Inner healing is defined as allowing Jesus to walk into the pictures in the art gallery of our mind, removing pictures that do not have Jesus in them, and replacing them with pictures that do. You picture the hurtful scene, or in the issue of rape, it is best to NOT go back into the scene, but just after the scene is over. Look at the scene in your mind for one second only. Then Look for Jesus to appear.
The Prayer: "Lord, would You please walk into this scene now and let me see You present in it, ministering Your grace and truth to me." Tune to flowing pictures and flowing thoughts and record what Jesus says and does. It will be powerful. If He touches you, feel His power enter your being, restoring and transforming you.
The following testimony is from a student at Christian Leadership University, taking the course "Prayers That Heal the Heart." It is an example of inner healing, as Jesus walks into a painful memory and heals it with a beautiful vision that gives comfort and encouragement. Thank You, Jesus!
I was prompted this morning to remember an event from my early childhood. When I was about 10 years old I got an incredible Christmas present. This was the most fantastic kid's carpentry set of superb tools made in Germany all encased in a beech wood box. You could make a grandfather's clock with these outstanding small scale tools. For reasons I cannot explain my mother threw the whole set out one day. This event shattered my desire to be creative and I have always had issues trying.
Remembering to bring Jesus into the picture, I asked God for help. I then saw Jesus as a big brother that was helping me with doing some carving on wood. The big brother I wished I had a few thousand times. Jesus then made a sparrow out of a block which came alive and flew away at tremendous speed. I then asked Jesus to help me with the memory of the tool set and I then saw a table full of boys all using the tools to make something unbelievable. This was an example of soul healing for me.
Another Testimony - Healed of 35 Years of PTSD Through Inner Healing and Deliverance Prayer
Do you have deep hurts from the past that you haven't been able to let go of? Learn more about these "Prayers That Heal the Heart" here.
Have you buried painful memories that you now want to invite Jesus to meet you in? Find out how you can be "Counseled by God" today.
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