15 Ways Angels Minister to Us
“Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?” (Hebrews 1:14)
Do you know the 15 ways the Bible reveals that angels minister to you? We have listed these extraordinary Scriptures on beautiful 8” x 5” Ministry Cards. They are the perfect size to slide in your book or Bible as a bookmark and an anointed reminder of the many blessings Father has provided for you through your angelic bodyguards.
In addition to the list of ways God uses His angels to bless and assist you, also included on the card is a prophetic prayer of activation. As you declare these biblical promises in faith, you will be agreeing with God’s Word and commissioning His angelic hosts to release the power, protection and provision of Heaven in to your world.
You’ll definitely want to give these Ministry Cards to friends and family, so be sure to get enough to share!
Partner with the company of Heaven in accomplishing Father’s purposes in your life, family, ministry and nation. On earth as it is in Heaven!
Quantity Discount: Get 10 for Only $15
One included free with each Everyday Angels CD Package, DVD Package, or Complete Package!
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