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Removing a besetting sin Prayer Worksheet

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Removing a besetting sin – Prayer Worksheet

Remove false identification, contributing emotions & restore an organ

Seven steps that help you maximize the transforming power of this prayer:

  1. Music: Have this soft soaking music playing in the background (keep it very soft).
  2. Emotions: Identity and replace emotions that contributed to the besetting sin, and take the time to feel emotional responses throughout the entire prayer.
  3. Picture everything as you pray it: Especially picture the sin you are praying about. When possible, lay your hands on the area you are praying for as that will help focus your attention and God’s healing power.
  4. Flow: Tune to flowing thoughts, flowing pictures, and flowing emotions.
  5. Review this prayer and expand your journaling on the following days to deepen its impact.
  6. Speak aloud: Read this prayer aloud. Once you have journaled what the Lord is speaking to you and your response back to Him, go back and read that aloud also. This will deepen its impact. Life is in the power of your tongue (Proverbs 18:21).
  7. Pause after each phrase letting it soak in. Plan on 30 minutes for this prayer encounter.

Interactive prayer for removing a besetting sin

“Lord Jesus, I come to You concerning (name besetting sin) and the emotions and beliefs within me which have contributed to this besetting sin. I speak to (name besetting sin): I am through with you. You have  caused way to much havoc and destruction in my life. I am done with you. I want you gone from my heart now.  From this day forward I choose to walk in righteousness. I choose to honor God in this area of my life.

“Lord, what do You want to speak to me about this besetting sin.? What beliefs and emotions contributed to this issue?” (Tune to flowing thoughts which light upon your mind. Allow emotions to flow freely as you dialogue with Jesus about this organ. Let this be a powerful healing encounter with deep emotions.)

Record what God speaks


Record your response to God and to this besetting sin (repent as necessary)



Record any response you receive back




Cleansing self and cells from false identification: “I release these unhealthy emotions to You (name each). Jesus, please cleanse from my memory and all my cells any identification I have made with these unhealthy emotions, where I have said, ‘This is who I am.’” (Watch Jesus as He cleanses your cells, sweeping them clean, filling them with His divine light.)

“Lord, cleanse me from any false identification that I have made with this besetting sin saying, ‘This is who I am and I must now live with this condition for the rest of my life.’ I release this false identification to You, Jesus. I do not identify myself as a sinner. This is NOT who I am. This was simply something I have experienced.  

“So Jesus, I ask You to remove this false identity and restore to me my true identity of who I am in You. My identity is that I am Your loved, protected, and cared-for child. I receive Your healing, transforming touch. I lay down my barriers of unbelief, self-effort, and self-protection and acknowledge I am set free by the mighty hand of God.”

Journaling: See, feel and record what you are experiencing as you stay tuned to flow (perhaps shaking, restoration, peace…)


 Deliverance – “Thank You, Jesus. I command all demons connected with this besetting sin to leave now in Jesus’ name (address, renounce, and command each one to leave, naming them by using a description of what they have caused). Begone! You are dismissed. I no longer have need of you.” (Breathe out heavily a few times – Pause – See and feel Jesus performing this deliverance and the release it brings. Spirit and breath are the same word in the Greek New Testament.)

Healing – “Lord, pour Your healing oil into these wounds in my soul. (If you can, lay your hands near the organ that you are praying for to focus your attention and God’s healing power.)  Renew and restore me (see Him doing this). Thank You, Lord, for setting me free!” 

Comment – You normally will feel a release, and very likely shaking, as the Spirit moves upon you… unless you are like I was for many years – one of those people who locked feelings and emotional responses out of your life.

The vision of my new reality and my future – “Lord, is there anything You would like to speak to me or show me which would seal this new identity into my being?” Tune to His flowing thoughts and flowing pictures and flowing emotions and journal out what He reveals. Re-read it several times over the next few days.

Record what Jesus says in this box…


Definition of when a hurt is healed:

“A hurt is healed when you can see the gift God has produced in your life through it.”

Lord, what is the gift You have produced in my life through this situation? 


I now live in God’s Kingdom emotions of love, joy, peace, compassion, gratitude, and thankfulness (Rom. 14:17).

A follow-up prayer

I often go back and review the prayer and healing experience from the previous day, letting the Holy Spirit deepen and expand it. I might even do this for a couple of days.

Then I move on: “Holy Spirit, please bring to my mind other events throughout my lifetime which have fueled this condition so identification with these events can also be renounced.”  Take the list of events the Holy Spirit gives you and pray the above prayer for each of them.

The more thorough the prayer, the more complete the healing and the greater your freedom.


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