January 2007 – God’s Voice Worldwide – From Dr. Mark Virkler
Author of How to Hear God’s Voice and President of Christian Leadership University
Mission: To equip you to do everything as an outcome of your daily conversations with God, and to train others to do the same.
This newsletter contains:
Bring a group to an upcoming seminar and receive FREE books, free admission to the seminar (maximum value $20), and $125 off your next Christian Leadership University course! Click here to find out how.
Date | Seminar | Location |
Jan. 19,20 | How to Hear God’s Voice | Toronto, ON |
Jan. 21 | Sunday Evening Service | Orchard Park, NY |
Jan. 26-27 | How to Hear God’s Voice | Owego, NY |
Feb. 9,10 | Sense Your Spirit | Manassas, VA |
Mar. 11-14 | How to Hear God’s Voice | Orchard Park, NY |
Mar. 30,31 | Christian Dream Interpretation | Trafford, PA |
Apr. 27-28 | How to Hear God’s Voice | Las Vegas, NV |
Course of the Month: Through the Bible Series
Is one of your New Year’s resolutions to read through the entire Bible this year? Has it been a resolution in years past that fell by the wayside sometime around April? Perhaps it is time to try a different approach. Rather than simply reading through the Bible, wouldn’t it be great to slow down a little and finally get a handle on all those kings and judges and prophets, and how the history of Israel all fits together, and why we should even care about it? The Through the Bible series of eight courses with CLU can help you do just that.
Why not make these courses the foundation of your daily devotions for the next two years? You can start with any of the eight courses. Enroll during the month of January 2007 and you can request a 25% discount off the cost of books and tuition for as many Through the Bible classes that you order. (Students already receiving a financial aid discount can request a 10% discount.) There is no better investment of your time or money that you could ever make than investing in greater knowledge and understanding of the Word of God!
2006 Ministry Report – Another Year of Solid Growth!
Though much of our efforts this year were focused on acquiring and settling into our new facilities, the Lord continued to bless and increase our ministry.
Forty-five Certified Communion With God Facilitators have teamed up with Mark Virkler to teach people how to hear God’s voice! These individuals have a passion to share this life-changing message and they have received specialized training from Mark Virkler. They are posted with their picture, bio and contact information at www.cwgministries.org/certified/facilitators.htm. Please contact them directly and book them to do a CWG seminar for your group!
In addition to these 45 certified CWG facilitators, hundreds of you are teaching the CWG message in your churches and home groups using the DVDs on How to Hear God’s Voice. In the first year of their release, 775 sets have been sold, along with 500 sets of the CDs. Thank you all for sharing this message with your friends. Together we can change the face of Christianity.
Christian Leadership University enrolled 675 new students in 2006, bringing the total number of students who have ever registered to 3594. Currently 2463 students are enrolled in courses, with 202 mission students and 108 prisoners. We had 51 graduates this year, and a wonderful graduation ceremony at Abundant Life International Baptist Cathedral.
Our students may be found in 84 different countries around the world! Click here for the full list.
Our Internet Presence Remained Strong in 2006. In 2005 we more than doubled the traffic to our websites, averaging 67,000 visitors per month. Though we didn’t put much effort into web marketing this year, the numbers were almost unchanged for 2006, totaling about 800,000 visitors for the year.
Our free downloadable books were twice as popular this year! 22,000 English books were downloaded in 2006, as were almost 45,000 non-English books and articles. Specifically, here is how our messages are penetrating various ethnic groups through these free downloads:
Arabic |
Chichewa |
Chinese |
Dutch |
French |
German |
Hausa |
Hindi |
Italian |
Korean |
Polish |
Russian |
Spanish |
Tagalog |
Telugu |
Urdu |
Yoruba |
Zou |
Others |
Total |
One reason for the exceptionally high number of Spanish downloads is our strong presence in the search engines. For example, you will see us listed at the top of the page when doing a Google search for the popular phrase “Libros Cristianos Gratis,” which is Spanish for “Free Christian Books.”
We praise God for His hand of blessing upon us!
Journaling and Healing in the Philippines – Emmanuel Abrea shares his story
“Ejoy (our youngest daughter; 5 years old) got vomited for 3 days and 3 nights and with some LBM. We rushed her to the Doctor on her first day of vomiting, but it was not stopped. On the second night, she vomited continually and cried because of her stomach was aching. We don’t know what to do; we agreed to rush her to the hospital but the Holy Spirit reminded us to listen to the voice of the Great Shepherd Jesus. So we prayed so hard and while praying, I received the following messages from the Lord:
“Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Peace I give unto you...
Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who depends on flesh for his strength and whose heart turns away from the LORD...
Resist the devil, and he will flee from you”
“After hearing these words, we asked God’s forgiveness, we submitted our lives to Him; we stand on in His promises and then started rebuking the devil. Then, we felt the presence of the Lord in the midst of our room and Ejoy calm down! Praise the Lord for His miracle!
“We thought that this sickness was over. But it wasn’t! Ejoy vomited again for the third night. She is crying so loud and saying to God: ‘Lord Jesus, why don’t you heal me completely? I’m tired of vomiting and can’t able to bear this pain!’ After hearing this, I put her into my arms to comfort her and start praying: ‘Lord Jesus, what is your message to us? Please talk and I’m listening.’
“While saying this prayer and closing my eyes, I saw the Lord Jesus appearing in a vision, He went inside the stomach (looks like a roaring waves and strong wind) of Ejoy and then He said: ‘Quiet! Be still!’ Then I saw Ejoy’s stomach died down and it was completely calm. After seeing this vision, she was completely healed! Her vomiting was stopped and her stomach aching was gone! Glory to the Lord Jesus!”
You or your group can support this missionary to the Philippines:
Emmanuel Abrea desperately needs $488 per month to meet his family’s needs. Contact him at emanabrea@yahoo.com.
Tent-making Activity (Acts 18:1-4)
We just received the following report from our good friend Jan Balch.
“Clare and I want to wish you a happy New Year! We are very excited about the juice. My Aunt Gwen has been taking it only 3 weeks and has found it has improved her leg situation...she was able to shop for Christmas for the first time in 2 years, since having a hip replacement. She also said her blood sugar levels have dropped down to normal now as well! She is VERY happy! Yet another great benefit to taking ‘The happy juice!’”
Click here to learn more. Then start your own 90-day trial to see what this life-changing superfood can do for you or someone you love.
Laughter Is Healing to the Bones – “The Computer is Down”
Two priests died at the same time and met Saint Peter at the Pearly Gates. St. Peter said, “I'd like to get you guys in now, but our computer is down. You’ll have to go back to Earth for about a week, but you can’t go back as priests. So what else would you like to be?”
The first priest says, “I’ve always wanted to be an eagle, soaring above the Rocky Mountains.”
“So be it,” says St. Peter, and off flies the first priest.
The second priest mulls this over for a moment and asks, “Will any of this week ‘count’, St. Peter?”
“No, I told you the computer’s down. There’s no way we can keep track of what you’re doing.”
“In that case,” says the second priest, “I’ve always wanted to be a stud.”
“So be it,” says St. Peter, and the second priest disappears.
“He’s on a snow tire, somewhere in North Dakota.”
Grace Chinese Lutheran Church seeking an assistant pastor in the New York City area. Contact Annie Young at 718-760-4132. ssayoung@gmail.com
New translation posted – Spread the word to those who could benefit!
Special thanks to Jocelyn Agpalo for translating the Four Keys to Hearing God’s Voice into Ilocano.
We have received offers from individuals around the world to translate our books into various languages, and we now have free material available on our website in 24 different languages (plus English!). We appreciate each and every person who has given of their time and talent for this work. If you would like to volunteer to translate any of our materials, please contact Mark Virkler.
Start a Lamad Encounter Group in your home or church today!
E-mail: mark@cluonline.com
Websites: cluonline.com and cwgministries.org
Enroll in Christian Leadership University: cluonline.com/apply
Mark’s speaking itinerary: cwgministries.org/itinerary
Online shopping for books by Mark and Patti Virkler: cwgministries.org/catalog
Ordination opportunity: cluonline.com/network
Establish a church-centered Bible school: cwgministries.org/college