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CWG Ministries Newsletter - God's Voice World Wide - September 2007

September 2007 Gods Voice Worldwide

From Dr. Mark Virkler, Author of How to Hear Gods Voice and President of Christian Leadership University

Mission: To equip you to do everything as an outcome of your daily conversations with God, and to train others to do the same.

This newsletter contains:
Seminar Schedule (plus free group bonuses)
A Victory Celebration for Dialogue With God!
September Special Dialogue With God at over 30% off!
Dialogue with God Changes Peoples Lives!
Healed from Disdaining the Left Side of the Brain
CLU a Lifeline to Those Who Are Thirsty
Enroll in CLU and Save $125.00 Off Your First Course
A CLU Student in Kuwait Takes CWG to Sri Lanka
New Article by Mark Virkler Poised Before Almighty God
Clayton Virkler Provides a Revelation on the Voice of God
Correction on August Newsletter
Laughter Heals!
Tent-Making Activity
Start a Lamad Encounter Group

Bring a group to an upcoming seminar and receive FREE books, free admission to the seminar (maximum value $20), and $125 off your next Christian Leadership University course! Click here to find out how.


 Sept. 14-16    How to Hear Gods Voice    Stratford, ON 
 Oct. 5-7 How to Hear Gods Voice   Rocky Mount, NC  
 Oct. 12,13 How to Hear Gods Voice   New Freedom, PA  
 Nov. 9,10 How to Hear Gods Voice   Birmingham, AL  

Seminar details available at

Join Us in a Victory Celebration for Dialogue With God!

Bridge-Logos Publishers has kept Dialogue with God in print for 21 years (since 1986), and you will see from their website, Dialogue With God is still listed as one of their top 20 bestselling books! This hardly ever happens.

Plus you will see that Dialogue With God is keeping very good company as other titles in the top 20 include: The Fourth Dimension by David Yonggi Cho, Run Baby Run by Nicky Cruz, The Holy Spirit & You by Dennis & Rita Bennett, Daughter of Destiny and I Believe In Miracles both by Kathryn Kuhlman, Only Believe by Smith Wigglesworth and many other outstanding classics. What an honor to be listed among some of our favorite authors!

Thank you for recommending Dialogue With God to others. This book transforms peoples lives.

This Celebration Includes a Huge Discount so you can bless your friends! During September 2007 you may order a pack of 10 copies of Dialogue With God to distribute to your loved ones for a discounted price of only $89.95 (over 30% off the retail price). Be a world-changer. Change 10 or 100 peoples lives.

Look what happens when people read Dialogue With God!
  Greetings in the Name of Our Lord Jesus! Just recently, very, Ive ordered and received materials for the course, Communion With God. Then I went on vacation, and took the CDs with me, and started reading, and using the workbook. I am almost blown away by the amazing move of the Holy Spirit in my life just with what Ive experienced so far!

Thank you so much, Dr. Virkler, for your willing spirit to seek, hear and follow the Voice of God! Ive shared the CDs with 5 other people this past week, and three of them want to know, Is it possible to order the CD set? I said, I dont know, but Ill see if I can find out. I will tell you, Dr. Virkler, this is what I have been looking for, seems like forever! And my friends are saying the same thing! And one is 87 years old! Blessings to you, and thank you again.

Gloria J. Brown

A CLU student writes: Your mentoring through CLU courses has produced tremendous growth in my walk and intimacy with the Lord and in my development as a teacher and leader. I am leaving a deposit in my church of hearing Gods voice, healing and deliverance as a result of your teaching. I thank God for you! Words alone cannot convey our gratitude about what your teaching has meant to us.

A CLU student learns to honor the left side of her brain and brings healing to her marriage

  As I am studying the Communion With God course, I am hearing that many of us have disdained the visionary capacity the Lord has given us. For me, this has not been too much of a problem. But, when walking through the Wal-Mart parking lot the other day I felt the Lord speak very clearly to me, You have disdained the left side of your brain and along with that, the people that seem to use their left brains a lot!

OH MY! I never would have thought that, but it is so true. It was almost as if a huge chalkboard was in the sky with Him writing this, YOU HAVE DISDAINED THE LEFT SIDE OF YOUR BRAIN in my eyes view. In His humor, He reminded me that the visionary part of this course seems to come easily for me, but that it is much more difficult for me to do the memorization!!!! Of course, SWIFT repentance came and I am more aware of what is going on and I am adjusting my attitudes.

My husband Charlie is very gifted in analytical thought processes as well as creativity. He is still on his journey to finding Jesus and I am very excited about the gift of repentance the Lord has given me about the left side of the brain. I unknowingly for 12 years since I met the Lord have disdained my husbands analytical processes. My oh my, can this be another release in the spirit for him as well?

Lynn (a CLU Student)

CLU a Lifeline to Those Who Are Thirsty

  I was saved in a Charismatic Pentecostal church 20 years ago, but Ive been attending a little non-denominational church in my hometown for the past 8 years. They dont embrace the charismatic movement, especially praying in tongues.

My heart has cried out to God for a way to stay at my church but connect to a charismatic group/study. And I have also wanted to work on a
Doctorate in Worship Ministry. I am so glad God led me to the CLU website I feel like the Holy Spirit threw me a lifeline to His heart and answered all my prayers.

Ive begun working through How to Hear Gods Voice, and this course is challenging me to move to a new level of closeness with God and providing freedom to embrace my charismatic roots again! Thank you, thank you, thank you

Suzi Kerst

Save $125.00 during the month of September 2007!
Enroll in CLU and take
REN103 Communion with God at the special discount price of only $216.84 + S&H. (Graduate version discounted to $319.78 + S&H.) Sign up today!

Richard Kerr, a CLU Student in Kuwait, Takes CWG to Sri Lanka
  Sponsored by The Lighthouse Church in Kuwait, a twelve person crew traveled from Kuwait to Sri Lanka with a vision for rebuilding Godly spiritual walls in Sri Lanka. The team joined forces with Lanka Bible College, Kandy and Calvary Church, Colombo to conduct a Praise & Worship conference at each location. A three day seminar on How to Hear the Voice of God was taught at each location seeing a combined audience of over 400 participants.

While in Kandy I had the opportunity to dedicate a Christian church building at the Open Doors Prison. When I mentioned the possibility of a program to teach prisoners CLU courses, I gained immediate attention to the possibility Praise God. Only He could have opened that door.

With deepest gratitude, a heartfelt thanks goes out to all CWG Ministry and CLU Staff that teamed with us to make this a huge success.

Rick Kerr

Newly posted article by Mark Virkler
Poised Before Almighty God may now be downloaded from our Free Books and Articles section and passed around to your friends. It was written to help you establish vision in its rightful place in your life.

A Revelation from Clayton Virkler, Mark Virklers Father
  We have read about the four keys and while meditating on that, this thought came to me: We easily say that Satan tempts us through our thoughts. He doesnt use an audible voice. Why then have we been handicapped by thinking that God must speak in an audible voice? Just as Satan enters our thought life, we can be assured that rather than with an audible voice God is speaking to us also through our thought life.

It seems that we have been hung up on the audible voice thing too long. Your key #1 speaks of a spontaneous flow of thoughts. As we discussed this last night, everyone realized that they could receive direct information from God in their hearts, just as if he spoke audibly. I believe this will be a turning point in each life for they will be more encouraged to be attentive to these thoughts.

This was even a tremendous revelation to me. So you see--expressing these thoughts over and over in many different ways will eventually break through to our understanding.

We surely appreciate all your work in this endeavor to hear the voice of God.


Correction: The Journaling in the August 2007 newsletter was mistakenly attributed to Ben Lunis. The journaling was actually from another reader, who prefers to be acknowledged simply as Ben. We apologize for the error.

Laughter Heals
A young man had just gotten his driving permit. He asked his father, who was a minister, if they could discuss the use of the car. His father took him to his study and said to him, Ill make a deal with you. You bring your grades up, study your Bible a little and get your hair cut and well talk about it.

After about a month the boy came back and again asked his father if they could discuss use of the car. They again went to the fathers study where his father said, Son, Ive been real proud of you. You have brought your grades up, youve studied your Bible diligently, but you didnt get your hair cut!

The young man waited a moment and replied, Dad, Ive been thinking about that. You know, Samson had long hair, Moses had long hair, Noah had long hair, and even Jesus had long hair. To which his father replied, Yes, and they all walked everywhere they went!

Tent-Making Activity (Acts 18:1-4)
We have another exciting testimony from a man in our group who decided to take us up on our 90 day risk-free challenge. Initially the benefits he saw from the juice were more restful sleep at night and relief from dry eyes. Then just this week we received an email from him with an update after several months of using the product:

  Thank you for your help with the juice. Since Ive been taking it my cholesterol has gone from 269 to 213 without any changes in diet or exercise.

My wife Linda just started taking it as well, to help her with IBS. Its only been about 3 weeks, and she says she already sees improvement.

John Bennett

Come on! What have you got to lose? Why not give this delicious natural juice a try, and see what it can do for you?

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Start a
Lamad Encounter Group in your home or church today!

Websites: and
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Marks speaking itinerary:
Online shopping for books by Mark and Patti Virkler:
Ordination opportunity:
Establish a church-centered Bible school:



Results 1 - 10 of 485


4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice

4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 305 Pages | Retail: $16.99

Have you ever wished you could just sit down and have a long talk with the Lord? Wouldn't it be wonderful to move beyond having a theology that states that God loves you to actually hearing Him whisper words of love into your heart? When you're worried or confused, wouldn't you love to see the situation from His perspective and hear how He wants you to respond?

Price: $14.95

Dialogue with God

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 296 Pages

This top seller for 30 years from Bridge Logos provides a narrative, right-brain presentation of the principles of how to hear God's voice. Especially enjoyable for personal use, it makes a great gift for introducing a loved one to the voice of God. This book teaches the four keys to hearing God's voice in readable style, and also devotes two entire chapters to moving samples of people's journaling (i.e. their two-way dialogue with God).

Price: $17.95
Hear God's Voice Guaranteed Package

Hear God's Voice Guaranteed Package

9 Books | 10 CDs | 10 DVDs | Save Over 20%

Have you ever wished you could just sit down and have a long talk with the Lord? Wouldn't it be wonderful to move beyond having a theology that states that God loves you to actually hearing Him whisper words of love into your heart? When you're worried or confused, wouldn't you love to see the situation from His perspective and hear how He wants you to respond? When things don't seem to be going your way and your prayers aren't answered the way you had hoped, wouldn't it be great to hear Him tell you where He is in the midst of it, and what He is working out in your life? Are you ever just a little bit jealous of others who say with such confidence, "The Lord said...."?

Price: $175.00

How to Hear God's Voice

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 317 Pages

We recommend that you order the newest revision of this book titled 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice. It includes 95% of the content of How to Hear God's Voice but is reorganized so it fits perfectly with the 10 DVDs on this subject by Mark Virkler. In addition, it gets you started using the four keys earlier in the book and gives you more journaling samples and exercises. Since we have removed the large margins, it is a smaller and less expensive book.

Price: $24.95

Prayers That Heal the Heart - Revised & Expanded 20th Anniversary Edition

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 320 Pages

Prayer counseling that breaks every yoke! Everything you need to experience deep healing of your soul and spirit.

Did you know that you don’t need to be continually plagued by negative thoughts, feelings, pictures or memories?

It is not part of the "human condition" to feel the constant nagging of doubt, insecurity, or anger. No matter what sin you are trying to overcome, what lie you think you’ll always believe, or what traumas your heart has suffered in the past, you will receive total freedom and restoration by praying these prayers in faith. 

Price: $19.95

Counseled by God

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 146 Pages

Have you ever been defeated by negative emotions such as anger, fear, guilt, inferiority, condemnation or depression? Have you tried to fight them off unsuccessfully? Is there an answer that is deeper than simply trying to mentally reason yourself out of these emotions? Is there a way that Jesus can speak a word of life into the depths of your emotional despair and bring healing on a deep level? Is there a form of Christian counseling that begins and ends with the movement of Christ within your heart, rather than simply with the words of man?

Price: $10.95
Hear God Through Your Dreams Workbook Cover

Hear God Through Your Dreams Workbook

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 92 Pages

A newer book has been released that accompanies this workbook: Click here for Hearing God Through Your Dreams by Charity Kayembe and Mark Virkler (featured on Sid Roth's "It's Supernatural", with almost a million views just on YouTube).

Do you often wake up feeling there was a significant message in your dream, but you’re just not sure what it is? Like Daniel and Joseph, do you long to be able to help others understand their own dreams and win them to Christ as you explain His night messages to them? Wouldn't it be nice if you could receive mid-course corrections from the Lord while you sleep? Do you wish you could be receiving divine inspiration, creative solutions to problems, and direction from the Lord during that third of your life that you’re “just” sleeping?

Price: $11.95

Hearing God Through Your Dreams

by Mark Virkler and Charity Virkler Kayembe | 292 Pages

Learn How to Hear God’s Voice, Even When You Are Sleeping

It is always fun to be on the winning team. Well look what God has done with Charity's new dreams teaching. It has taken off like a rocket with a live TV interview on Cornerstone Network and her Sid Roth interview which has almost a million views on YouTube!

Price: $16.99

Everyday Angels

by Charity Virkler Kayembe and Joe Brock 289 Pages

You can partner with Heaven’s angelic hosts!

Do you have guardian angels? Does God want you to know them? Find out what Scripture reveals and how YOU can interact with the company of Heaven!

The supernatural realm permeates our natural world! Therefore, experiencing angels should be an everyday occurrence–we simply need to open our spiritual eyes to their reality and role in our lives.

Price: $16.99
Hearing God

Hearing God - for Intimacy, Healing, Creativity, Meditation and Dream Interpretation

by Mark Virkler and Patti Virkler | 192 Pages

Reviewed by Sid Roth on It's SupernaturalWhat does it sound like to hear from Heaven? In this interactive journal, Dr. Mark Virkler takes you on a life-changing journey that reveals three powerful ways you can hear God’s voice and recognize how He is speaking in your life everyday.

Price: $16.95
