March 2010 Gods Voice Worldwide
From Dr. Mark Virkler, Author of How to Hear Gods Voice and President of Christian Leadership University Mission: To equip you to do everything as an outcome of your daily conversations with God, and to train others to do the same.
A pastor in the group shared that he had a pain in his intestines for the last four months and, though he had laid hands on himself, he had not improved. What could I suggest? I invited him to the front for prayer, and asked for a right-brain seer to volunteer to come forward also to look for vision as we prayed. I asked him what happened in his life four months earlier, when the pain had begun. He said that there was nothing that he could remember. So we began to pray. The prophet saw in a vision that four months earlier the Lord had offered him a basket of fruit and he had not been able to receive it. The pastor then remembered that it was at that time that he had earnestly sought God for the gift of tongues, and not received it. He was very disappointed and pained in his spirit that God had not answered his prayer. Well, the pain in his spirit had produced a pain in his body. He repented of his distrust toward God and asked forgiveness for this sin. We commanded the pain to leave his body, and it did. I then offered some left-brain teaching on how to receive the gift of tongues. We went to Acts 2:4 and helped him see that they spoke as the Spirit gave the utterance, and if he wanted to speak in tongues, he had to speak and let the Spirit guide the formation of the syllables (i.e., tune to flow and whatever syllables flowed out, that would be from the River of God within John 7:37-39). It is like Peter who walked on the water. Peter had to walk (which was a natural phenomenon), but Jesus kept his feet from sinking (which was a supernatural phenomenon). For a miracle to happen, there is often a natural and a supernatural component. We do the natural thing God asks us to do (in the case of speaking in tongues, this is to speak), and let God do the supernatural (which in this case is to let the formation of the syllables come from our spirits i.e., from flow, and not control the formation of the syllables with our minds). The result is a supernatural language miracle in which we speak in tongues. (This teaching is found in our booklet How to Receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.) We prayed together with the pastor, instructing him to worship first in his native language, and then to worship using flow, not directing the syllables himself. He did this and began speaking in tongues! So the healing was complete. No more pain in his spirit or his body. And he received the basket of fruit which the Lord had offered that he did not know how to receive four months earlier. A prophet and a teacher ministered together, honoring both the right-brain prophet and the left-brain teacher and the results were spectacular. Why dont you team up with someone with a different gifting than yours and minister Gods grace together? The results will be amazing! Glory be to God!
When I asked what she was seeking, she said: More of God. Immediately, I SAW her faith. I saw her surrendered and open and fully trusting herself into Gods hands to do whatever He wanted in that moment. There were three visiting missionaries who had already started to pray. I was interpreting their prayers. But really, I was just waiting (respectfully) for them to stop (become still) so that the Holy Spirit could direct what needed to take place.
![]() Every week we have people line up to tell their spoils of war how God used them in miracles on the streets of Las Vegas. If God can do it here, He can do it anywhere! God is raising an army who can catch the initiatives of heaven, bringing the miraculous flow of power from heaven to earth. See for teaching CDs, DVDs, and books.
![]() Well, that has changed, because I just lost 34 pounds in 43 days (and 6 inches off my waist) with no weakness and no hunger. And the two others in our offices who have tried it have also lost an average of 5 6 pounds per week for each week they have been on this diet. The diet goes from a minimum of three weeks to a maximum of six weeks and then you cycle off it for 21 days. You can read more about my weight loss testimony here as well as order the homeopathic drops.
![]() Benjamin & Pam Waldrum Fresno, CA ![]()
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Forward this link to your friends as a way to introduce them to hearing Gods voice and Christian dream interpretation. Currently it is posted at Catch the Fire look for Mark Virkler. It will soon be moved to the archive section of the CBN website.
So instinctively nothing changes, although at this point in my life I do know how to purposely step from the left to the right side of my brain so I can receive spontaneous thoughts and spontaneous pictures from the Lord. Give the test a try and pass it around to your friends, and then encourage them to get the book How to Hear Gods Voice so they can learn to quickly come into whole brain balance and more easily catch the initiatives of heaven.
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