The vision and two-way journaling below is from Susan Dolliver from British Columbia, Canada. It never ceases to amaze me how Jesus enjoys having fun with His children. I know when I began journaling, I always saw Jesus laughing and He was always telling me to "lighten up" as He had everything covered, and I was too stressed and worried about everything. Yes, the Kingdom is peace and joy (Rom. 14:17), and peace and joy make us pleasant. In addition, these Kingdom emotions promote healing in our bodies.
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Jesus, I love you best when you play. I love to laugh with you and I enjoy teasing each other and just being silly. I love the vision you showed me today of our shoelaces being tied together. Since the other day our waists were tied together, we’re really joined. Is this because I am so serious?
One day at a time. Yesterday was a day of repentance – today is a day of receiving, resting, relaxing. I love playing with you, Susie. Our feet never have to be untied again – unless you choose to. But I think you’d rather be with Me than anything else. No more striving. Striving = strife. It's grunt work, as Mark would say. That’s not the Kingdom way. Leave all the hard work in our Father’s great hands, heart and head. He alone knows how to draw you into the High Places, and He does this through love and joy, not striving & competing & work, work, work. Yes, you feel you are ‘wasting time’ just sitting and being with Me, but that is the path I have set before you. You love to just sit – so just sit! I’m sitting with you, and this simple way of overcoming brings life and joy to your heart more than anything. It’s the practice of the presence of God. If you were busy always I couldn’t get a handhold into your heart as I’m doing now.
When David was minding sheep he’d spend hours just sitting and watching. You watch Me. I’ll keep you happy and entertained so you lose your desire for the earthly things. You don’t need to know more. I am the way. Relax and be with Me. I’ll show you through visions and tell you through Rhema what your heart needs to learn. Roll your way on Me. Cast your care on Me. Trust Me. I am the way. Books are fine, but they’re not Me. The Bible is great but it’s not Me. Prayer is lovely but it’s not Me. These are all the plates the food is served on. I AM THE BREAD. Just taste and see how good I am. Withholding nothing from Me, purifying and lighting your soul on fire for Me alone.
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“No more Grunt Work” Have fun with Jesus”
by Bernice
I needed this today! So much freedom in my core...I thought I needed to do more, but all I really wanted was to be engaged with Jesus. I find myself up all during the night wanting more of Him, and listening to Him speak life into my core...oh this blog brought confirmation of our meeting around 12:57am this morning.
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