The Power of a Story

By Mark Virkler

Rather than doing all the steps below, you are welcome to simply send an email to Mark Virkler at which shares the impact of any of our books or courses on your life, and your excitement about them and Mark will see that it gets properly posted to this website. Thank you!

I became a Charismatic because of one person’s story of how God had moved in her life! When I was attending a conservative, evangelical college studying to become a pastor, I was completely anti-Charismatic and so was my school. I could argue theology with the best of them and I had many “proof texts” demonstrating that healing was not for today. And no one could change my mind!

Except I was not prepared for the power of a story. Patti was doing her student teaching at a school near our college, and her sponsor teacher often invited us to her home for meals. She was a strong Charistmatic Christian, and during the meals she shared many stories of healings in her friends and family. Well, this shocked me because here was a very real person, and a very nice person, with a very powerful story which contradicted my theology.

Obviously her story was not a lie! She was living proof of the healing power of God. Her story so impacted me and so contradicted my theology that I decided I should go back and explore what the Bible taught about divine healing. As I did, God granted fresh revelation, my theology completely changed, and I became thoroughly Charismatic, totally committed to the Spirit-filled lifestyle… All because of the power of a story!

We Want YOUR Testimony!

Your story is powerful as well! You, too, can change lives by telling your story – especially your testimony of meeting with Almighty God and the life-transforming impact the experience had upon you. First, your account demonstrates that such encounters with God are real and can happen. Second, it makes others thirsty to experience them as well, and third, it points people in the right direction, as they pursue their own encounters with the Living God!

Our mandate is to saturate the world with communion with God so that everyone can have the intimate daily fellowship with God that He longs for. You can help us further our goal by sharing your personal testimony of the impact God has had on your life through these products. By doing this, you make your life a billboard, proclaiming 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all around the world: “Here is a living story of how God met me and changed my life.” You become a missionary sharing good news with the 30,000 people a month who visit our website, and you get to tell them, “Here is how God impacted me! Here is what God said to me! Here is the vision God showed me! Here is the dream God gave me! Here is how I acted on it, and here is the blessing God poured into my life as a result! Why don’t you try it, and let God change your life, too?”

Stories speak to hearts and convince people of a new reality. I can tell them that the truths in our book will change their lives, but when you post your picture and you tell how the book changed your life, then they listen, and then they believe, and then they try a book or CD or DVD set and discover that they, too, are changed by the Almighty hand of God!

If You Desire Help Writing Your Story – Read This…

One way you could approach your product review is by answering some or all of the following questions from your heart:

  • What do you like most about the teaching?
  • What were your perceptions before you read the book (or listened to the audio, etc.)? Were you skeptical or hesitant? What were your initial objections? (Hint: Initial objections and skepticism are not a bad thing!)
  • How has that perception changed?
  • What are the three biggest benefits you have enjoyed? Be specific!
  • Would you recommend the product to others?

Following are some suggestions on how to write your story in the most powerful, insightful way, so it becomes salt that makes people thirsty to drink from the stream of Living Water, the Holy Spirit within! You do want to write from your heart, which means from flowing thoughts and flowing pictures and with flowing emotion. So ask, “Jesus, what do You want me to tell others?” and then tune to flow and write:

  1. Begin with a overview statement of the wonderful healing touch you experienced from the Lord.
  2. Then describe in more detail what the Lord said and did and the result it has produced in your life, family, marriage or ministry.
  3. Conclusion: I recommend this to you…

Your encounter with God is now memorialized into a powerful testimony which touches the hearts of untold millions over the coming years. And we want your picture with it! We all love to see faces to go with names. Your face with your story will help convince others that they could have the same kind of encounter with God that you have had because you don’t look so very different from them.

Sample testimonies – all styles are fine! (Scroll down to find the testimony section)


How to Upload Your Story So It Becomes a Billboard

Click Here to see a sample of one uploaded testimony (scroll down to “Customer Testimonials” tab and click on it and you will discover Christine Taimanglo’s picture and testimony).

Take these steps to upload your testimony with a picture:

1) Go to our website (, and on the top navigation bar, near the right, click on “Register.”

2) Answer a few questions and then click on “Create a new account.”

3) Add your picture to your profile. (We want to see your picture along with your testimony! The picture you place here will automatically appear next to any review you leave on our website.)

4) Select the products you want to write a testimony for. You do this by going to “Store”, then “Shop by Title”, and select the title of the product group you desire. For example, you select the first product group, which is “4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice”. There will appear a 3-page list of all our products and packages and e-packages that teach on how to hear God’s voice. Click on the product you want to write a review of. Scroll down until you get to the bottom of the blue order box which is in the center of the page. Under that box, click on the words “Write a Testimonial”.

5) When you write your testimony of how God impacted you through this product, your picture will be posted along with your testimony. If you prefer, you can write your testimony in your word processor and work on it for a few days, making it as powerful as possible, and then copy and paste it into the testimony box on the website. When you post it, it goes into a queue bin, giving us the opportunity to review it before it is posted to the public.

So please, help us spread the good news that God speaks with man by sharing your living encounter with our visitors!

Question: Which product medium should I post it to (the book, the CD, the DVD, the package, the electronic package)?

Answer: Well, we would love testimonies at each location, so please be guided by the following principles:

  1. As much as possible, put your testimony next to the medium you purchased, or
  2. If there are lots of testimonies next to that medium (6+), then perhaps you could post your testimony with a corresponding medium of the same product name, just so there are great testimonies next to every item in our shopping cart. You are helping spread the message of spiritual intimacy! Thank you.

Other Great Features for You on This Website:

By registering on our new website, your checkout with our new automated shopping cart will be even faster. When you order downloadable products, they will be INSTANTLY sent to your online account on our CWG website, so you have immediate access to them. Plus, your account will keep a complete history of all purchases you make with us in the future.


Results 51 - 60 of 484


Overflow of the Spirit - Book Cover

Overflow of the Spirit

284 Pages | by Mark Virkler and Charity Kayembe

Mark and Charity have teamed up again to write a book on how to easily manifest the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit. It took us several years to break through all the confusion and present a clear, simple understanding of how to release the nine-fold manifestation of the Holy Spirit everywhere you go and with everyone you touch. It is not hard! It can’t be since these are gifts of the Holy Spirit, not things you have to work for.

Price: $15.99

Playtime with Jesus

Helping Kids Know God | Jessica De Krijger

The goal of this little booklet by Jessica De Krijger is to help young children, ages 3 and up, learn how to start hearing God's voice for themselves. It is never too early to teach your children that they can hear from God. They are primed to do this. God's Spirit is urging them to come to Him. So reinforce this call with this beautiful full-color booklet which you can read to your children. Discover more at the Playtime With Jesus Website.

Price: $4.00

Playtime with Jesus workbook

by Jessica de Krijger

This workbook has a coloring book feel that kids love. Children as young as 3 years old all the way up to 10, can start hearing and seeing Jesus for themselves every day. It's easy and it's fun! On each page of this book, Jesus invites your child to come and enjoy a different activity with Him. As they play with Him, they get to know Him, His heart, His character, and most of all His humongous love for them. The goal of this workbook is to help lead your child into a deeper, personal relationship with Him.

Price: $8.00


by Mark and Patti Virkler | 82 Pages

This book is similar in format to Through the Bible, except that Psalms are meditated upon paragraph by paragraph, rather than chapter by chapter (as are the rest of the Bible books in the full text). For those seeking an intensive examination of the book of Psalms, this text is for you.

Price: $9.95

Release from Religion Study Guide

by Tracy Hansen | 100 Pages

This workbook accompanies the book 49 Lies - Religious Lies Jesus Told Me to Stop Believing, providing an extended scriptural meditation of the 49 themes discussed in the two-way journaling found in that book. The two books may be purchased together here.

Price: $12.95
Restoring Health Care as a Ministry

Restoring Health Care as a Ministry

by Mark and Patti Virkler & Dr. Reuben DeHaan | 201 Pages

Contrary to the secularized health care system of the western world, the Bible establishes health care as a ministry which falls under the jurisdiction of the priests:

"And THE PRIEST shall look at the mark on the skin of the body, and if the hair in the infection has turned white and the infection appears to be deeper than the skin of his body...he shall pronounce..." (Lev. 13:3).

Price: $19.95

Rise Up

by Michael Whate | 227 pages

This amazing 40-day journey will explore 40 ways you can encounter God! It introduces you to such topics as experiencing salvation, and welcoming the Holy Spirit. Then on to encountering the Father's love, experiencing forgiveness, hearing God's voice, two-way journaling, spiritual warfare, the law of sowing and reaping, prophecy, speaking in tongues, expectant faith, receiving dreams, experiencing revival, physical healing, inner healing and renouncing the occult.

Price: $14.99
The Secret Place

Secret Place

by William J. Dupley | 112 pages

This book is an account and description of my secret place with the Lord.  It is a true story, it is not fiction. All the details described in this book have happened to me, and I continue to meet with my Heavenly Dad in this place almost every day.  I have described the physical attributes of the secret place, the events that have occurred there, and how God has taught me about His character and loving compassion.

Price: $15.00
Sound Doctrine Through Revelation Knowledge

Sound Doctrine Through Revelation Knowledge

by Dr. Gary Greig & Drs. Mark and Patti Virkler | 84 Pages

Sound doctrine. Correct theology. Sounds easy. Seems like if I would just apply my mind, I could establish sound doctrine and keep myself from heresy and error. And that is exactly what I did for many years, until God stopped me dead in my tracks, and got me to look up every verse in the Bible on doctrine and theology (15 in the NASB and 37 in the NKJV). Wow! Was I in for a surprise! You will be, too, as you go through these verses with me in this book!

Price: $12.95
Spirit Born Creativity

Spirit Born Creativity

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 151 Pages

God made man creative, and, in addition, He has given man the ability to draw upon the eternal creativity of God. Locked within you lies a divine reservoir of creative energy that can transform your life.

God spoke to Marc Huddleston in his two-way journaling, "The quietness of a man's mind in My Presence is the birth place of the release of My limitless creativity."

Price: $10.99
