Reach Your Spiritual Goals with a Personal Spiritual Trainer

Overview  |  Frequently Asked Questions  |  Testimonies  |  90+ Training Modules  |  Sign up

For $1 a day, you can have your own spiritual coach!

Everyone needs mentoring -- someone who will take time to check in, be a sounding board, make suggestions and keep you motivated to attain your goals. But modern daily life is busy and it's hard to find someone who can make that kind of commitment to you. This is why Life Coaching has become such a large trend -- professional advisors who make a career of personal, focused attention and guidance. They're very effective, but not everyone can afford them.


Now you can have your own Personal Spiritual Trainer

Communion With God Ministries is making it possible for anyone who can afford a dollar a day to get the one-on-one input needed to master an area of spiritual growth, be it Bible knowledge, walking in the Spirit, leadership skills, finances, prophecy, parenting, vision and life purpose -- whatever area you're ready to work on and master, you can have a Personal Spiritual Trainer to see you through to your goal.


Stay on track with a trainer

If you wanted to get into good physical shape, a personal fitness trainer at a health club could give you the experienced knowledge, objective feedback and encouragement you need to reach your fitness goals. A Personal Spiritual Trainer under the auspices of Communion With God Ministries will give you weekly input and personal attention to keep you on-track and moving forward as you attain your spiritual goals. Specialized training modules will give you the tools you need to grow in the area you desire.


Master an area of growth in just 3 months

We have created a full slate of specialized training modules (more than 90 of them!) that will give you the materials and personal input you need to master an area of spiritual growth -- not just know something about it, but master it. In just 90 days.


Just think, a year from now you could have four areas of personal breakthrough established and operating in your life. In fact, there's even opportunity to become a Personal Spiritual Trainer yourself! But let's talk about you first


Personalized goals, personalized attention

You know what you need most, what inspires you most, what lines up with your overall goals. When you choose from over 90 Spirit-anointed training modules, you'll also be assigned a Personal Spiritual Trainer who will connect with you every week to assist you in grasping and applying the truths and experiences you are absorbing as you work through the material. If you can carve out just 50 minutes a day and a weekly appointment with your Personal Spiritual Trainer -- via phone or email, your choice -- you'll see breakthrough in that area of your life.


Imagine, you'll reach a milestone in your spiritual growth every three months!


Affordable training, manageable commitment, high-quality coaching

We are committed to the equipping and growth of Christians around the world, moving in the flow of the Holy Spirit's counsel and life-changing power. So we are making key materials available to believers for an enrollment that works out to:

Approximately $1 a day, for materials (books, trainee notebook, CDs or DVDs, depending on the module),
plus the weekly one-on-one encouragement and input of a Personal Spiritual Trainer for another $1 a day.

 For only $99 for 90 days, you get weekly appointments with your Personal Spiritual Trainer.

Your total investment is about $189 for 90 days, which includes powerful, Spirit-anointed training materials.

In only 90 days, you can master an area of personal growth.

(There's even a 30-day, money-back guarantee!)

You can enroll today, and step into mastery in your spiritual walk, with a Personal Spiritual Trainer alongside to ensure your success.



Call toll-free: 1-800-466-6961 (or 716-681-4896 outside the U.S.) for a free consultation to discuss your goals and the module best suited to get you started.

We'll have your training materials and the contact information for your Personal Spiritual Trainer in the mail to you within two business days.


More details of how your 3-month training module works

You can revolutionize your spiritual walk with a series of manageable, affordable training modules under the guiding presence of the Holy Spirit, and the process can begin even now:

Think of the most pressing spiritual need you have in your life -- it could be a spiritual skill, Bible knowledge, ministry skills, personal healing Got it?  
You're now ready to choose from over 90 Spirit-anointed training modules to help you address and master that aspect of your spiritual life.  
And we are prepared to assign your Personal Spiritual Trainer for the 3-month duration of your module -- you may personally connect with him or her once a week to help you clarify, assimilate and apply what you're learning. Your Personal Spiritual Trainer will be carefully matched to you by gender, age and locality. You will also have access to an online community and online chat sessions with others who are part of the PST program, building priceless and lasting friendships.
You'll have daily assignments that should only take you 50 minutes a day of study with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and you can arrange the timing and method (phone or e-mail) of your weekly session to suit you and your Personal Spiritual Trainer.  
You are not required to turn in your completed materials (unless you want to become a Personal Spiritual Trainer yourself for that module).  
In just 3 months, you're ready to

enjoy the fruit of your study,

master the next aspect of your spiritual walk,

or even complete a qualification process to become a Personal Spiritual Trainer for someone else!

A wide range of training themes

Focus areas include

Bible knowledge

Christian counseling and Spirit-filled living

Christian ministry

Divine healing -- physical, emotional and spiritual

Intercession and devotional life

Prophetic ministry


Worship ministry

Youth ministry

Christian entrepreneurship

Christian arts

Christian leadership

and so much more!

For a complete list of training modules, click here, or read our section of Frequently Asked Questions. You're sure to find helpful, practical course material that will propel your spiritual growth in just 3 months. You'll have a spiritual breakthrough in your daily walk for less than a lot of people spend each day on a cup of coffee!

Call us, toll-free, at 1-800-466-6961 (or 716-681-4896 outside the U.S.) for a free consultation about your personal spiritual goals and which training module would best fit to get you started toward your next breakthrough.


 You, too, can become a Personal Spiritual Trainer

It's a Kingdom principle: If you want to keep it, give it away!

When Jesus charged His disciples to make disciples, He knew they'd be ready to pass on what they'd experienced and learned from Him. We believe the same for you. As you achieve mastery in each training module, you can help someone else accomplish the same as their Personal Spiritual Trainer in that same area.

You'll be fulfilling The Great Commission to make disciples, even as you continue to fuel your own spiritual growth. We're on the lookout for Personal Spiritual Trainers, so as you progress in your own spiritual growth with these training modules, we want to discuss with you the opportunities to train others.


Overview  |  Frequently Asked Questions  |  Testimonies  |  90+ Training Modules  |  Sign up


Results 21 - 30 of 488


Conversation Starters with God 2

Just the Questions! By Gloria Gierach | 120 Pages | Retail $14.99

What better way to converse with God than to have great questions that improve that communication? 375 relationship-building questions between you and God.

Price: $14.99

Conversation Starters with God Journal

By Gloria Gierach | 406 Pages | Retail $24.99

What better way to converse with God than to have great questions that improve that communication?   Each page of this workbook has a powerful question on the top followed by a blank page to journal out your dialogue with God.

Price: $24.99
Corporate Communion with God

Corporate Communion with God

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 35 Pages

Bring the principles of how to hear God's voice to your prayer meetings with the ideas recommended in this guide. As your prayer group encounters the spirit world, there are no limits to where God may wish to take you. He may fill your hearts with visions and burdens of needs half-way around the world. He may take you into the heavenlies to reveal the activity of spiritual forces surrounding you. He may reveal to you a vision of His future purposes and draw you into calling them forth. The possibilities are as limitless and varied as is the Spirit of God.

Price: $4.95

Decoding Deception Workbook

by Mark Virkler

This 40-page workbook provides you copies of 113 PowerPoint utilized in the Decoding Deception training. Spaces for you to take notes are available next to each PowerPoint. If receiving training in a group, we highly recommend that EVERY member of the group have their own copy. It offers you the following four benefits:

Price: $5.95
Eden's Health Plan - Go Natural!

Eden's Health Plan - Go Natural!

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 289 Pages

Discover how you can take charge of your own health — keeping yourself young, energetic, attractive, and free of degenerative diseases! Discover the biblical injunctions on diet and health, and the amazing correlations between them and modern scientific research.

Price: $19.95

EFT for Christians: 52 Tapping Devotions

by Sherrie Rice Smith, R.N. (Retired)

"The amazing versatility of God’s gift of EFT stands out in this fourth installment in the EFT for Christians series. Sherrie Rice Smith’s latest book EFT for Christians – 52 Tapping Devotions helps believers incorporate Emotional Freedom Techniques into their everyday lives. In these weekly devotionals Sherrie clearly demonstrates how to connect Scripture and tapping in a practical way. Don’t just read this book; apply the principles and release God’s healing power in your life today."

Price: $15.00
EFT for Christians

Emotional Freedom Techniques - EFT for Christians: Tapping Into God's Peace and Joy

by Charity Virkler Kayembe and Sherrie Rice Smith | 208 Pages | Published 2016

Scripture tells us that we comfort others with the comfort we ourselves have received (2 Corinthians 1:3–5). To the degree that we are healed and comforted, we can offer those same gifts much more freely to others

Price: $15.99

End-Times Prophecy

by Timothy Paul Jones, PhD | 364 p. | c2011

This is an outstanding book, which clearly and simply lays out four differing views of end time prophecy, providing scriptural support for each, showing the unique approaches each view takes, and encouraging you to understand and not judge those who disagree with you. Finally we can honor and love all people (1 Pet. 2:17) as we consider various views of interpreting end time prophecy. What a gift to the body of Christ. Thank you, Timothy Paul Jones!!!

Price: $19.95
Experiencing God Together

Experiencing God Together

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 105 Pages

This book explains how to turn small group meetings into times of dynamic sharing of revelation concerning the real life issues we face daily. It addresses how to get everyone involved, how to limit the naturally talkative, and how to keep things on track.

Price: $12.95
Flow of Life

Flow of Life

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 102 Pages

This book guides you in doing original research in any area in which you are seeking the supernatural release of divine power through your life. For example, one sample project recorded in this book is entitled, "Healing a Chronic Illness Through Receiving and Acting Upon a Word of Knowledge." 

Price: $12.95
