LEARN From Oppression to Victory Ebook

LEARN From Oppression to Victory Ebook

Mark Virkler

This workbook provides you copies of 125 PowerPoint utilized in From Oppression to Victory training. If receiving training in a group, we highly recommend that EVERY member of the group have their own copy. It offers you the following four benefits:

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Walk in the light and darkness flees (1 Jn. 1:7)

2-Minute Video Overview

Write a testimonial

This workbook provides you copies of 125 PowerPoint utilized in From Oppression to Victory training. If receiving training in a group, we highly recommend that EVERY member of the group have their own copy. It offers you the following four benefits:

Deepened Learning Through Visual Reminder And Note-Taking

The opportunity to visually see an outline of the teaching deepens the learning experience. There is room on each page to jot down notes in the margins. When you write something with your own hand, it is a much stronger learning experience than simply hearing it. God puts a BIG emphasis on writing as a way of learning. Look at His very first requirement of anyone who became a king in Israel:

“Also it shall be, when he sits on the throne of his kingdom, that he shall write for himself a copy of this law in a book, from the one before the priests, the Levites. And it shall be with him, and he shall read it all the days of his life, that he may learn to fear the LORD his God and be careful to observe all the words of this law and these statutes, that his heart may not be lifted above his brethren, that he may not turn aside from the commandment to the right hand or to the left, and that he may prolong his days in his kingdom, he and his children in the midst of Israel” (Deut. 17:18-20).

Greater Internalization Through Previewing and Reviewing the Key Ideas

The seminar guide/notebook also gives you an opportunity to easily preview and review the teaching. None of us catches everything the first time through and as you review it several times, you will pick up things you did not hear before. More truths will begin to "click" and more lights come on!

This process of repeated review results in greater revelation and greater personal transformation. Jesus urged us to cultivate and give attention to new ideas being sown in our hearts until they bear a crop of 30, 60 or 100 fold (Matt. 13:18-23). So listen, review and focus until God has granted you personal revelation and transformation! Anything short of this causes the seed to be aborted and die. Hearing without doing is a waste, the Bible says (James 2:17).

Application Exercises Allow God to Speak Directly to Your Heart

Application exercises are included in the seminar guide/notebook for class times and for increasing personal revelation at home. Hearing a truth is one thing. Letting God speak to you concerning how to apply it in your life is another. These application exercises will give you the opportunity to seek God and ask Him what He wants to say to you concerning the truth, and how He wants to see it applied in your life. This is exactly what you need to hear and act upon. This is spiritual growth and development. Please review our short article on "How to Cultivate Christian Spirituality."

Interactive Group Activities Cultivate Sharing of Revelations Together

Suggestions for group activities which promote seeking God together and a lively interaction where people are encouraged to share the revelation they are receiving are also included. This helps avoid lecture which can easily become boring. The activities are well designed so people are not just "spouting off" and sharing ignorance but instead are sharing together what God is revealing to them.

Session Titles

Session 1 – Christ Has Won!

Session 2 – Breaking Curses, Releasing Blessings

Session 3 – I Live by the Spirit

Session 4 – Intimacy, Anointing, and Power

Session 5 – I Put on the Full Armor of God

Session 6 – Spiritual Warfare

Session 7 – My Hedge Is Not Broken

Session 8 – I Live by the Spirit and Darkness Flees

Lives transformed as people journal and Jesus removes the darkness so they can walk in the light of His glory

Dan Arens journals and gets enlightenment from the Wonderful Counselor

- "Am I purifying the flow of your words to me all the time?

Jesus answers: No, you start and stop the flow and start it again. Picture the story of Peter walking on the water. Peter could clearly see Jesus and what Jesus was doing. Peter started out fine. The problem is when Peter took his eyes off Jesus he turned to his own vision and his own understanding instead of Jesus and he began to sink. In the spiritual, you do the same. You start out fine but as soon as there’s a problem or something happens you don’t like or understand, you question it and then you stop the flow and start to sink because then your eyes aren’t fixed on Jesus. Then after you analyze it, you turn back to Jesus and then Jesus has to pull you up to stop you from sinking like He did with Peter. Then you start this process and cycle all over again. So instead of letting it be a smooth and constant flow by focusing continually on Jesus, which allows Me to work through you like I want to, it's limited."

Cathy Kawar Journals and receives His light

Lord, show me the areas of my heart that are wounded and which You would like to heal. Do I have a fullness of faith, hope and love concerning my health?

Vision: I see something like a cave, but it somehow resembles the insides of a person’s body like the internal linings of a stomach or something, with the colors of the scenery or cave being dark red and dark colors. I see Jesus walk in the midst of this cave and I see Him carrying me under His arm. He then puts me down and holds me close and is showing me around. I see things floating around, looking like “bacteria” or something. I see Jesus lift up His hand towards them and then I look up and see a light shining through.

Jesus: My strength is made perfect in your weakness. I am your healer, and I am your maker. I am the One who restores hearts and bodies. Though much goes on in the human body, I am watching over everything, and I am healing and restoring and protecting. Do not fear, for no harm shall come, but I will strengthen you. Though weakness may have its moments in your body, I am there to heal and give grace. There is grace, My child. You are already experiencing my healing power in your jaw. You already have seen the change in your physical health, how it is better than before. So do not fear for what will come. Even the things you have heard about post-partum life and how it demands much from the human body, do not worry about that. For don’t I know what you are able to handle? I will not cause anything beyond what you can withstand, that goes for spiritually, physically, emotionally, and mentally. So, rest in Me. And keep believing and declaring My words of life, My words of healing, and strength. Declare it and claim it and believe it. And though days come of physical tiredness or weakness, just press into Me and receive My strength. Remember, there is new mercy and grace for each day, and if you look closely, it is within each minute and hour passing by in that day. So, take care of yourself, for you are My temple, but do not fear over little or big things. I am your healer. I am your maker. I watch over you with loving eyes and gentle hands.

Cathy: Amen, Lord. I believe and receive Your words of life and healing. I believe in Your healing power, and I have witnessed it in my life before and I know You will continue to strengthen this body of mine. I trust You and know You are healing what needs healing, and that there is mercy and grace for each day. “For my heart is glad, my whole being rejoices, my flesh also dwells secure.” Amen.


Lord, how do I see vision all the time, as Jesus did? Journaling by Mark Virkler

Since I want to see what God is doing in the present moment, I often begin with a godly imagination, which transforms into a vision when I pray for the eyes of my heart to be enlightened, tune to flow, and the Spirit brings the scene alive. These visions bring joy, peace, and hope (click here to watch a video of this teaching on YouTube). 

Working definitions that allow me to step into daily visions

  • Godly imagination is when I am picturing God’s truth. Evil imagination is when I am picturing things contrary to Scripture (Jer. 7:24).
  • Vision occurs when I pray asking that the eyes of my heart be enlightened (Eph. 1:17-19), tune to flow (Jn. 7:37-39), and God take overs my godly imagination, bringing it alive. At this point I have just stepped from a godly imagination into a vision. Jesus lived in vision all the time (as shown in this blog).
  • Emotions are a by-product of pictures – “I will keep him in perfect peace whose imagination is stayed on me” (See Hebrew word definitions). Since emotions will NOT respond to my logical commands, I will use God’s approach of utilizing godly imaginations, releasing them to flow and stepping into heavenly visions. Kingdom pictures produce Kingdom emotions (Rom. 14:17). Astounding!
  • Tips on "How do I yield my godly imagination to Spirit flow?" Ask the Holy Spirit to take over the scene and show you what He wants you to see (Eph. 1:17,18). Become childlike. Smile. Picture yourself as a child. Become playful. Take a deep slow breath. Cease your labors; enter into rest. Stop striving and grunting. Honor the flowing thoughts and pictures which appear as they are coming from the River of God that flows within you.

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