You can help restore your nation by hosting a home group where your friends go through the DVD series on 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice. This will train them how to hear God's voice and bring His light into their lives on a continual daily basis. Be part of the solution to the world's problems! See God's grace and life released into families, churches, communities and nations by hosting the DVD training on 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice with Dr. Mark Virkler.
Testimony from Lorraine O'Neal (Anchorage, Alaska)
We continue to have our Hearing the Voice of God Workshops… and now almost 1000 people have heard my testimony of how your teaching on Journaling changed my life. Those who attend the workshop are wonderfully surprised when they hear the Lord speak through this simple listening method.
We have the participants rate each module on a 1-5 scale (5 being the highest and 1 meaning “I didn’t like this at all”). Last workshop someone in the class reported that they already had their mind set that journaling was stupid and would never work. They wanted the teaching to end, and then they were going to give a score of 1 for that portion of the class.
Instead God surprised them! Shocked might be a better description! As she followed your simple directions, the Lord spoke to her in such a personal, revealing, and tender way, she instantly became a huge fan of listening for God’s voice through journaling… and her score moved from a -1 to a 5++++ in a matter of minutes.
The Lord bless you greatly!!! I’m ever grateful for your teachings.
Lorraine O’Neal
More about Lorraine's Online Daily Devotionals with Beautiful Pictures
For the past year I've been writing daily prayer devotionals, which I post on my Facebook page and distribute via email. They are just a verse, one or two sentences of thoughts and then a prayer of the scripture with a photo to illustrate the Word. You may view these daily devotionals here. Lorraine would be glad for you to "Friend" her on Facebook and receive these devotions!
Related Resources:
How to Be a Spirit-Led Communicator How to Hear God's Voice! How to Start a Bible School in Your ChurchRelated Blogs:
Saturate the World with Communion with God
Training in the Homes.
by Anonymous
The massage in which you posted through life changing blog seems as if it's a joke but it's Biblical as we are always reminded that home group is an appropriate place to learn and hear Biblical truths. I personally agree and support the I dear of making use of each and every christian home as atraining place where we can watch the DVDS from Mark Virkler our beloved spiritual parent and learn some of the issues that we dont know. If DVDS not available then we can seek books from Communion with God Ministries. Any away all what I would want to comment is that whoever does what Mark Virkler teaches will never be the same but rather will be able to Hear God Voice and be transformed by of the Holy Spirit.
May the blessings of the God be upon you.
Weston Kapasule, Malawi, Kasungu Central Africa.
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