Linda - Lord, I feel you stirring within me and I am excited to hear your words, for there is life in every one of them. Lord, what is “the hope of Your glory”? What does it mean when your word repeatedly talks about, “for the praise of Your glory”?
Vision - Moses is pouring oil over Aaron’s head and it runs down his face and beard dripping down to the edges of his garment.
Now I see Samuel pouring oil over David and as the oil covers David, I see a change on David’s face, like an inner joy, a peace, and a knowing.
I see the baptism of Jesus as He comes up out of the water and the heavens open as the Holy Spirit comes down from heaven and rests on Him. Then he hears God the Father declare his sonship, also love for him, and his pleasure in him.
Linda - OK, Lord, what does all this mean and how does it apply to my life?
Holy Spirit - This oil was used to set apart someone or to empower them for a divine calling or purpose. This was a symbol of God on mere human flesh strengthening and empowering human flesh to do what only God can do. This was an image of Me and a type of baptism that would come later where I am visibly on you, but I am also inside of you, and we would abide together.
Aaron was anointed and yet still made many mistakes, and he sinned greatly which caused great suffering in his life. Being anointed on the outside does not change the inside of a man. What changes a man is when his heart longs for the one the anointing flows from. Many have desired my anointing without paying the price for intimacy.
David knew and loved Me long before his surprise visit from Samuel. He was anointed by Samuel to be king a long time before he was actually made a king. My anointing kept David, protected him, and empowered him to make wise choices. This is also the same power that rested on him as he courageously faced the impossibility of a boy against a giant. Though he also made some mistakes and sinned greatly he realized the emptiness when My Spirit withdrew from him.
Father God - Jesus was baptized in water to fulfill all things as a human, but when he came up out of the water I myself anointed Jesus baptizing Him with the Holy Spirit. My Spirit came down and rested on Him and in Him for He found an abiding place. Jesus heard my voice, my declaration that He is my son, that I am pleased with him. Then later Peter declares Jesus as “the Christ, Son of the living God”. Translate that to, “the Anointed Son of the living God.” Jesus perfectly pleased and completed the work of redemption for all mankind, as he moved and walked in the anointing and the infilling, paving the way for all mankind to follow Him.
What about you, my daughter? This means that you not only have the remarkable resource of a Savior who by the work of redemption has cleansed you, you are now a vessel made ready for my Holy Spirit to anoint you from within. God resting on and in mere human flesh strengthening and enabling mere human flesh to do what only God can do. Christ in you, the hope of glory.
Linda – You are on me, in me, around me. You are Emmanuel, the glory and the praise for all of this belongs to You alone. Thank you, Lord!
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