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120+ Bible College Level Course Syllabi on CD-ROM

120+ Bible College Level Course Syllabi on CD-ROM

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 1 Disc

You don't need to re-invent the wheel. We have spent 30 years developing and improving college-level curricula that is revelation-based. These 100+ course syllabi are available for you to purchase and utilize in your church-centered Bible school, School of Ministry, college or university. A "Lamad Curriculum License Agreement" (available at the end of this filemust be signed and submitted before  this CD is shipped.

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Revelation-based courses available for you to use! Enjoy!

2-Minute Video Overview

Write a testimonial

You don't need to re-invent the wheel. We have spent 30 years developing and improving college-level curricula that is revelation-based. These 100+ course syllabi are available for you to purchase and utilize in your church-centered Bible school, School of Ministry, college or university. A "Lamad Curriculum License Agreement" (available at the end of this filemust be signed and submitted before  this CD is shipped.

What Is a Course Syllabus?

A college-level course syllabus is a several-page description of the requirements of the course, including what books must be read, what assignments completed and handed in, and what tests and papers must be done. Each of the course syllabi on this CD-ROM is lamad in its requirements of the students. Each syllabus requires Spirit encounter, personal encounter and life encounter. They have weekly self-check tests with answers. There is a mid-term and final test, with answers provided to the instructor. Most are 20 - 60 pages long. The typical cost for a college to produce a course syllabus is $2500, so the production cost to Lamad Curriculum Developers, LLC of the materials on this CD-ROM is about $300,000. 

Initially this entire pack of 120 course syllabi sold for $1500. Now you can own it for only $900, which comes to only $7.50 per course syllabus! Signing the "Articulation Agreement" and purchasing this CD-ROM gives you the rights to use these course syllabi yourself and to reproduce them for your college, Bible school, School of Ministry, community Adult Learning Center or home group (some limitations apply if you are running an online school).

For those who would enjoy studying college-level courses without paying the tuition or receiving college credits, you may purchase this CD-ROM for yourself (after signing the "Articulation Agreement"), discover the books and assignments required for all 100+ courses and work with them as you desire. Put $300,000 of Spirit-anointed course syllabi into your hands today for only $900!

More information about this CD-ROM and utilizing the Lamad Curriculum used by Christian Leadership University is available here or by calling 1 800 466 6961 or 716 681 4896.

A “Core Pack” may be purchased for the discounted price of $2700, and includes one copy of all course materials for 31 of our most popular courses plus this CD Rom with 100+ syllabi. (Call to inquire: 1 800 466 6961.)

For a more complete description of the core pack, and for a discounted price on the items above, please go here.

Here is a free sample of one of these course syllabi: REN103 Communion With God.

Unique features and benefits of our revelation-based course syllabi

The MOST practical, revelation-based curriculum package in the world - available at your fingertips!
Features How This Helps You

Curriculum proven over 30 years in hundreds of schools

  • 200 - 300 churches have utilized this curriculum package.
  • Utilizing these training modules (DVDs, books and workbooks) allows you to easily facilitate this transforming experience with a group of your friends.

A vast array of topics covered
(See entire list here)

  • Meeting real life needs of all your students
  • Allows students to follow their interests, growing in areas of their passion

Transferable toward a degree

  • Christian Leadership University utilizes this curriculum package and will accept credits from completed work which your students do with you, as may other schools.

Anyone can create a learning center, within or outside a church

  • You bring Spirit-anointed intensive training into your community.
  • You can even enroll as a correspondence student with Christian Leadership University.
It is a heart-based curriculum that requires you to focus intensely
  • It fosters spiritual growth in the recipient.
  • A typical 3 credit course requires 75 hours of learning experience.

Curriculum is easy to use

  • The modules come complete with books, workbooks, tests (and answers), grading system.
  • Anyone 15 years and up can participate effectively.

Extensive help is available in setting up a learning center

  • Operations manual available providing guidance on set up.
  • Free phone consultation available (800 466 6961).
  • Curriculum package is constantly being improved.

Why establish a School of Ministry or a Church-Centered Bible School?

  • Your congregation needs ongoing in-depth training to nurture their passion and growth in the Lord.
  • People coming to your church from other churches will have many different theologies. If you do not teach them what your church believes, these other doctrines could eventually cause divisions.
  • If you send your potential leaders away to Bible school, many will never come back.
  • If they do return to work in your church, they will bring another's spirit, another's attitudes and another's theology. This can cause great conflict in your church.

The value of using revelation-based curriculum in your training institute

  • Because these courses are all lamad in design, the student is drawn into interaction with the voice of God in each and every course. Therefore, the courses are not head teaching only; they touch the heart as well.
  • These courses are created around the writings, CDs and DVDs of nationally- and internationally-respected Spirit-anointed leaders.
  • These courses are all practical, relevant, life-changing, biblically sound and Spirit-anointed.
  • The inerrancy of the Bible and the anointing of the Holy Spirit permeate each and every course.
  • Every course takes the student one step toward the goal of "raising up Spirit-anointed leaders who disciple nations." Without concrete steps, goals are not realized.
  • Your people can be earning accredited degrees, while becoming Spirit-anointed leaders.
  • You control your Bible school, its tuition costs and its selection of faculty. We serve you. You do not serve us.

Another alternative is for you to simply use our "Spiritual Intimacy - Awesome Freedom Series" (no course syllabi or credits involved here)

If you like the idea of providing systematic three-month Spirit-anointed training modules to your people, but feel a full-fledged Bible school is a bit more than you are ready to tackle right now, we do have a simpler provision for you. It is to utilize our "Spiritual Intimacy - Awesome Freedom Series" in your small groups. It comes with DVDs and workbooks but no course syllabi. It is a smaller work load for the learner, less expensive for everyone, and easier to administrate. You can explore this option here.

Additional related items concerning Spirit-anointed training

A free gift for you to download, enjoy and share with your friends!

Patti Virkler, the Academic Dean of Christian Leadership University, has just finished a complete re-write of the college course syllabus for our most popular class, “REN103 Communion With God.” It goes along with our new book 4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice and is an amazing improvement over the already life-changing syllabus which was written 15 years ago. Time and experience do allow us the opportunity to continually improve our initial products and we pass these improvements on to you.


We believe this is so precious and valuable, it should be distributed as widely as possible to all people, colleges, Bible schools and Schools of Ministry with the goal of getting as many schools and churches and home groups as possible teaching this course on how to hear God’s voice. So we invite you to download the new syllabus, and pass it around as widely as possible. It is free!

The personal benefit to you is that by completing all the assignments in this course syllabus, you will absolutely internalize the skill of hearing God’s voice on a daily basis and recording what He is saying to you. If you want college credit for this, you may enroll in our REN103 Communion with God course which comes complete with an instructor, tests, a final grade and college credits. Click here to learn more.

Testimonies from Pastors who have utilized this revelation-based curriculum

"A college-level program of study and training has been a part of our mission statement for years. When God introduced us to Mark Virkler and Christian Leadership University we discovered with great delight that all the preparation had been done. We were able to begin the following semester.

"Though the excellent curriculum is well-designed, each local campus has the flexibility to incorporate up to 40% of its own curriculum. This enables each campus to design its curriculum to meet the unique needs of its constituency.

"We are very excited about the privilege of being an integral part of the development of Christian Leadership University. What an opportunity to be trained in excellence of service to our Lord and King."

Paul Bersche
Pastoral Team
Restoration Christian Fellowship
Detroit, Michigan

"Dear Pastor,

Southtowns Christian Center has used Christian Leadership University's Lamad Curriculum for several years, and I highly recommend this program to your ministry. CLU uses a Holy Spirit led, systematic and disciplined approach to Christian higher education. This approach uses curriculum that is practically proven by application and not simply theoretical. It is hands on! CLU offers your church the opportunity to provide fully accredited undergraduate and graduate degree programs to your congregation and community at an affordable tuition. This program allows your church to establish a true discipleship program that can also financially bless your church as well.

"CLU provides all the support you can use or need in establishing and maintaining your own Bible school, while allowing you to escape the problems of attempting it independently. You get all of the benefits and none of the drawbacks. CLU offers supporting structure by maintaining a large number of national leaders/mentors with proven expertise in a variety of ministry areas. In His `Great Commission,’ Jesus commands the Church to make disciples, and CLU can be of enormous potential to you in accomplishing that command.

"We have been blessed, and we have seen many Christians blessed in their own lives as a result of our Disciple Training School. We have watched Christians mature and grow spiritually. We have watched people accomplish more than they ever thought was possible. We have watched men and women reach towards their potential in Christ and then touch and change the world around them as a result."

In Christ’s Service,
Thomas M. Smardz, Sr.
Senior Pastor
Southtowns Christian Center
Lakeview, New York

"As the President of Word of Life School of Ministry and the Pastor of Praise Fellowship Church, I would like to encourage you to examine the Church-centered Bible School package by Dr. Mark Virkler. We have used his curriculum packages for the last 15 years in our own Church-centered Bible School and found them to bring spiritual transformation to our students.

"The textbook and course Communion With God has been one of the most popular and life-changing courses we have offered. It has brought both me and our church into two-way prayer in a way I hardly dreamed possible. It has brought intense spiritual reality to all our lives.

Pastor Van Gale
Praise Fellowship Church
Carol Stream, Illinois

Testimonies from Students who have experience revelation-based curriculum

Now I Have My Direction and Purpose in Life

I will share this story very briefly to set a background. I have been a Christian for nearly six years and had recently been involved in a Bible study with "Spirit Filled" people, unbeknownst to me. But shortly after being introduced to them, I began to hear and learn truth. I had not learned to hear the voice of the Lord but truly was a Christian, believing and living for Christ as best I knew how. I wanted to learn how to hear God's voice but didn't know where to begin. As I was being introduced to things related to being "filled with the Spirit" and the like, I did a search for "Spirit Filled Colleges." Christian Leadership University was the first to be displayed. As I began to read the information about the college I just knew it was for me.

As a single mom, working full time and involved in church, Bible studies etc. I needed something that would not require me to attend a "class" somewhere. It just wouldn't work for my schedule and timing. I loved the format that I read about regarding CLU's courses, in that it was self-paced in addition to being correspondence courses. This fit perfectly. I was no longer tied to a classroom setting AND I was not tied to a rigid timeframe for completing courses. I did not know anything about Lamad Style of learning but it sure did sound interesting.

Again, I mention that I had not learned how to hear God's voice but was excited about the Communion with God course. I got started on it right away. I had the luxury of working at a job that allowed me the freedom to study when not busy with work related items, which turned out to be a real blessing. I spent much time in prayer and study during that time frame.

Through the course, I learned much about God's voice and how to discern His from the others I hear. I also learned much about my make up of sorts. As a left brained person, it was hard to begin to discern His voice initially. But I will share this, once the floodgates opened it has been revelation after revelation since then.

As a result of taking this course, not only did I begin to hear God's voice, but He began nearly immediately to speak to me about what He had called and created me to do. Something I didn't learn until many months later after He spoke it to me directly. He instructed me about six months after first starting this course to read back over the journals I had been doing for nearly a year. He had been preparing me and speaking to me nearly all that time about the thing He had just spoken directly to my heart. I now have my direction and purpose in life and I'm in preparation of it.

Related to this, I initially started to take just a basic Master's of Ministry pathway. But after going back to the CLU website many months after starting, I realized that what God had called me to do was to have a degree path with CLU!!!! Praise God! So I signed up for two additional courses in the Master's in Intercession path and am in the process of completing one of them and about to start another.

I began the Introduction to Intercession, and I will say this, if there is anyone called as an intercessor, this is the course to take. I've never had so much revelation and direction related to praying and understanding truly what intercession is until I took that course. I'm sure I will learn more as I go along this path, so far a truly anointed path.

Intercession is not what most people think. There is so much connected to it and God does nothing without it. In any event, I look forward to learning so much more as I move into the calling God has for me.

I truly am grateful for the anointed teaching and the selections of courses that CLU has to offer. And for anyone who does not have the luxury of taking the "normal" classes I would recommend investigating this university.

Kelli O'Neill

Transformed by CWG

Hallelujah! Five months later (after investing about 110 hours), I am a new creation, transformed by the principles of Communion with God. I went from hearing a lot of mixture (me, other spirits, and Holy Spirit), not being sure if it really was God and doubting, to knowing the voice of God, being confident, and trusting my spiritual advisors to tell me if I wasn't sure.

My love and hunger for the Lord has increased! I look forward to those times in the morning and afternoon because of two-way journaling in God. My journals are no longer just about me, what I'm feeling, and what I want, but go back and forth between Him and me – a friendship!

Another praise report – I'm dreaming again! Prior to this course, I hadn't dreamed for years, and now, after reading about dreams and making it a point to schedule eight hours of sleep (I wasn't before), I'm dreaming again and I love sleep! I used to think sleeping was a waste of time; not anymore thanks to CWG. I know my body is much happier too.

My relationships with my spiritual advisors have been strengthened by this course. Prior to CWG, I was not submitted to authorities and was a 'lone ranger'. This course has reassured me that there is victory in a multitude of counselors. Working together with my spiritual advisors during this course has forged friendships and trust.

CWG has changed my life, and I look forward to what God is going to do next. Currently, I plan to take the REN 510 Wisdom Through Dream Interpretation. I believe that He is going to restore all the years that the locusts have eaten. Thank you CLU and thank you Lord!

Wendy Lee

The Best Journey I've Ever Taken

Hi! My name is Anya, and I am a CLU student. My major is Christian Counseling, and so far I have taken two courses - "Communion with God" and "Counseled by God".

Because of God's enormous work through these two courses in my life, I am a different person today, and the journey I started with CLU about two years ago is the best one I have ever had. Today I not only know, but also feel, that I am loved and cared for by my Heavenly Father! I am amazed at how loving, patient, gracious, merciful, protective Lord Jesus is! He is much more than I could ever imagine! When pressures come, He shows me His path, His purposes, His plans, and the reasons to rejoice, not to be depressed or sad. Life became so much deeper and meaningful!

Although this journey is the best one, it is not always an easy one. For the first half a year all I could hear were a couple of sentences. I did everything that the study guide told me to do and nothing seemed to work. I felt stupid, discouraged and like a failure. To doubt was much easier. Step by step Jesus was removing all the obstacles, fighting for every word of His. He has never given up on me, He has never cheated on me, He has never turned away, He has never pushed me into something I was not ready for. The more I saw how He stood up for me, the more my doubts melted. Today He continues His work in me and I am eagerly cooperating. Every time I think I messed it up I hear His comforting promises, which give me desire and strength to get up and follow my Shepherd.

During the hard moments of my journey, it has always helped to share my thoughts and feelings with someone. So if you feel like you are caught up in your doubts and discouragements, reach out! Share your experience with your advisor, friends, or other CLU students. Desire to be encouraged! Jesus is fighting for you!

You might wonder why the Lord does not give you all you need in a moment of time, and why He does not just place the necessary qualities within you, so that you could pull them out whenever you needed them. That is because He wants us not only to acquire the necessary skills, but also to grow and develop through the experience itself! Jesus wants you to see your progress, to see how a small thing you two have been working on brings tremendous changes into your life, releasing joy, encouragement, hope and faith, not only into your own life, but also into the lives of those around you! So keep up the good work you have started! It is always an adventure with Jesus!

With blessings, hope and joy,
Anya Ingo

 God Really Loves Me! His Timing Is Perfect!

by Ann Bush

The Bible says that what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal (2 Corinthians 4:18). We live in a world that is both seen and unseen. By only living in the natural, we miss out on half of what life is really all about. Communion with God has opened up to me the other half of life and to what's really worthwhile. It's creative, artistic, beautiful, and adventurous! To get out of the "go to work, eat, sleep, and repeat" cycle is something only God can enable us to do. I’ve messed up my life so badly only God could turn things around.

Communion with God (How to Hear God’s Voice) has opened up the possibilities that there really is more to life than just the daily grind. I've seen for the first time that God really does love ME! I did not understand how or why even though I’d heard it thousands of times from my parents, Sunday school teachers, and friends. Maybe I'm as hardheaded as the teenager who can only learn from the school of hard knocks. God Himself had to tell me before I could really believe it. Only He could move an idea from my head down into my heart. As I move into vision, I'm excited to see what God will show me. It's what makes life worthwhile.

My 30th high school reunion was earlier this year. However, there is no way I’d go. After all, isn't that to show your former classmates what a success you've made of your life and how things have worked out so well? I felt anything but successful. Sure, I had achieved a lot of things--education, a good job, a nice car, a nice home--but I was depressed, empty, and I'd spent my life running from one thing to another looking for the truth.

I ended up taking "Communion With God". I had to have something to fill my time, but I was not prepared for the impact it was to have in every area of my life. This was just another class, right? Wrong! It hit me like an atomic bomb! From the first lesson, the teaching on left brain/right brain preference, my world was turned upside down. It forced me to look at my life, and I didn't even recognize the person I had become.

My whole mindset has changed through this class and the encouragement of those who helped me through it. The biggest change, by far, has been a revelation of God's love. However, just as the Israelites spent 40 years wandering in the wilderness, although it was only a 14 day journey to their promised land, the 9 inches between my head and my heart seemed to be an impossible distance. That is, until God finally got through to me by journaling. The patience and love that finally reached me affects every area of my life. It doesn't matter what the circumstances are or how I feel. God is with me and loves me! That is the greatest gift anyone could ever have!

I have begun another class, "Counseled by God," and I'm really looking forward to what God does through this class as well! I feel like I've just started on a journey that will be the best part of my life! It would be easy to look back and see all the wasted years, but to God they are not wasted. He will use everything that I've gone through to perfect His plans for my future. Maybe I wouldn't have seen the truth that I've discovered in Communion with God if I had taken it sooner. God's timing is perfect!

My Life Became Powerfully Enriched

by Andries van Schalkwyk

I was stirred to study further after being in the ministry for 20 years. I am originally from South Africa and now living in the USA where we pioneered another church. I went through CLU’s web-site and was totally captivated. I compared it with many other colleges, institutes, and universities, but somehow I could not get away from it.

The more I read about the CLU courses by going through some of the abbreviated descriptions of the courses and how they would affect me, CLU started to grow on me. However, I thought perhaps I should just put it aside for now. When I least thought about it, the Holy Spirit took my attention back to CLU’s website. Then I heard the Lord saying, “If you really want to move to the next level in your growth with Me, I want you to enroll.” In obedience to God, even though I have been in the Apostolic / Prophetic for many years, I said to my wife, “I am going to do a doctorate through CLU.”

My first course was Communion with God, and my life became powerfully enriched as this course taught me more about God’s voice--how to cultivate it and to live fully out of it. After a couple of courses, my prophetic gifting from God moved to another level in expressing myself with a much clearer and more practical utterance into the lives of people. I then realized the power that CLU tapped into through Dr. Mark Virkler’s obedience to God in bringing about the “Lamad” way of studying.

In every course, I heard God’s voice since He does not want me to live out of the tree of reasoning, but instead out of His voice. Like CLU affirms, we are the head and not the tail. The head lives out of the voice of God.

I can truly recommend this university since it brings the Word of God back to life. The courses will help every individual know how to live and experience Christ Jesus in their daily lives. It puts the Kingdom of God first which will then add all those things that are outstanding for success and victory in our daily lives. This is a well-balanced university with a wealth of revelation, and you will learn from all the five-fold heart motivational teachers during the courses. This university is one of excellence, and I will recommend it wherever I go.

If you want to hear the Truth in how to be successful in life through God’s Word, then CLU is the place through which you ought to study. CLU administers Spirit and Life through all its courses. If you want to be one of God’s end time people ushering in His Kingdom, then you need to study these courses!

 I Feel Like God Has Given Me the Greatest Possible Gift

Ronald L. Goodrich
Dana Point, California

I am 68 years old and feel the energy of God pushing the envelope of what can be accomplished for Him in retirement. All my adult life, I had a duel career as a church educator and pastor (part-time) and as a high school math teacher, staff development specialist, and summer school principal (full-time).

When I retired five years ago, I expected to focus on my hobbies of abstract painting and learning to play the guitar. Instead I felt this incredible desire to study everything from post-modernism to the coming clash between Christianity and Islam. I created and taught two PowerPoint courses on Revelation and Genesis 1-11. When I finished teaching the Revelation class, a godly lady asked if I had thought of creating a course on prayer. I was beginning to feel the Lord’s direction in this area, so I took this as a confirmation that I should create a course entitled, “How to Pray like Jesus.”

The prayers and works of Jesus amazed me. He said he did nothing on his own initiative, but only did what he saw his Father doing, and only used words he heard his Father speaking. This meant that the Present Voice of God was at the heart of everything he did.

It was at this point that I googled, “The voice of God,” and found Christian Leadership University on the Internet. While I had never heard of a university dedicated to hearing the voice of God, I was certainly intrigued. I emailed an inquiry about the requirements and cost of a Doctor in Christian Counseling degree. I already had a M.A. in counseling, and along with my seminary credits and other work was able to transfer a significant number of credits toward a D.C.C. degree. I prayed about it, talked it over my wife and son, and immediately enrolled.

Fourteen years ago I received a personal prophecy that included:

“The Lord says. ‘I’m imparting faith to you. Son, I’m authoring faith. Even now, I’m giving you authority to heal. I’m giving you authority to be released. I’m giving you authority to flow.”

You can imagine my excitement when in my first course, “Communion with God,” the whole focus was on the authority to flow. In the personal prophecy, God said I had to hang around the brethren for a little while to get trained. And then all of a sudden I would be released. Well, that time is now. And the brethren I had to hang around with are Dr. Karen King, my academic advisor, and Dr. Mark Virkler, the President of CLU, who is the creator of the courses I am taking.

I feel like God has given me the greatest possible gift in the courses I’m taking at CLU. I can’t wait to get up in the morning and “hit the books,” which includes not only “Communion with God,” but also “Counseled by God,” and “Prayers that Heal the Heart.”

These courses are not for the faint of heart, or for those who are unwilling to be transparently honest with God, and have at least two or three spiritual advisors. The LAMAD method of teaching and learning is unique, because it is based on hearing the voice of God in every course. And I don’t feel alone in my studies. My academic advisor is always quick to respond to all the questions I have had along the way.

I’ve had a problem with overweight most of my adult life. I have tried every diet. I would lose the weight, only to gain it back again. In my course, “Prayers that Heal the Heart,” I learned that this stronghold required more than will-power to solve. It required a series of seven prayers. As I viewed the DVDs and filled in the Study Guide, I began to feel this stronghold crumble as I prayed these prayers in the Name of Jesus. The Lord revealed to me that my overeating was an attempt to fill the empty feelings in my wounded heart.

A contributing factor to my overweigh was the wound of inferiority feelings passed on to me by my father and grandfather, which required praying prayers to break generational sins and curses, and prayers to sever soul ties in this area. At the end of this prayer time, I was able to say, “Lord, release in me your self-control as I think about food, and as I prepare and eat everything for your glory.”

I still have some prayer work to do in this area. The hardest part of this prayer process is releasing the destructive energy forces that have attached themselves to my wounded heart. My course, “Counseled by God,” is teaching me that the Holy Spirit is willing to be my counselor; that He is willing to come along side me and add His intercession to mine. I am hopeful for the first time in a long time that my goal of losing the last 15 pounds, and keeping it off, becomes a reality, because I have the mind of Christ in this area of my life.

CLU is giving me the means of fulfilling my dream of hearing the voice of God. The Lord had revealed to me in my study on prayer that there were four ways of hearing the voice of God. These were in words and pictures, intuitive insights, godly feelings, and spiritual discernments. CLU not only confirmed these insights, but is making it possible for me to hear God’s voice as a routine part of my life.

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Results 431 - 440 of 482


Everyday Angels MP3s

By Charity Virkler Kayembe

You can partner with Heaven’s angelic hosts!

Do you have guardian angels? Does God want you to know them? Find out what Scripture reveals and how YOU can interact with the company of Heaven!

The supernatural realm permeates our natural world! Therefore, experiencing angels should be an everyday occurrence–we simply need to open our spiritual eyes to their reality and role in our lives.

Price: $49.00
Hear God Through Your Dreams MP3s

Hear God Through Your Dreams MP3s

by Mark Virkler | 5 Sessions

A newer version has just released: Click here for Hearing God Through Your Dreams MP3s by Charity Kayembe and Mark Virkler (featured on Sid Roth in November, 2016).

Price: $24.95
Hearing God Through Your Dreams MP3s by Mark Virkler and Charity Kayembe

Hearing God Through Your Dreams MP3 Downloads

Receive divine counsel nightly. Increase emotional health, wisdom and creativity

Learn How to Hear God’s Voice, Even When You Are Sleeping

Recorded live at Catch the Fire in Toronto!

Price: $39.95

New Creation Celebration - Possessing Your Promised Land

 A Meditation Releasing God's Transforming Power

This is a shortened version (only 9 minutes) of the devotional New Creation Celebration - Replacing Emotions (which is 40 minutes). In this devotional, explore the steps necessary to receive the promised destiny God has given to each of us. 

On those days when your destiny seems far off, this will remind you of the steps you are to be taking.

River of Life & New Creation Celebration MP3 Download Set or CD Set now available, as well as the accompanying book Unleashing Healing Power Through Spirit-Born Emotions!

Price: $4.95

New Creation Celebration - Putting on Christ

 A Meditation Releasing God's Transforming Power

This is a shortened version (only 13 minutes) of the devotional, New Creation Celebration - Replacing Emotions (which is 40 minutes). In this devotional, we omit the sections concerning processing an emotion and replacing a belief, and go straight to "Putting on Christ." 

So days when you simply desire to strengthen your faith of who you are in Christ, and who Christ is within you, are days to use this devotional.

River of Life & New Creation Celebration MP3 Download Set or CD Set now available, as well as the accompanying book Unleashing Healing Power Through Spirit-Born Emotions!

Price: $4.95

New Creation Celebration - Replacing Beliefs

 A Meditation Releasing God's Transforming Power

This is a shortened version (only 22 minutes) of the devotional New Creation Celebration - Replacing Emotions which is 40 minutes. In this devotional we omit the section concerning processing an emotion and begin instead with the next section, which is processing ungodly beliefs. 

So days when you hear yourself thinking or muttering things which are contrary to Scripture, like: "I will never succeed," "There is never enough money," "I can’t handle the pressure," "I can’t do this," "I hate life," etc. are days to use this devotional.

River of Life & New Creation Celebration MP3 Download Set or CD Set now available, as well as the accompanying book Unleashing Healing Power Through Spirit-Born Emotions!

Price: $4.95

New Creation Celebration - Replacing Emotions

 A Meditation Releasing God's Transforming Power

"I love going through this devotional and hearing the Lord speak. Learning to see myself as the new creation that I am is a process. I am eager to share this with others." Judy Young 

River of Life & New Creation Celebration MP3 Download Set or CD Set now available, as well as the accompanying book Unleashing Healing Power Through Spirit-Born Emotions!

Price: $4.95

River of Life and New Creation Celebration MP3s

5 devotionals set to music

This series contains five Interactive meditations set to music. Each devotional guides you into an encounter with the Wonderful Counselor. Each one contains 1) a spoken prayer, 2) with a musical background and 3) draws you into two-way journaling

River of Life where you are immersed in the River of the Holy Spirit. Don’t worry, as in a dream, you can breathe underwater! Drift off to sleep listening to this devotional. (12 minutes)

Price: $19.95

River of Life MP3 Download

"I was moved to tears. I sensed His presence in a new and fresh way." Pastor Keith Carlisle

Experience our new “River of Life” 12-minute devotional. It contains beautiful soaking music with a voice-over description of the River of the Holy Spirit flowing toward you and filling the room you are in. It is an amazing experience that often leaves me shaking as the power of the Holy Spirit sweeps over me, flooding my entire being with His healing power.

River of Life & New Creation Celebration MP3 Download Set or CD Set now available, as well as the accompanying book Unleashing Healing Power Through Spirit-Born Emotions!

Price: $4.95

Unleashing Healing Power Through Spirit-Born Emotions MP3s

by Mark Virkler and Charity Kayembe | 14 Sessions | 6.5 hours

Experience the role of Kingdom emotions to engage and release Kingdom power! Jesus, moved by compassion, healed (Matt. 14:14). You can, too! Discover how Kingdom emotions can be born in your heart to carry the Holy Spirit's power to perform healing, as well as turn on healing genes while turning off inflammatory genes. Experience God's Kingdom which is peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Rom. 14:17)!

Price: $59.95
