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Self-Check Test on Phariseeism

Circle “yes” if you generally do or believe the following statement.

Circle “no” if you generally do not believe or do the following statement.


1.         I come alongside people who hold different positions than I do (Jn. 16:7).

yes       no

2.         I come against people who disagree with me (Rev. 12:10).   

yes       no

3.         When someone disagrees with me, I seek to discover the truth in what they are saying (Acts 17:11).

yes       no

4.         When someone disagrees with me, I seek to prove that they are wrong (Acts 17:11).

yes       no

5.         I find it easy to accuse and put people down (Rev. 12:10).

yes       no

6.         I look for ways to build people up and encourage them (1 Cor. 14:3).

yes       no

7.         When I go to the Scriptures, I try to find verses that prove a person is right (Acts 17:11).

yes       no

8.         When I go to the Scriptures, I try to find verses that prove a person is wrong (Acts 17:11).

yes       no

9.         I use the Scriptures to encourage people and build their hope in who Christ is in them (Rom. 15:4; Phil. 4:13).

yes       no

10.       I enjoy debates where I can try to trap my opponent (Matt. 22:15-40).

yes       no

11.       I try to phrase questions in such a way that I might have grounds to accuse a person, based on his answer (Matt. 22:15-40).

yes       no

12.       I try to show people the ease of living out of divine grace (Matt. 23:4).

yes       no

13.       I help those who are burdened down (Matt. 23:4).

yes       no

14.       I like people to notice my religious deeds (Matt. 23:5).

yes       no

15.       I like to be honored by men (Matt. 23:6).

yes       no

16.       I like to be called by my full title (Matt. 23:7).

yes       no

17.       I instruct people in the many commandments that will help them become more holy (Matt. 23:3; Gal. 4:3).

yes       no

18.       I am precise and demanding when it comes to obeying the rules I have established (Matt. 23:23).

yes       no

19.       I emphasize love and mercy more than I emphasize justice and rightness (Micah 6:8).

yes       no

20.       I tend to overlook the little things while keeping my eyes fixed on the more important (Matt. 23:24).

yes       no

21.       I tend to get caught up in the little things and overlook the big issues (Matt. 23:24).

yes       no

22.       I devote more time and care to inner attitudes than I do to outer appearance (Matt. 23:25).

yes       no

23.       I take more time and care on outer appearance than I do on caring for the condition of my heart (Matt. 23:25).

yes       no

24.       I think the harder I try to be good and right, the better I will become (Rom. 7).

yes       no

25.       I have discovered that when I stop striving and instead yield myself to the in-working power of Christ, He works more easily within me (Rom. 8).

yes       no

26.       I focus on containing the outside, yet my heart rages with evil within (Col. 2:20-23).

yes       no

27.       I see hypocrisy within myself (Matt. 23:29-31).

yes       no

28.       I tend to feel that life is found in the study of the Scriptures (Jn. 5:39,40).

yes       no

29.       I feel that life is found in the experience of Christ (Jn. 5:39,40).

yes       no

30.       I can see prophets in my community (Jn. 6:42).

yes       no

31.       I seldom judge by outer actions alone. I try to look into the heart and perceive the heart motive behind the action (Jn. 7:24).

yes       no

32.       I tend to judge by outer actions and appearances (Jn. 7:24).

yes       no

33.       I try to destroy people (either verbally or actually) rather than love them (Jn. 8:37,40,44).

yes       no

34.       I live out of the voice and vision of God within me (Jn. 5:19,20,30).

yes       no

35.       I live focused on the principles within Scripture (Jn. 5:39,40; Heb. 12:2).

yes       no

36.       I trust the theology I have built (Gen. 2:16,17; Lk. 24:21-32).

yes       no

37.       I trust the flow within me (Jn. 7:37-39).

yes       no

38.       I tend to say that those who I disagree with have demonic influences in their lives (Jn. 8:48; 10:20).

yes       no

39.       I find it difficult to be taught by those I view to be beneath me (Jn. 9:34).

yes       no

40.       I tend to think that those of the persuasion of my particular church or group are the most right and most likely to make it to heaven (Jn. 10:16).

yes       no


Non-pharisaical answers. Grade yourself. For every answer you have incorrect, place a “P” next to it. Then total the “P’s” to find any tendencies of phariseeism within you. Look up the supporting verses, pray over them and ask the Holy Spirit to heal any such tendencies within you.

1. yes   2. no    3. yes

4. no    5. no    6. yes

7. yes   8. no    9. yes

10. no  11. no  12. yes

13. yes 14. no  15. no

16. no  17. no  18. no

19. yes 20. yes 21. no

22. yes 23. no  24. no

25. yes 26. no  27. yes

28. no  29. yes 30. yes

31. yes 32. no  33. no

34. yes 35. no  36. no

37. yes 38. no  39. no

40. no



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