How to Speak in Tongues MP3

How to Speak in Tongues MP3

Speaking in tongues involves a miracle wherein you yield your vocal cords to the flow of the Holy Spirit, trusting that God is forming the syllables you speak into a language. It may be a language of men or of angels (1 Cor. 13:1). You choose to speak (Acts 2:4) but you choose not to form the syllables consciously, and instead let the Spirit give the utterance (Acts:2:4). The goal of this short teaching is to help people understand the part they need to play and the part the Holy Spirit plays when it comes to the miracle of speaking in tongues.

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This manifestation of the Spirit is easier than you think

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Speaking in tongues involves a miracle wherein you yield your vocal cords to the flow of the Holy Spirit, trusting that God is forming the syllables you speak into a language. It may be a language of men or of angels (1 Cor. 13:1). You choose to speak (Acts 2:4) but you choose not to form the syllables consciously, and instead let the Spirit give the utterance (Acts:2:4). The goal of this short teaching is to help people understand the part they need to play and the part the Holy Spirit plays when it comes to the miracle of speaking in tongues.

This will help a person receive their "breakthrough" into the realm of the supernatural. It is all very simple and childlike, as all of Christianity must be in order for it to be available to everyone. Experience the life-transforming impact of building up your spirit through speaking in tongues (1 Cor. 14:4).

Session Title Length
1 How to Speak in Tongues - The Baptism in the Holy Spirit 27 Minutes


How to Receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit booklet

An Excellent 40 page booklet Explaining Speaking in Tongues

This brief booklet walks a person through the main obstacles to speaking in tongues, and shows how each one can be successfully overcome. It is down-to-earth, practical and biblical, and in it Mark Virkler shares the struggles he went through before he was able to speak in tongues. Some were theological issues and some simply practical issues, like the fact that if I am going to speak in tongues, I will need to speak. Otherwise, nothing happens. Four views on the value of speaking in tongues are presented, and you are encouraged to develop your own understanding of the biblical view. Also included is a chart comparing the three baptisms in the New Testament: the baptism into the body of Christ, the baptism into the Holy Spirit and baptism into water.

Finally, there is a brief theological overview of the three different workings of the Holy Spirit in the believer's life:  the Holy Spirit indwelling the believer at the point of salvation, filling the believer when he is yielded to Him, and erupting into an overflow up and out of the believer in the baptism in the Holy Spirit. These three works of the Holy Spirit are explored biblically, then compared in chart format.

Practical, biblical and spiritual are the three key words to describe this booklet. This teaching will free you from rationalism and release you into Spirit encounter. You will find it life-changing! Pass copies out to your friends. Use them in home Bible study groups or Sunday school classes. We have priced it inexpensively enough for you to give it away to those hungering for such an experience. We recommend it be given at the altar to those seeking the baptism in the Holy Spirit and as a congregational handout when you are teaching on the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Our goal is that everyone seeking the evidence of speaking in tongues, receives it. This tool is designed to ensure that happens. We have seen people who have sought for the gift of tongues for over a decade immediately receive by reading this book.

Testimonies Concerning How to Receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit

"I believe this book will be used greatly to: 1) open hearts of rational Christians to the possibility they have been deceived and kept from entering into the abundant supernatural life promised by Christ, 2) bring mature understanding regarding the work of the Holy Spirit to the charismatic and pentecostal movements, and 3) help answer the question, 'I have been baptized in the Holy Spirit, now what?' I also expect it to be an excellent tool to aid in bringing seeking Christians into Holy Spirit baptism and the gift of tongues.
 -- Joe Allison CEO, Gaptek Inc. - Electronics Manufacturing Services Company Elder with Dove Christian Fellowship - Red Lion

"This booklet will help the average believer allow the Holy Spirit to baptize him and to release him in the gift of tongues, which is, practically speaking, a foundational gift that helps one get released in and operate in all other gifts of the Spirit. Dr. Virkler's experience of speaking Portuguese as the Spirit released him in the gift of tongues is fascinating, and as always, the principles seen in Scripture of letting go of the rationalistic control of one's mind and flesh and of tuning to Spirit-flow while stepping out to speak in tongues are very helpful."

-- Dr. Gary Greig Founder - Kingdom Training Network


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