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Learn to Hear God's Voice--Guaranteed

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Sign up now for your first PST Module: Communion With God

“My sheep hear My voice.” John 10:27
It's not our guarantee. It's God's.

It is the best thing that has ever happened to me. 
It has revolutionized my relationship with Jesus.
Tess Martone

Read more testimonies

You can hear God's voice every day of your life. You can be sure it's really Him. You can carry on an extended two-way conversation with Jesus Christ on a daily basis, and it's easier than you ever imagined.

That's what we're all about

Every aspect of the Personal Spiritual Trainer program is built around this fundamental ability. Every module puts the voice of God at the very center of your learning experience. What better foundation could your spiritual training be built upon? Divine revelation is the source of all true knowledge. Why try to learn anything apart from the voice of God? He will speak to you and teach you everything you need to know, and He will do it in a way that will transform your life.

No matter what your major area of learning, God should be your primary Instructor. That's why, as a new trainee, you will take Communion With God as your very first course. It will guide you step-by-step through the process of ongoing dialogue with Almighty God, which will ensure that you are well-prepared and well-equipped for the rest of your spiritual journey. Every other module will utilize this ability to receive revelation knowledge. It is the most efficient and effective way to assimilate the training in a manner that you don't simply acquire information, but your life is actually changed by what you learn.

Prayer is exciting when God does most of the talking.
Ecclesiastes 5:2 (paraphrased)


God's promises to those who hear His voice

Deuteronomy 28:1-14 offers an amazing picture of what God has in store for you when you hear and obey His voice.

"your children will be blessed..."
Imagine how much better a parent youll be when you apply the voice of God to raising your children. Imagine how much better your children will be when they learn to hear from God themselves! You can improve your familys peace, joy and harmony beyond your wildest dreams by simply bringing the voice of God to the center of your home.

"your business and your work will be blessed..."
Imagine how much more you could accomplish if God wrote your "To Do" List. He will tell you what you should and should not do today, and His priorities are never wrong. He will give you specific counsel for your own unique occupation, and bring you to a higher level of skill and efficiency than you could ever achieve by yourself.

"surplus of prosperityfreedom from debtprofitable investments..."
When you hear and obey the voice of God, He will open new avenues of prosperity in your life. He will show you creative ways to bring in His overflowing financial blessing, which you will not have room enough to contain (Mal. 3:10).

"victory over your enemies (satan)..."
Do you know what the key is to victory in spiritual warfare? The voice of God. Dont waste another minute praying your prayers. Release the full power of God by letting Him direct your prayers. He will give you the revelation you need to defeat the enemy, rather than just do battle.

"raised up to positions of leadership and authority..."
The Lord has destined that those who hear His voice will be leaders of men. His desire is to see the righteous rule over the unrighteous. The voice of God is the key to effective leadership, giving you the wisdom, confidence and authority to lead, and thus giving the people a desire to follow.


What others are saying

God has used you to radically change my life. I was skeptical, and thought if there were really 4 simple keys, I should have discovered them by this time, as I had a strong Bible background and prayer life. But, having nothing to lose, I decided to listen anyway. Amazingly, and stunningly, the principles worked just as you simply explained! I was so thrilled.

Lorraine O'Neal
Read more of her story


Oh my, I am life has been totally, totally transformed. He is such a wonderful, wonderful God. My days and nights are now filled with His presence.



I personally believe that this course has been the best course I have ever done as a Christian. It is practical and so helpful and an ongoing help for the rest of my life. I have learned to trust that I can hear Him in small things and feel so much more at ease with my entire walk with Him.



Communion With God by Mark and Patti Virkler has dramatically changed my prayer life. I have found I can will to dialogue with Christ on a daily basis, and I do. I believe this inspired approach to be absolutely essential to the growth of every serious Christian. I further believe Communion With God is an excellent example of the uniquely powerful way God is reaching out to His people today.

Dr. Richard Watson,
Oral Roberts University


Through the adventure into the practices of journaling, vision, and unabashed praise I have come to feel closer to God than ever I have in my years of one-sided prayer and self-righteous appearances in church on Sunday. Communion with Him is indescribably more rewarding than the lopsided prayer directed to a far away God to which I was accustomed.

Jessica Burton


I'm taking Communion With God. I am so blessed so far. My life is already completely transformed. I went from hearing God speak to me once in a while to hearing Him not just in my journaling times but even throughout the rest of the day. What a difference this has made.

Andrew Steck


Already I am in awe of what God has said to me as I have been attempting to tune into that spontaneity. I wonder now how it is that we even attempt to be Christians without learning how to hear His voice. I am so thankful that you took the time to experiment with God and have been faithful to the task of passing on what God has shown you.



My journey to God has now begun and [sharing] love with Him makes my days so much happier. Walking with Jesus no longer seems a burden like it did before, with so many rules. Going to my journal seems like a retreat and I look forward to that special time.

Jean Nichol


The whole teaching on Communion With God has been a wonderful help as well as the Counseled by God teaching, has been of great personal benefit both to myself and to my wife, Carol. Dialogue with God is worth a million dollars to any Christian who is serious about the issue of hearing the voice of God. Marks teaching on this issue profoundly impacted my life.

Rev. John Arnott,
Senior Pastor, Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship


The course Communion With God was helpful in various respects. It was practical, which seems too often a rare thing in doing assignments for Bible College or Seminary. I have found this course helping me to know Jesus, rather than just knowing about Jesus. From applying the insights that God has given Mark Virkler there is a sharper sensitivity in my heart to hearing the Lord speak to me. I have been finding a new sensitivity and expectancy to hear God speaking through everyday circumstances.

Dr. Carter McKeague,


The course Communion With God is going to change the nations by building a new generation of people that hear Gods voice and dream Gods dreams.

Rev. Thomas Reid,
Senior Pastor, The Tabernacle


Your manual on Communion With God is very, very rich and wonderful. I am going to study personally with it. I praise God for your ministry and wonderful contribution to the body of Christ. If you have written other study manuals, would you kindly send a copy of each one of them to me?

Dr. Paul Yonggi Cho
Senior Pastor of Yioido Full Gospel Church, the largest church in the world (750,000 members) in Seoul, South Korea


On our endorsements page you will find even more stories of how God is using this teaching to transform the lives of people just like you all around the world. The next story could be yours!


Module details

Communion With God is the core module for the Personal Spiritual Trainer program. It costs $222.74, which includes all your training materials plus the $99 for your Personal Spiritual trainer for 90 days. (That price does not include shipping charges.)

You can also download sample chapters of the 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice book.


Here's what's included in the module:

  1. Dialogue with God by Mark and Patti Virkler $17.95
  2. 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice CDs by Mark Virkler $59.95
  3. LEARN 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice by Mark and Patti Virkler $5.95
  4. 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice by Mark Virkler $14.95
  5. Talking with Jesus by Evelyn Klumpenhouer $14.95
  6. Communion With God Trainee Notebook $10.00
  7. Coaching from your own Personal Spiritual Trainer for 90 days $99.00
Don't wait another day

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Results 351 - 360 of 485


How to Build a Winning Team eBook

How to Build a Winning Team eBook

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 105 Pages

Can I succeed like others have? What do I need to do? How do I go about it? What if I don't have the gifts necessary to do something great?  The wonderful truth revealed in Scripture is that God uses ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary feats, especially when they say, "Yes, Lord" to the destiny He has prepared for them!

Price: $12.95

How to Deal Effectively with Your Sexuality eBook

by Six Contributing Authors | 80 Pages

Question: How do I handle my sexuality? It is such an intense, persistent and driving force. I battle with pornography. How do I tame this monster within me? I see so many people and even Christian leaders fall, and I don't want to fall. I want this to work! I feel trapped and no-one is preaching a sermon on how to handle this. So I grit my teeth, try my hardest, and fail over and over again, and then get consumed with shame. Can you help me? Have you found any answers that work?

Price: $9.95
How to Receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit eBook

How to Receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit eBook

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 44 Pages | Published 2002

This brief booklet walks a person through the main obstacles to speaking in tongues, and shows how each one can be successfully overcome. It is down-to-earth, practical and biblical, and in it Mark Virkler shares the struggles he went through before he was able to speak in tongues. Some were theological issues and some simply practical issues, like the fact that if I am going to speak in tongues, I will need to speak. Otherwise, nothing happens.

Price: $2.66
How to Walk by the Spirit eBook

How to Walk by the Spirit eBook

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 136 Pages

Are you like many western Christians who have been taught little about how to sense their spirits? Do you have trouble even defining what spirit sensations feel like within you, much less recognizing them? This training was birthed from Mark’s passion to live out of his spirit, and thus release the anointing of God. The problem he faced was lack of clear biblical definition as to what his spirit felt like. So Mark looked up every verse in the Bible on heart and spirit.

Price: $13.95
Imagine That eBook

Imagine That eBook

by Rev. Jimmy D. Smith | 85 Pages

Beginning sometime around my 72nd year, my imagination really started to wake up again.  I was reading Dialogue with God, by Mark and Patti Virkler, when wheels began to turn.  In the weeks that followed I decided that this was a “do” book, not just a “read to learn” book. I began to do what the book suggested. Somewhere along the line I felt that the Lord gave me permission to experience the freedom of using my imagination to worship Him, to talk to Him, and more importantly to hear from Him.

Price: $7.95

Intimacy With God Through Journaling [Kindle Edition]

by Janet Gilham

It is a joy to celebrate the release of another new ebook of two-way journaling by one of our students, Janet Gilham! It was an honor to write the forward to this book, which contains 28 days of journaling. This makes it ideal to use for a month of your daily devotions. Each journal entry reveals the heart of God toward you and thus brings warmth and healing to our wounded hearts.

Price: $3.99
Intimacy with the Holy Spirit eBook

Intimacy with the Holy Spirit eBook

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 223 Pages

This book leads you in meditating on and journaling about several hundred verses that discuss the Holy Spirit. You will grow in intimacy with the indwelling Holy Spirit, and the anointing within you will increase! You will exclaim as the disciples did on the Emmaus Road: “Did not our heart burn within us…while He opened to us the Scriptures?” (Luke 24:32)! In addition to being led to journal through these verses, you will read numerous two-way journal entries from Mark Virkler, as well as a powerful five-page prayer at the conclusion of the book.

Price: $10.95

Journaling Questions e-booklet

100's of journaling questions arranged in categories

Jumpstart your two-way journaling! People often ask me, do you have good journaling questions I can use in my dialogue with Jesus? The answer is yes! Predicting the date of His return is not going to work out well. So how about hundreds of GREAT two-way journaling questions you can ask the Lord!

Price: $6.95
Lamad Faculty Handbook eBook

Lamad Faculty Handbook eBook

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 78 pages

This book presents lamad (revelation-based learning) standards  for teachers and curriculum writers. Lamad is a Hebrew word found in the Old Testament and it is translated "to teach" or "to learn."  It is a kind of learning that involves the Holy Spirit granting divine revelation to the heart of man. Thus it goes beyond western rationalism as a learning methodology.

Price: $7.96

Meditation: How to Study the Bible in the Presence of God ebook

Click here for Kindle version.

This book is our more academic version of this topic, designed more for the theologian.

Our practical, hands-on, user-friendly version for personal or group use is Hearing God Through Biblical Meditation.

Price: $2.99
