LaWanda – ♪♪ Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, there’s just something about that Name. Master, Savior, Jesus, like the fragrance after the rain. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, let all heaven and earth proclaim. Kings and kingdoms shall all pass away, but there’s something about that name. ♪♪
O Jesus, precious Lord, there is indeed something about your name. I love how you love me Lord, how you continually show me that you are in the details of my life, especially when I seem to have “stubbed my toe,” You are always there making meaning out of it. Amazing, Lord, that you use ALL things for our good. I know this, Lord, but it is still amazing!!! Thank you, Jesus, for loving me so.
I see you today, Lord, directing the traffic of my life. You have said that you have ordered my steps and that you will direct my paths. I know these verses, Lord, but I love “seeing” you do it, not just intellectually knowing that you are. Not only have you promised to do it, but you actually WANT to. You want to guide and direct our paths. O how you love us, Lord. Thank you for loving me so, my precious, precious Jesus.
Jesus – LaWanda, my dear one, my precious one, even though you KNOW these things, it never hurts to SEE them. It increases your faith to SEE Me in action in your life. Do you realize what an absolute blessing this is for you – to SEE me at work? What a grace gift to you that the Holy Spirit reveals Me to you in this way.
It is my desire that all My children feel My presence and see Me at work in their lives. Not just the fruit of Me at work in them but actually seeing Me AS I work in their lives just as you have seen Me at work in yours. You saw me bring that one to you for prayer. And then you were compelled to share your testimony with him. This only happened because I first directed J.T. to you for prayer 4 years ago – 4 years ago, LaWanda. Think about that!!! That then led to meeting his friends and Me enabling you to help them in their time of need. Every single one of these steps was ordered by Me, dear one. By ingesting My word you are strengthening the gift of exhortation within you. My word encourages like nothing else. And when you encourage others with your testimonies that are FILLED with My word, Holy Spirit directs them like an arrow straight to the person’s heart. And because they are filled with My word, they are ALIVE. They are REAL to the hearer and Holy Spirit can move exactly as the promises you are quoting say that He will.
O Yes, I am indeed directing the traffic of your life, dear one. This is the importance of continuing to memorize My word. You never know when that new verse that you learn will be needed to encourage the next person I send your way. And there are more on the way, LaWanda. As long as you are breathing, I will be directing the traffic of your life so that you can bless and encourage in your own special way those I send to you. That is, of course, why I am sending specific ones to you rather than someone else. Others I send to others but these I send to you because you have inside you exactly what I want you to give to them. Who would have thought that the verse I gave to you 3 days ago would be the exact verse that that someone would need today to strengthen their faith? And you thought I gave it to you. Silly girl! Remember this, dear one…what I give to you is always to be given away unless I specifically tell you otherwise. You just have to be listening to know when…and then obey. And by the way, in case you haven’t noticed, you are getting pretty good at hearing My voice and obeying. This pleases Me. Look at all the blessings that have resulted from that first prayer with J.T. 4 years ago. Kingdom Math again, LaWanda. I ALWAYS bless and multiply what is given away in My name.
The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord,
And He delights in his way.” Psalm 37:23 NKJV
“ In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:6 NKJV
And that verse He gave me to give away…
“In His shelter in the day of trouble, that’s where you’ll find me, for He hides me there in His holiness. He has smuggled me into His secret place where I’m kept safe and secure – out of reach from all my enemies.” Psalm 27:5 TPT
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