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Clearing Cellular Memories MP3/Video Download Set

Clearing Cellular Memories MP3/Video Download Set

by Mark Virkler | 1 MP3 | 1 video download | 23 minutes

Click here for a blog which dove tails with this training.

"That person is a pain in the neck." I have seen the pain of a stiff neck and shoulder immediately released when the person I was counseling forgave another who was "a pain in their neck." 

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Let Jesus cleanse traumatic memories from your cells!

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Click here for a blog which dove tails with this training.

"That person is a pain in the neck." I have seen the pain of a stiff neck and shoulder immediately released when the person I was counseling forgave another who was "a pain in their neck." 

The US National Library of Medicine hosts this article on stress which indicates up to 90% of illnesses are stress related. Quotes from the article include: "It is estimated that 80% to 90% of all industrial accidents are related to personal problem and employees’ inability to handle stress (6)." "The European Agency for Safety and Health at work reported that about 50% of job absenteeism is caused by stress (7)…." "The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States estimates that stress account about 75% of all doctors visit (7)…" "According to Occupational Health and Safety news and the National Council on compensation of insurance, up to 90% of all visits to primary care physicians are for stress-related complaints."

In this 23-minute presentation, which you will receive in both digital video and MP3 audio format, Mark Virkler walks you through this amazing healing process and shares the profound healing impact this prayer approach had on his life. This is one of the teachings from his longer series on Unleashing Healing Power.

Here is a full blog titled How to Clear Cellular Memories - Removing Emotional Roots to Diseases

Eight Steps for Clearing Cellular Memories and Experiencing Healing 

  1. I enter His rest - I put on some very soft soaking music to quiet my spirit before Him.
  2. I ask Jesus what needs healing - "Lord, what needs healing in my life today? What stressed body organ or infirmity or abnormal emotional response needs to be dealt with?" 
  3. I receive words of knowledge - "Holy Spirit, please bring to my attention any event(s) which occurred at the inception of this physical, emotional or spiritual infirmity in my life or which added to it later on." I tune to flow and make a list of one line titles for each of the various events which light upon my mind. These are words of wisdom and words of knowledge revealing a root experience which will need to be resolved so the infirmity can be healed. A spouse or close friend can assist me in recalling traumatic events which need healing. After this list is created, we then apply steps 4-8 to each event on this list. Use the downloadable sheet in the next section to make this easy.
  4. I invite Jesus into the scene - "Jesus, remind me of what was I feeling and where You are in this scene. What are You speaking, doing, and asking me to do?" I follow His instructions by repenting, forgiving, releasing, honoring and blessing the individuals (including myself and the event itself). John Arnott tells of asking a woman to forgive her horse for falling on her and crushing her hip. As soon as she forgave the horse, her hip pain vanished!  Record what the Lord speaks and does and what happens. 
  5. Cellular emotional trauma is released by Jesus - "Jesus, please remove the memory of this trauma which is stored in my (state specific body part)." Pause, watch, look, listen and feel as Jesus ministers healing grace. Conclude with a couple of deep breaths. 
  6. Demonic entanglements are renounced in Jesus' name - "I renounce and break off all demons, in the name of Jesus, which were attached to these events." I pause, watch, look, listen and feel as Jesus ministers deliverance to me. Breathe out a couple of times forcefully and feel the release. Record what demons are rebuked and what you sense and see happening. The names of the demons will light upon your mind as spontaneous flowing thoughts, and generally correspond with what they are causing: anger, hatred, fear, inferiority, condemnation, shame, infirmity, arthritis, etc. 
  7. Physical healing is received through Jesus - "Lord Jesus, would You shine Your light upon (name body part)?" Watch Jesus touch, heal and restore the damaged body part. Then thank Him: “Thank You, Jesus, for Your healing, restorative touch. I receive it with gratefulness." Record what transpires.
  8. Divine gifts are revealed by Jesus - "Lord, what is the gift You have produced in my life through this trauma/event?” Record what this gift is and see and speak ONLY of this gift from now on!

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Fulfill Your Financial Destiny PDF ebook

Fulfill Your Financial Destiny eBook

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 66 Pages

Though the economic system (mammon) of this world is under a curse, we have received instructions for how to move out from that dominion and into the blessing of the Kingdom of God. God’s promises to His children have not changed with the whims of government or Wall Street, nor have His directions for how to walk in those promises. We can “choose not to participate” in the economic recession that is around us if we instead choose to obey the logos and rhema of the Lord and enjoy the blessings that result.

Price: $9.95
Gifted to Succeed eBook

Gifted to Succeed eBook

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 189 Pages

There is no joy so complete as knowing who you are -- who God has made you to be and what your basic giftings and drives are. The goal of this book is to get you effectively functioning in roles which allow you to adequately express your heart motivations and gifts. The fulfillment you experience when you function in your gifts and calling is a joy almost beyond belief.

"Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will stand before kings; He will not stand before obscure men." (Prov. 22:29)

Price: $17.95

God Speaks to Me eBook

by MaryAnn Diorio | 45 pages

Many years ago, I read a book similar to this one by MaryAnn Diorio. In it, God was speaking for page after page. I so hungered to be able to hear God’s voice as the authors of that book did, and as MaryAnn does on the pages of this book.

Now God has allowed me the privilege of raising up an army of writers who are sharing what God has spoken to them. This devotional by MaryAnn contains 100 amazing journal entries of God speaking. Below is one sample:

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God's Heart for You eBook Cover

God's Heart for You eBook

a devotional by Uta Milewski | 100 pages

Do you sometimes struggle with thoughts and feelings that you don't measure up? I do and I sometimes need a second opinion and a different perspective. In 2006, during an intense season of first doubt and then searching, God gave me His opinion, His heart for me. It set in motion the victories and freedom I now experience in life. I pray you'll be encouraged by the Scriptures and thoughts God gave me during that time.

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The Great Mystery eBook

Great Mystery eBook

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 54 Pages

This is a workbook which guides you in meditating on hundreds of New Testament verses which speak of Who Christ is within us and how to touch and release Him and His wisdom, power and might continuously and effortlessly out through our lives. You will look up every New Testament verse on being "in Christ," "in Him" and "in Whom." In addition, you will meditate on the various names given to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and realize that all that He is is available within you and even joined to you (1 Cor. 6:17)! Absolutely amazing!

Price: $9.95
Health Mastery Through MRT eBook

Health Mastery Through MRT eBook

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 82 Pages

Wouldn't it be great if there were a way for my body to tell me exactly what it needs and desires, without having to take expensive or invasive tests? Wouldn't it be amazing if I could perform these tests as often as I wanted, right in my own home (or anywhere I wanted), with no costly instruments necessary? 

Price: $19.95
Healthier Today than Yesterday - Book Cover

Healthier Today Than Yesterday eBook

Mark and Patti Virkler | 103 Pages

I am healthier at age 60 than I was at age 40! That excites me. I want to share with you what I have learned in the last 18 years since I wrote the book Go Natural. I researched and wrote that first book on health when I was 40 years old because my body was beginning to break down. The truths I learned then improved my health and many others have written to tell me that it improved the quality of their health, as well.

Price: $9.95

Hearing God Through Biblical Meditation ebook

Unlocking fresh revelation daily - by Mark and Patti Virkler | 179 Pages

For many years I studied the Bible incorrectly, and it produced death rather than life. Even though I had a knowledge of the Scriptures, I did not personally experience the life and the realities they revealed. The Bible calls this the ministry of death, rather than the ministry of righteousness (2 Cor. 3:6–9). Upon coming out of Bible college, I found myself just like the apostle Paul, attacking those who disagreed with my theology. 

Price: $15.95

How Could I Have Been So Wrong? eBook

Mark Virkler | 80 Pages

This book is my story of how my cardiac event was resolved by combining the best in medical care, Christian spirituality, and nutrition. 

I was NOT supposed to have a cardiac event. I ate a healthy diet, exercised several times a week, consumed lots of great nutrition and sought to live destressed by abiding in Christ. This story contains the lessons I learned in the months of healing after having emergency surgery which involved five heart bypasses.

Price: $14.95

How Do You Know? eBook

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 180 Pages

How do you know? What is the process you use to discover truth? I did not ask that question during the first 25 years of my life. I used various methods for discovering truth such as: if my parents said so, then it was so. If my teacher said it was so, then it was so. If my pastor said it was so, then it was so. If my theology said it was so, then it was so.

Price: $17.95
