LaWanda – Jesus, precious Jesus. As I read your words to me, I am undone. O precious Lord, I praise you. I thank you, Lord, for your tenderness, how you handle my heart with such care, “cradling” my head to keep my mind close to your heart and holding me close that I might know the heartbeat of my Savior. O Jesus, how you love us. How you love us so.

I see you today, Lord, holding the earth in your hands. O Lord, how beautiful is your creation. I know you know all things, so you are not surprised at the upside-down condition of the world. I don’t know if it saddens you or excites you. It could sadden you for obvious reasons and it could excite you because it brings you that much closer to returning. I think that I am feeling both. Help me to keep my eyes on you, Lord, and be excited for your return, all the while “doing business” until you do. Guard my heart, Lord, and keep it from hardening when I look at the evil in the world. Help me to cling to you, keeping my eyes on you and my heart on you that I might love those around me in this craziness. I love you, Lord, and thank you that I am sheltered under the wings of the Almighty and from the turmoil of this world.
Jesus – LaWanda, my dear one, my precious, precious one. There is no place I would rather have you than being sheltered in my arms. For if you stand there, you can go anywhere and still be protected. The turmoil of this world, the evil of this world, can only touch you if you let it. Satan is continually at your door, trying to get in. As long as you keep your eyes on me, you do not have to worry. But even if you do open the door, all is not lost. You have the Sword of the Spirit, as your weapon. When you resist the devil with this weapon, he will flee. He must. Use My name and the power of My blood along with My word and he MUST flee.
O my dear one. I have not left you alone to fight this battle. Holy Spirit is always with you, protecting your heart and preparing your mind for battle. Satan is tenacious but Holy Spirit is more so. Remember Holy Spirit is God and Satan is only a fallen angel. Disguised in beauty and light, for sure, but a fallen angel none-the- less. He did not win the battle against the Father, and he will not win the battle he rages against you. Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world!
How to Walk by the Spirit 15th Anniversary Edition
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