Current Special: How to Walk by the Spirit 15th Anniversary Edition + Free Video Event!
Unlock the spirit realm by being constantly aware of what your spirit is sensing

LEARN Overflow of the Spirit

LEARN Overflow of the Spirit

50 Pages | by Mark Virkler and Charity Kayembe

This 50-page LEARN Workbook is designed to be filled in while listening to the audio/video teaching on Overflow of the Spirit. Mark and Charity have teamed up again to create a training series on how to easily manifest the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit. It took us several years to break through all the confusion and present a clear, simple understanding of how to release the nine-fold manifestation of the Holy Spirit everywhere you go and with everyone you touch. It is not hard! It can’t be since these are gifts of the Holy Spirit, not things you have to work for.

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How to Release His Gifts in Every Area of Your Life!

2-Minute Video Overview

Bill Johnson

"More than another book on the Holy Spirit; it is a textbook for the ages." - From the Foreword by Bill Johnson, Bethel Church

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This 50-page LEARN Workbook is designed to be filled in while listening to the audio/video teaching on Overflow of the Spirit. Mark and Charity have teamed up again to create a training series on how to easily manifest the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit. It took us several years to break through all the confusion and present a clear, simple understanding of how to release the nine-fold manifestation of the Holy Spirit everywhere you go and with everyone you touch. It is not hard! It can’t be since these are gifts of the Holy Spirit, not things you have to work for.

Most Spirit-filled Christians want to operate in the nine-fold manifestation of the Spirit as recorded in 1 Corinthians 12:7-11. However, there is little clear teaching as to how to actually do this. There are writers who naturally flow in them and they tell their stories, but there are few practical, step-by-step teachings explaining how you can become skilled in easily operating in all nine manifestation of the Spirit.

This is a “how-to” training. You will come away with a working vocabulary of each of the ninefold manifestation of the Holy Spirit as well as the precise knowledge of how you can release each of them. It is 100% biblical, practical and lineal, carefully leading the Christian into an understanding of how to move comfortably and continuously in releasing the Spirit’s manifestation in any situation they find themselves in.

Scripture specifically states that Jesus operated in seven of the manifestation of the Spirit and Paul in eight of them, and I strongly suspect Paul operated in all nine. YOU can also, and it is easier than you ever dreamed possible! As a matter of fact, you probably ARE operating in many of them, but have simply not identified them yet.

The lifestyle of honoring the flow of the Holy Spirit Who lives within (Jn. 7:37-39) is much easier than the lifestyle of wrinkling my brow and trying to figure everything out. Christian spirituality is simple. We live like children (Matt. 18:3). We live in playfulness, faith, intuition and gratitude toward the God Who is with us, in us, and providing us with all things (Rom. 8:32). 

Learn how to position yourself to connect with the Holy Spirit’s river within continually, overflowing with His gifts in every area of your life!

What others are saying about Overflow of the Spirit


Bill Johnson

"Overflow of the Spirit is a timely and much-appreciated work. Though there have been hundreds of books published over the years about the gifts of the Spirit, Mark takes a unique track combining theological perspective with fresh insight into the supernatural realm of the gifts of the Spirit. It is more than another book on the Holy Spirit; it is a textbook for the ages, perfectly designed for Bible colleges and seminaries, but written for all to examine and experience."

From the Foreword by Bill Johnson - Bethel Church, Redding, CA



Sid Roth

“Most believers don’t know how to release all the gifts of the Spirit resident in them. Finally, THE how-to book has arrived!”

Sid Roth - Host, It’s Supernatural



John Arnott

"In Overflow of the Spirit, Mark and his daughter Charity give a biblical impartation of what it means to be filled with the Holy Spirit, live out of the overflow, and do life from that filled up place. You are no longer on your own trying to live this Christian life, but walking in communion with God the Holy Spirit.”

John Arnott - Founder, Catch the Fire Church



Ron Burgio

“I have read many books on the gifts of the Spirit and this is certainly one of the best. Mark Virkler and Charity Virkler Kayembe offer fresh biblical truths to encourage and enhance every believer. The 70 references for who the Holy Spirit is and what He does in and for the believer are tremendous. I received a fresh, supernatural education and awareness of the gifts. The action exercises and testimonies are fantastic. My faith was increased by the process of revelation-based learning.”

Rev. Ronald V. Burgio, D.Min - Former President, Elim Fellowship



Joshua Mills

"More than just another book, this is a practical how-to manual when it comes to operating in the gifts of the Spirit. And they do believe that you CAN operate in all of the gifts of the Spirit!"

Joshua Mills - Founder, International Glory Ministries



James Goll

“In Overflow of the Spirit, Mark Virkler and Charity Virkler Kayembe weave together Scriptures, journaling with God, and the power of testimony in a relatable manner to provide examples of how to live and walk by the Spirit. They provide practical and easy steps for how to pursue an intimate relationship with God and release the gifts of the Spirit in your life today!”

James W. Goll - Founder, God Encounters Ministries



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Results 61 - 70 of 482


Sound Doctrine Through Revelation Knowledge

Sound Doctrine Through Revelation Knowledge

by Dr. Gary Greig & Drs. Mark and Patti Virkler | 84 Pages

Sound doctrine. Correct theology. Sounds easy. Seems like if I would just apply my mind, I could establish sound doctrine and keep myself from heresy and error. And that is exactly what I did for many years, until God stopped me dead in my tracks, and got me to look up every verse in the Bible on doctrine and theology (15 in the NASB and 37 in the NKJV). Wow! Was I in for a surprise! You will be, too, as you go through these verses with me in this book!

Price: $12.95
Spirit Born Creativity

Spirit Born Creativity

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 151 Pages

God made man creative, and, in addition, He has given man the ability to draw upon the eternal creativity of God. Locked within you lies a divine reservoir of creative energy that can transform your life.

God spoke to Marc Huddleston in his two-way journaling, "The quietness of a man's mind in My Presence is the birth place of the release of My limitless creativity."

Price: $10.99
Supernatural Church

Supernatural Church

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 62 Pages

This book is designed to be used in a 13-week new members' class of a church which is pursuing intimacy with the Holy Spirit. As people come to your church, they come with many different theological backgrounds and expectations as to what church ought to be like. It is crucial that you align these people's hearts and minds as they join the church, or they will end up pulling in many different directions and causing division.

Price: $9.95
Talking With Jesus - Front Cover

Talking with Jesus

by Evelyn Klumpenhouer

A full year of daily devotionals in which the Holy Spirit “opens up” Scripture!

These short, powerful devotionals for every day of the year are easy to read in less than two minutes. Each daily verse (with reference) is followed by God speaking directly to you concerning that verse. These inspiring messages provide an incredibly uplifting way to begin each day.

"Were not our hearts burning within us…while He was explaining the Scriptures to us?" (Lk. 24:32).

Price: $14.95

The Faith Zone

by Steve Long and Mark Virkler

Click here for Kindle version.


Have you ever thought that before? Most of us have thought it, or even heard it from others, at some point in our lives. But what exactly is faith anyway? And how do we get more of it? And if we did get more of it, could we actually move mountains into the sea?

Price: $15.99

The Utter Relief of Holiness

How God's Goodness Frees Us from Everything That Plagues Us - by John Eldredge

What a relief it would be to be set free from all that plagues us -- the inner struggle with anger, or contempt, the habitual sins. Is such an experience possible?

Price: $5.00
Through the Bible

Through the Bible

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 142 Pages

Listening to God through Scripture! Were not our hearts burning within us while He was...explaining the Scriptures to us (Lk. 24:32)?  This book will guide you in letting God reveal truth to you as you meditate on the stories and teaching of those who have gone before you. Your heart will be set afire by God!

Price: $19.95
Twenty Key Biblical Principles for Management

Twenty Key Biblical Principles for Management

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 111 Pages

Does the Bible contain principles which should be followed if you are managing a business, a church or a home? Do the most successful businesses, churches and homes follow these principles? The answer to both questions is, "Yes!" Do you know what these key principles are for successful management? If not, this book is for you. The book is designed with quick, easy evaluation worksheets provided for each of the 20 principles.

Price: $12.95
Wading Deeper Into the River of God

Wading Deeper Into the River of God

by Mark Virkler | 212 Pages

This book is the story of Mark’s personal journey toward revelation knowledge. With his trademark transparency and humor, you’ll identify with his challenges along the way and rejoice in his breakthroughs as he endeavors to continually wade deeper into the river of God.

Price: $16.95

When Heaven Touches Earth

by Greig, Virkler, Rogers, Goll, Fuller | 140 Pages

The central theme of this book is that average Christian believers can learn to exercise the eyes of their hearts and receive Spirit-led visions to worship in heaven, to receive the Lord's healing of their hearts, His authority, and His strategies to bring heaven down to earth (Matt. 6:10). Heavenly encounters initiated and led by Jesus with angels and those who have gone before us may sometimes be a part of these visionary experiences, as they were in Scripture.

Price: $14.95
