the Spirit. Mark and Charity have teamed up again to create a training series on how to easily manifest the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit. It took us several years to break through all the confusion and present a clear, simple understanding of how to release the nine-fold manifestation of the Holy Spirit everywhere you go and with everyone you touch. It is not hard! It can’t be since these are gifts of the Holy Spirit, not things you have to work for.

Price: $6.95

LEARN Rivers of Grace

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 20 Pages

This LEARN notebook is designed to go along with the CD series on Rivers of Grace and it offers you the following four benefits:

Price: $1.95
